Friday, September 18, 2015

Justin Bieber Bailed On Tonight Show Sketch Last Minute & Jimmy Fallon Had To Apologize To His Crew For Him!

Oh what could have been!

A few weeks ago, Justin Bieber had a pretty EPIC and memorable appearance on The Tonight Show.

Not only did he sit down and explain to Jimmy Fallon why he broke down at the VMAs, but he also had a drum-off with the The Roots and gave us a little free-style.

Apparently though, the show could have been even better if JB would have gone through with the original plan.

Related: Selena Gomez Says She’ll ‘Forever Support’ & ‘Love’ Justin Bieber In Revealing Elle Interview!

Fallon revealed that the What Do You Mean singer actually backed out of a sketch they had planned at the very last minute! But the funnyman host rolled with the punches and didn’t let it get him down! He said of Bieber backing out:

“It’s like, I don’t care. I mean, I wish they’d told me weeks ago because today’s the day, and now we have to crunch and think of an idea to do.”

He went on to say:

“And I have to apologize to the crew guys who built the set and the wardrobe people and everyone.”

Fallon kept it very professional though and understood that these things just happen sometimes! He said of Bieber’s commitment:

“… it’s not what he does. He’s here to sing, so as long as he’s comfortable and it sounds good then we did our job. And if I talk to him and make him funny and make him look good, that’s my job. That’s all I have to do.”

It’s a super bummer that Biebs backed out, ESPECIALLY at the last minute. He definitely could have given Fallon a heads up, but we understand getting cold feet too!

Let’s hope Justin makes it up to Jimmy next time!

What do you think? Was Bieber too disrespectful to Jimmy and his crew or do you agree it’s all just part of show business.

[Image via NBC.]