Showing posts with label Sketch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sketch. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Christian Dior Buy My Sketch ... Own Fashion History!!!

Christian Dior revolutionized the fashion industry after World War II with his “New Look” dress, and the designer’s famous first sketch just went up for sale.
You can now take home a piece of fashion history for a cool $ 12,500 … because Moments In Time is...
Christian Dior Buy My Sketch ... Own Fashion History!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Stormy Daniels Has Received More Than a Thousand Tips on Mystery Man Sketch

Stormy Daniels’ team has been flooded with tips on who her threatening mystery man might be less than 24 hours after she revealed the sketch, but she can’t say she’s that much closer to finding him. Stormy’s lawyer, Michael Avenatti, tells TMZ her…


Stormy Daniels" Mystery Guy Sketch is Dead Ringer for Her Husband

There’s a good reason Stormy Daniels nailed the description of the man she says threatened her way back in 2011 … ‘cause he looks exactly like the guy sleeping next to her! Look, we’re not saying Stormy’s husband, Brendon Miller, IS the guy who…


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Stormy Daniels" Sketch Man Is Tom Brady?

Whoa.  Here’s the man Stormy Daniels says threatened her and her daughter back in 2011 … and he looks just like Tom Brady.  The backstory … Stormy says this man approached her in Las Vegas 7 years ago and told her to “Leave Trump…


Stormy Daniels Reveals Sketch of Mystery Man Who Threatened Her Over Trump

Stormy Daniels is now revealing a sketch artist’s rendering of the mystery man who allegedly threatened her to back off Donald Trump. The ex-porn star was on “The View” when she revealed the composite she and her attorney, Michael…


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

ESPN"s Byron Scott: Fantasy Auction Sketch Is "Unacceptable"

ESPN analyst Byron Scott says the fantasy football auction sketch aired on the network is “unacceptable” … but he’s not calling for the producer to get fired.  The network has already apologized for the sketch which showed a white man…


Thursday, January 5, 2017

Real Housewives of ISIS Sketch Draws Outrage Online

The stars of Bravo"s Real Housewives franchise may not be the most likable group of ladies, but they could certainly be a lot worse.

For example, they could be terrorist sympathizers who defect to Syria in order to marry members of ISIS.

Sound unlikely?

Well it absolutely is – but it"s also the premise for a comedy sketch that"s drawing mixed responses on social media today.

Titled, of course, The Real Housewives of ISIS, the sketch aired on a BBC series called Revolting, and many believe the show fully lived up to its name.

Pundits have blasted the sketch as "distasteful," and with lines like the following, it"s not hard to see how it might have rubbed some folks the wrong way:

"Only three days to the beheading, and I"ve no idea what I"m going to wear."

"This is my sixth marriage. I"ve been widowed five times. [bomb explodes off-camera] Six times."

And – about a character showing off her stylish suicide vest:

"She looked massive. You"re gonna need a lot of Semtex to kill that one."

The outrage on social media was immediate:

"All the fun of an off-base Amy Schumer skit with the same lack of awareness of anything other than itself," commented one viewer.

"Only funny if you look down on someone else and enjoy seeing them unhappy because they are not white and Christian," wrote another.

Others defended the sketch as a shot at deserving target.

"If you can mock something, you’re not scared of it," posted one person.

"ISIS want to be feared. Don’t give them that. And yes I’m Muslim, and a leftist."

Check out the controversial sketch in the clip below to decide for yourself:

Real housewives of isis sketch draws outrage online

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Watch Taraji P. Henson & Terrence Howard Help Jimmy Fallon Spoof Empire In HIGHlarious Jimpire Sketch On The Tonight Show!

You struck gold again Jimmy!

Last night on The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon proved to be a genius with yet another tv show spoof!

In the past he’s done such sketches such as Joking Bad parodying Breaking Bad, as well as Game of Desks, the late night show’s version of Game Of Thrones!

Video: Watch Jimmy Fallon & Ryan Reynolds Get Out Of Hand Playing Blackjack!

Well last night he had the AH-Mazing idea to poke a little fun at the breakout hit Empire!

In the sketch, Jimmy’s looking for someone to continue his comedy legacy after he’s gone and it’s up to Questlove, Tariq and his show producer Andre to prove themselves worthy! But things get turned upside down when Fallon’s trusty sidekick Higgins shows up!

But it doesn’t stop there as a couple surprise guests, Terrence Howard and the REAL Cookie, Taraji P. Henson stop by to give their two cents! They’re not the only cameos as there’s a “UUUGE” surprise at the end!

Ch-ch-check out the next best thing (above) to the REAL Empire while you wait for its premiere tonight on Fox!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Amy Schumer Wins An Emmy For Outstanding Variety Sketch Series! And She Totally Slayed Her Speech!

Amy Schumer is officially an Emmy winner!

The comedienne and the rest of her Inside Amy Schumer team took home the award for Outstanding Variety Sketch Series!

The Trainwreck star delivered a touching speech — thanking her team, her sister, and the makeup artist who did her smokey eyeshadow look! LOLz!

The Comedy Central show beat out other nominees Drunk History, Key & Peele, Portlandia, and Saturday Night Live!

Congrats, gurl! Watch Amy’s speech (above)!

See the ongoing winners list HERE!!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Justin Bieber Bailed On Tonight Show Sketch Last Minute & Jimmy Fallon Had To Apologize To His Crew For Him!

Oh what could have been!

A few weeks ago, Justin Bieber had a pretty EPIC and memorable appearance on The Tonight Show.

Not only did he sit down and explain to Jimmy Fallon why he broke down at the VMAs, but he also had a drum-off with the The Roots and gave us a little free-style.

Apparently though, the show could have been even better if JB would have gone through with the original plan.

Related: Selena Gomez Says She’ll ‘Forever Support’ & ‘Love’ Justin Bieber In Revealing Elle Interview!

Fallon revealed that the What Do You Mean singer actually backed out of a sketch they had planned at the very last minute! But the funnyman host rolled with the punches and didn’t let it get him down! He said of Bieber backing out:

“It’s like, I don’t care. I mean, I wish they’d told me weeks ago because today’s the day, and now we have to crunch and think of an idea to do.”

He went on to say:

“And I have to apologize to the crew guys who built the set and the wardrobe people and everyone.”

Fallon kept it very professional though and understood that these things just happen sometimes! He said of Bieber’s commitment:

“… it’s not what he does. He’s here to sing, so as long as he’s comfortable and it sounds good then we did our job. And if I talk to him and make him funny and make him look good, that’s my job. That’s all I have to do.”

It’s a super bummer that Biebs backed out, ESPECIALLY at the last minute. He definitely could have given Fallon a heads up, but we understand getting cold feet too!

Let’s hope Justin makes it up to Jimmy next time!

What do you think? Was Bieber too disrespectful to Jimmy and his crew or do you agree it’s all just part of show business.

[Image via NBC.]