Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Amy Roloff: Look! I Really Do Love My Granddaughter! I Swear!

Amy Roloff would like to set the record straight.

The Little People, Big World star has found herself at the center of an unexpected controversy after she took a road trip with her boyfriend right around the time her daughter-in-law was due to give birth.

Many fans couldn’t believe it.

They didn’t understand how Amy could risk not being nearby when her second grandchild entered the world.

From there, Instagram followers took issue with Roloff after Ember Jean was born to Audrey and Jeremy Roloff…

… and yet instead of sharing precious baby photos, Amy chose instead to shill for various products online.

Of course, we now know that Audrey has been suffering from some postpartum depression and that she and Jeremy have chosen to keep their private lives mostly private until they adjust to life as a new parents.

In other words:

Of course Amy Roloff hasn’t purposely been withholding photos of Ember.

Of course she loves the latest newborn in her family.

But with questions (somehow) being raised over this fact, Amy has taken to Instagram in order to make her feelings known.

“I’m over the moon the 2nd time as a grandma. I’m thrilled seeing and visiting with my granddaughter Ember Jean (Jer and Auj daughter),” Amy wrote as a caption to the first photo shared above.

“She is so precious and beautiful. Can’t wait to post a picture or two of her soon,” she added.

That aforementioned photo, of course, is of Jackson, Tori and Zach’s four-month old son.

Amy has shared it because she’s showing respect for Audrey and Jeremy during their transition.

“In the meantime Jackson is growing up so fast,” she also wrote as a caption.

“Love his smile and laugh and wanting to grab everything. He came over to wish Grandma Amy a Happy Birthday the other day.

“#secondact #grandmaamy #grandkidsareablessing #godisgoodalway.”

We can’t wait to meet Ember, of course.

We’re excited to see as many pictures of her as possible. HOWEVER…

“While I am overflowing with love for my daughter and husband, I won’t sugar coat it… these past two weeks have been HARD,” Audrey admitted on Instagram this week.

“I was well prepared for the pain and suffering that comes with childbirth, but I was not prepared for the pain and suffering that comes afterwards,” she added.

We totally get it. We totally understand. We totally hope Audrey takes all the time she needs to heal up, both mentally and physically.

Until then, hey…we’ll settle for more Jackson Kyle pics!

The kid is a cutie patootie!
