Friday, May 4, 2018

Jenelle Evans Feuds with Jeremy Calvert Over Guns: Don"t Come at Me, Bro!

Jenelle Evans … where do we even start?

It"s obvious that the girl isn"t doing so well right now, for whatever reason.

After all, people who are well do not follow strangers to their homes and then threaten them with guns.

There"s a whole, whole lot going on with her right now, and we"ve been talking about it for a while.

But now Jeremy Calvert has thrown his two cents in about what happened and what should be done about it.

And, wouldn"t you know it, Jenelle is PISSED.

1. Here We Go …

Here we go

So, as you’ve probably heard, Jenelle is in a little bit of hot water right now.

2. Road Rage

Jenelle pointing fingers

There was an incident last week, and while right now it’s a he said, she said situation, the gist of it is that Jenelle got some serious road rage and followed a guy back to his house to confront him.

3. Oh, Honey

Jenelle evans is thick

According to the transcript from her 911 call, a man was driving erratically and hit his brakes right in front of her, and when she hit hers to avoid crashing into him, it nearly gave Jace whiplash. Poor Jenelle, right?

4. Why?

Jenelle evans sunglasses son jace

But according to the man and a few other witnesses, she was the one acting a fool on the road, and when this guy passed her, she lost it. She followed him home, hit some cars and some mailboxes on his property, then got out of the car with a gun in her hand. She left before police arrived.

5. Not a Great Look

Jenelle evans promoting lipstick

So this is bad. This is really, really bad.

6. Consequences

Jenelle evans playful selfie

Could Jenelle get charged with something? It seems like she definitely broke a few laws here, right? Even if she doesn’t face some legal consequences for this, it seems clear that something is going on with her — could she be headed for a classic Jenelle breakdown? At the very least, could she be fired from Teen Mom 2 for this?

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