Showing posts with label JK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JK. Show all posts

Monday, September 10, 2018

J.K. Rowling Blasts "Racist" Serena Williams Newspaper Cartoon

This is not good.  A newspaper in Australia is catching A LOT of heat over a cartoon that was trying to spoof Serena Williams’ incident at the U.S. Open — because it’s racist as hell.  The cartoon — drawn by Mark Knight (editorial…


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

J.K. Rowling Backpedals On Blasting Trump Video with Disabled Boy, No Apology to Trump Though

J.K. Rowling choked down some crow by apologizing for her rant about a viral video of President Trump seemingly ignoring a handshake from a disabled boy at the White House. J.K. blasted the Prez for the video, saying … “This monster of narcissism…


J.K. Rowling Backpedals On Blasting Trump Video with Disabled Boy, No Apology to Trump Though

J.K. Rowling choked down some crow by apologizing for her rant about a viral video of President Trump seemingly ignoring a handshake from a disabled boy at the White House. J.K. blasted the Prez for the video, saying … “This monster of narcissism…


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

J.K. Rowling OWNS Piers Morgan in Greatest Subtweet Ever

We’re very sorry to report that Piers Morgan is dead.

Not really, of course.

The British television personality is still breathing.

But he’s just been eviscerated to such an extent by J.K. Rowling that we might as well hold a funeral for the public persona of Piers Morgan. 

He has proved himself to be utterly useless.

It all started last Friday when Morgan was a guest on Real Time with Bill Maher last Friday and went to extremes in his passionate defense of Donald Trump and the President’s controversial immigration ban.

Fellow guest Jim Jeffries simply couldn’t handle it any longer, blowing up at Morgan with two simple words:


Actually, he said a bit more at the time.

“You say ‘He hasn’t done this, he hasn’t done that, he’s not going to do all these things,"” the comedian continued, addressing Morgan while imitating him. “Give him a f-cking chance, mate.”

Because, as Jeffries added, “Hitler didn’t kill the Jews on the first day – he worked up to it.”

Watch the fiery and awkward (and awesome!) exchange below:

Rowling was one of the many celebrities who applauded Jeffries and slammed Morgan, leading to an epic feud between the British stars.

After Rowling Tweeted that it was “satisfying” to watch Morgan get cursed off on Real Time, Morgan replied as follows:

“This is why I’ve never read a single word of Harry Potter.”

To which Rowling perfectly fired back:

“Because you had a premonition that one day the author would roar with laughter at seeing you called out for your bullshit on live TV?”

Much to the pleasure of everyone who wanted to see Morgan get his pompous rear end handed to him, the feud went back and forth from there:

rowling vs. Morgan

“.@piersmorgan If only you’d read Harry Potter, you’d know the downside of sucking up to the biggest bully in school is getting burned alive,” wrote Rowling at one point.

“No bigger bullies right now than the shrieking, hysterical anti-Trump celebrity brigade. You lost, so suck it up Dolores,” replied Morgan.

It was all very entertaining – and we got distracted from it for a few moments after Morgan went after Beyonce – but now it’s become tragic.

We almost feel bad for Morgan, considering the exchange that went down this morning on social media.

In honor of Valentine’s Day, Rowling shared a screenshot of a passage someone wrote about her.

The passage praised the author as someone who “definitely matters” because she encourages “children to read, feel inspired and be creative” and therefore has had a “great impact” on the world at large.

“Just been sent this! Could the writer let me know who he is? I’d love to thank him!” Rowling wrote as a caption.

rowling subtweet

And then Piers Morgan… that silly, ignorant, oblivious, idiotic Piers Morgan… went ahead and took the bait.

“Priceless #humblebrag BS. Nobody plays the celebrity game more abusively or ruthlessly than you, Ms ‘Intensely Private Billionaire’,” wrote Morgan in response.

But here’s the thing:


Back in 2010, Morgan gushed over Rowling, listing her as the 97th most important British celebrity – but acknowledging in the above passage that she would be higher if played the “celebrity game.”

As you might expect, Twitter users could scarcely contain their glee over this subTweet and Morgan’s perfect reply to it:

rowling reaction

Three hours his self-inflicted burn went live, Morgan claimed that he was well aware that he wrote those words about Rowling six-plus years ago.

“Relax, quarter-wit, I knew what it was. Just surprised I put her as high as 97th,” he wrote to a critic.

Yeah. We aren’t buying that. Not for a nanosecond.

If anyone would ever tailor made for House Slytherian, it would be Piers Morgan.


