Showing posts with label Granddaughter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Granddaughter. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2018

Kendall Jenner"s Dog Bit Granddaughter of Prominent Lawyer Who Calls Her "Arrogant"

The little girl who was allegedly bitten by Kendall Jenner’s dog has a powerful grandfather who is furious at Kendall and bf Ben Simmons, saying they were “arrogant” and uncaring that his granddaughter was allegedly attacked. Divorce attorney Bob…


Thursday, July 26, 2018

OJ Simpson to Khloe Kardashian: Let Me See My Granddaughter!

According to a bombshell new report, OJ Simpson has a killer idea.

The former NFL running back, convicted robber and alleged double murderer is supposedly trying to contact Khloe Kardashian because he really want to spend time with her three-month old child, True.

Because the little girl is very cute and precious and Simpson just can’t get enough of cuddly babies?

Sure, maybe.

At least two things listed in that sentence as accurate.

But Simpson has a different motive for angling to cradle True Thompson. And that is this:

She’s his granddaughter!

Yes, his granddaughter.

For many years now, various tabloid articles (and cover stories, even) have alleged that Kris Jenner carried on an affair with Simpson many decades ago.

This relationship reportedly took place while Kris was married to Robert Kardashian, who was part of Simpson’s legal defense team after he was accused of killing his ex-wife in 1994.

Jenner and Simpson really were close, this much is true.

But did they hook up? And did said hook up produce Khloe Kardashian?!?

“I have never heard such crap in my life,” Jenner once said in response to this rumor.

Still, the chatter persists, to the point that a source at the Nevada prison where Simpson was incarcerated until last fall claims that Jenner called Simpson “at least once a week” and begged him to take a DNA test in order to quiet all this seemingly crazy talk.

Simpson didn’t listen, however.

And Radar Online even writes that “O.J. believes now more than ever that Khloe is his daughter, because True looks so much like his son Justin did when he was a baby.”

We can’t vouch for that assertion, but we can share a recent photo of little True:

AWWWW, right?

Simpson is the biological father to Arnelle, 49, and Jason, 48, from his first marriage to Marguerite Whitley; and Sydney, 32, and Justin, 30, from his marriage to Nicole Brown, who he probably murdered.

Sources have said he’s only on speaking terms with his oldest, Arnelle.

This might explain why OJ is dying to hang out with True, who he actually believes to be his grandkid.

“Now that he’s out of prison, he wants his family around, but he really doesn’t have much family left,” an insider tells Radar, adding:

“If True is his grandchild, then he absolutely wants to be a part of her life.”

That makes sense, we guess.

But this is just so not what Khloe needs at the moment!

She’s busy these days trying to rebuild her relationship with Tristan Thompson, following his serial infidelity last year.

We can’t imagine the reality star wants to deal with both her relationship with that cheater and her relationship with a man who likely cheated the legal system by committing a double homicide and getting away with it.

“Thinking about the possibility that she’s not a real Kardashian has always gotten her down, but now that she’s a mom, she’s super-protective,” a source concludes to Radar.

This also makes sense.

All new mothers are protective of their kids.

But when the person who wants to see said kid almost definitely stabbed his former wife to death several times?

We can’t blame Khloe for being hesitant about letting OJ into her life.


Monday, May 7, 2018

Killer of Morgan Freeman"s Granddaughter Convicted of Manslaughter

The man who stabbed Morgan Freeman’s step-granddaughter 25 times dodged a murder conviction … but still got nailed for manslaughter. The judge handed down the decision Monday in NYC. Lamar Davenport killed E’Dena Hines back in…


Saturday, March 24, 2018

MLK Jr."s Granddaughter Speaks About Guns at March for Our Lives: I Have a Dream, Too!

Yolanda Renee King — granddaughter of Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King — took the stage at March for Our Lives … and gave a rousing speech her granddad would be proud of. The 9-year-old walked out with Parkland student Jaclyn…


MLK Jr."s Granddaughter Speaks About Guns at March for Our Lives: I Have a Dream, Too!

Yolanda Renee King — granddaughter of Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King — took the stage at March for Our Lives … and gave a rousing speech her granddad would be proud of. The 9-year-old walked out with Parkland student Jaclyn…


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Amy Roloff: Look! I Really Do Love My Granddaughter! I Swear!

Amy Roloff would like to set the record straight.

The Little People, Big World star has found herself at the center of an unexpected controversy after she took a road trip with her boyfriend right around the time her daughter-in-law was due to give birth.

Many fans couldn’t believe it.

They didn’t understand how Amy could risk not being nearby when her second grandchild entered the world.

