Thursday, June 16, 2016

James Corden vs. Kevin Hart: It. Is. ON!


On The Late Late Show with James Corden on Wednesday night, the British host once again put his rapping skills to hilarious use, taking Kevin Hart on in the latest installment of Drop the Mic.

Introduced a couple weeks ago, this segment finds celebrities going at each other with insults on stage… in rap form.

It all started when Corden slammed Anne Hathaway for being terrible at accents:

That was a pretty strong diss, but it was nothing compared to how Corden and Hart go back and forth in the video below.

"Where is he? There he is? I found you Kevin Hart," Corden opened, referencing the Top Five actor"s miniature stature.

"There are no small actors but you"re all small parts. You"re adorable. Look at this guy. You"re so little when you smoke weed you get junior high."


"Get Hard, Ride Along, Ride Along 2, hey you"re great at being in movies with people more famous than you," Corden added.

When it was time for Hart to do his thing, Corden offered him a stool… which the actor angrily turned down.

"James Corden thinks I look like a kid. Well, I might be small but my bank account"s big," Hart rapped.

"I admit people are nice to your face until they get home and realize you"re not Ricky Gervais…

"Carpool Karaoke how long will that last? How do you rap with your head up Lin-Manuel"s ass?"

Your response, James?

"Kevin Hart thinks he got in a zinger, but now you"re going to flop harder than The Wedding Ringer.

"You won"t remember that, his movie with Josh Gad. It"s on Netflix filed under unwatchably bad."

HA! We love it!

Watch these two go at it in full below:

James corden vs kevin hart who dissed whom hardest