Thursday, October 20, 2016

Tom Cruise and James Corden Recreate Iconic Movie Scenes

Tom Cruise will next be seen in the sequel to Jack Reacher that absolutely no one has been clamoring for.

We somehow doubt it will go down in history as one of Cruise’s most beloved films.

Love the actor or think he’s a Scientology-obsessed lunatic, however, you must admit:

The guy has starred in some incredibly entertaining movies.

Moreover, he’s starred in some iconic movie scenes.

Such as what? We’re so glad you asked!

Cruise was a guest on The Late Late Show with James Corden on Wednesday night, showing off some impressive comic chops and reminding us why he’s such a legendary actor.

“Are you ready to do this?” Corden asked the Jack Reacher star, who walked out on stage wearing a black t-shirt and jeans topped with an olive bomber jacket.

“No, I’m not ready, but I’ll do it,” he replied with a laugh.

If you’ll recall, Anna Kendrick did something similar with Corden back in June, jumping from scene to scene while acting out a love story soundtrack.

Was Cruise up to a similar task?

First, the duo went all Top Gun in viewers, tossing out the classic line: “I feel the need. The need for speed.”

Then, it was on to the 1990 car racing flick, Days of Thunder, followed by a quick wardrobe change as they moved into the Oscar-winning Rain Man.

In this case, Corden took on the role played by Dustin Hoffman, which earned him an Academy Award at the time.

There was a nod to Cruise’s dancing and cursing cameo in Tropic Thunder, followed by a War of the World recreation and then another one of Minority Report.

After a quick mask change for Mission: Impossible III, Cruise and Corden pretended to cling to the side of a building in Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol.

What about Jerry Maguire?

We were treated to a surprise appearance by Cuba Gooding Jr. for this one, as he stopped by to scream once again at Cruise over the phone:


What did the duo do to honor A Few Good Men, Cocktail and Risky Business?

Check out the video posted at the top of this post to find out. It’s awesome.
