Tuesday, May 23, 2017

James Corden Talks Manchester Attack, Sends Message of Hope

For the second time in two months, James Corden has been forced to address a terrorist attack in his native country.

In March, The Late Late Show host used a segment of his monologue after five people were killed outside the U.K. Parliament in London.

"Watching the news today, I felt a really long, long way from home," Corden said at the time, adding:

"And it’s funny when something like that happens in your hometown, you don’t have a feeling of being glad that you’re so far away.

"What you feel is that you wish you could be there with loved ones to stand alongside them.”

On Monday evening, meanwhile, Corden once again sat at his desk and talked about an even more heinous act: The killing of at least 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert by a suicide bomber in Manchester.

"It shocks me every time we hear this sort of news," the comedian said. "Attacks like this can happen…but especially when there will be so many children at this concert tonight."

It"s true: police have confirmed that kids were among the fatalities.

Authorities do not believe the act itself was committed by more than one person, but they are investigating whether the bomber was part of a larger terrorist network.

“When I think of Manchester, the place that I know, I think of the spirit of the people there – and I’m telling you, a more tight-knit group of people you will be hard pressed to find," Corden added, describing residents there as "strong, proud, caring people."

He concluded:

If it was even possible, the spirit of the people of Manchester will grow even stronger this evening.

My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Manchester tonight – all of the staff at the [Manchester Arena], all of the security teams, all of the emergency services, Ariana and her team, and all of those families affected by tonight.

We’ll all go to bed holding our little ones even tighter this evening.

In the wake of this tragedy, Grande has postponed upcoming dates on her tour and said she is absolutely broken by what transpired.

Watch Corden"s emotional tribute below:

James corden sends prayers to manchester in wake of terrorist at