From there, Instagram followers took issue with Roloff after Ember Jean was born to Audrey and Jeremy Roloff…

… and yet instead of sharing precious baby photos, Amy chose instead to shill for various products online.

Of course, we now know that Audrey has been suffering from some postpartum depression and that she and Jeremy have chosen to keep their private lives mostly private until they adjust to life as a new parents.

In other words:

Of course Amy Roloff hasn’t purposely been withholding photos of Ember.

Of course she loves the latest newborn in her family.

But with questions (somehow) being raised over this fact, Amy has taken to Instagram in order to make her feelings known.

“I’m over the moon the 2nd time as a grandma. I’m thrilled seeing and visiting with my granddaughter Ember Jean (Jer and Auj daughter),” Amy wrote as a caption to the first photo shared above.

“She is so precious and beautiful. Can’t wait to post a picture or two of her soon,” she added.

That aforementioned photo, of course, is of Jackson, Tori and Zach’s four-month old son.

Amy has shared it because she’s showing respect for Audrey and Jeremy during their transition.

“In the meantime Jackson is growing up so fast,” she also wrote as a caption.

“Love his smile and laugh and wanting to grab everything. He came over to wish Grandma Amy a Happy Birthday the other day.

“#secondact #grandmaamy #grandkidsareablessing #godisgoodalway.”

We can’t wait to meet Ember, of course.

We’re excited to see as many pictures of her as possible. HOWEVER…

“While I am overflowing with love for my daughter and husband, I won’t sugar coat it… these past two weeks have been HARD,” Audrey admitted on Instagram this week.

“I was well prepared for the pain and suffering that comes with childbirth, but I was not prepared for the pain and suffering that comes afterwards,” she added.

We totally get it. We totally understand. We totally hope Audrey takes all the time she needs to heal up, both mentally and physically.

Until then, hey…we’ll settle for more Jackson Kyle pics!

The kid is a cutie patootie!


Monday, September 25, 2017

Matt Roloff: My Granddaughter Will Be a Star!

Little People, Big World are asking two questions these days:

  1. Isn’t is SO exciting that Audrey Roloff gave birth and that she welcomed a little girl named Ember Jean into the world with husband Jeremy on September 10?!?

  2. Where the heck are all the Ember Jean photos we expected to see?

Perhaps spoiled by the influx of adorable pictures Tori and Zach Roloff share on a constant basis of their newborn son, fans of his TLC series have been clamoring for more snapshots of the second Roloff baby of the last few months.

Sneaking out in the middle of the night to make sure Ember Jean had her own personal Welcome home sign…. grandpa Roloff style. – Matt Roloff on Facebook.

In a new Facebook post, however, patriarch Matt Roloff assures followers that images are on the way.

This is just a pretty big adjustment period for Audrey and Jeremy.

“Miss Ember Jean…the most perfect package life can deliver,” Matt wrote, adding of his second grandchild:

“She’s a bit shy now as mom and dad get her settled into her normal daily routine but you all are going love the result.

“This little baby is a big-time star, just wait and see.”

Hey, of course.

We’ll wait a very long time; whatever it takes until Jeremy and Audrey feel comfortable. There’s truly nothing in life like getting used to caring for a tiny human being 24 hours per day, seven days a week.

Audrey was over a week late with her delivery, but everyone appears to be nice and healthy.

“Spent the morning hanging out with Jackson and Ember on her first ever visit to the farm,” added Matt on Facebook on Sunday afternoon.

The new season of Little People, Big World is expected to focus extensively on Audrey, Jeremy and their path to parenthood.

Just a few days after becoming a mother, Audrey shared the following note on Instagram:

Natural labor was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but holding our baby for the first time was undeniably the most empowering and rewarding moment of my life.

She continued:

Of course, I wrote “always more” on my hand when I went into labor, but never have these words carried more meaning.

The whole time I just kept reminding myself of the MORE that was within me through Christ – that I could keep enduring, surrendering, trusting, and pushing more and more because of Christ’s strength within me.

And she concluded:

Sweet little Ember, may you always be a light in the darkness, glowing in all you do, enduring, feirce, and hard to extinguish.

May you always believe in the more that is within you, and when stoked and kindled by your Creator – may you be able to burn and glow even MORE than you ever could on you own.

We love you so much Ember Jean Roloff. Thank you for making us “mom and dad.”

Pretty darn sweet, right?

“So much to say, but for now we’re resting at home soaking In the present – honored that we’ve been entrusted with this little life,” Jeremy has also written.

These two should take all the time they need.

This is a unique period of their life and they should soak up every nanosecond.

We wish them nothing but the very best!