Monday, June 13, 2016

J.K. Rowling Mourns Orlando Victim with Harry Potter Connection

Luis Vielma was one of 50 people who was killed Saturday night inside Pure nightclub.

Along with numerous other patrons, Vielma was enjoying an evening out when Omar Mateen used an assault rifle to gun down as many gay customers as he could.

It was the largest shooting massacre in U.S. history.

Because Vielma worked at Universal Studios’ Harry Potter World, his death was acknowledged by author J.K Rowling in the aftermath of this despicable tragedy.

“Luis Vielma worked on the Harry Potter ride at Universal,” the Harry Potter scribe wrote on Twitter. “He was 22 years old. I can’t stop crying.”

As you can see below, Rowling include with her message a photo of Vielma in his work attire:

Rowling also shares memories from Vielma’s friends, loved ones and those who met him at Universal Studios.

“@jk_rowling Trust me, you would have loved him. He was the guy in the breakroom you liked four seconds after walking in,” one user wrote, while another added:

“@jk_rowling @JMuniz822 had the pleasure of meeting him last week on my holidays, he was SO nice to my son, such a lovely guy.”

Reaction continues to pour in from the Orlando shooting.

From what we’ve gathered so far, it appears as if Mateen acted alone.

His father claims his son was spurred on to horrible action by the sight of two gay men kissing a couple months ago.

Mateen, a U.S. citizen born in New York, called 911 at one point during his attack and bragged about all the American lives he was taking.

He also aligned himself with ISIS, the terrorist organization that later took credit for the attack.

We can also confirm that Mateen’s ex-wife says he abused her during their marriage and that Mateen had been interviewed on two separate occasions by the FBI because they suspected he had links to terrorist activities.

Nevertheless, he was able to purchase multiple firearms legally.

Shortly after Rowling paid tribute to Vielma, meanwhile, Universal Studios Orlando released a statement regarding his death.

It reads as follows:

“We are deeply saddened over the loss of our team member. We are working to support his friends and colleagues here at Universal Orlando.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with Luis, his family, and all the victims of this tragedy.”

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

J.K. Simmons Is Totally Jacked Now! WOW!

You might know J.K. Simmons as “that guy.” 

That guy who played the dad in Juno, that guy who won the Academy Award in Whiplash, that guy from the Spiderman movies. Basically, he’s a character actor who’s been in a lot of stuff.

You may have also heard him referred to as “that bald guy,” but likely never “that insanely ripped sexagenarian.”

Yep, the pic above is J.K. Simmons, not Santa Claus on steroids.

And yes, the long white beard is new, too, but it’s the muscles that are making jaws drop.

Simmons is training with fitness pro Aaron Williamson, who has been sharing pics of the transformed actor to Instagram.

“Every time we train together I forget he’s 61 years old,” Williamson wrote. “So much respect for this guy. #JKSimmons #OldManCranking”

Here’s another photo he shared:

“Saturday morning, 61 years old & making the young generation jealous,” the trainer captioned the pic.

“This is what dedication looks like. #JKSimmons,” he added.

Dedication, indeed. *Puts down brownie*

The always-working actor is possibly getting buff in preparation for his upcoming role in Justice League, in which he plays Commissioner Gordon.

We’re impressed. 

Looks like Zac Efron and his muscles may have some competition.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

J.K. Rowling Slams Racists, Defends Casting of Black Actress as Hermione in Harry Potter Play

J.K. Rowling is frustrated that “a bunch of racists” have criticized the choice of casting a black actress to portray Hermione in the London stage production of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

The play, which sold 175,000 tickets in 24 hours, stars Olivier-award-winning actress Noma Dumezweni as Hermione, the female lead in the literary series.

After critics lashed out about the casting announcement, Rowling defended the decision.

“With my experience of social media, I thought that idiots were going to idiot,” the author told the Observer.

“But what can you say? That’s the way the world is. Noma was chosen because she was the best actress for the job.”

Rowling recounts fans complaining to her, arguing that the character must be white because of something she wrote in one of the books.

“I had a bunch of racists telling me that because Hermione ‘turned white’ – that is, lost colour from her face after a shock – that she must be a white woman, which I have a great deal of difficulty with,” Rowling revealed.

“But I decided not to get too agitated about it and simply state quite firmly that Hermione can be a black woman with my absolute blessing and enthusiasm.”

Fans may have gotten too attached to Emma Watson, a white actress who originated the role onscreen in the feature films.

Last December, Rowling expressed her approval on Twitter over the casting as well, indicating that her books never specified Hermione as Caucasian.

“Canon: brown eyes, frizzy hair and very clever. White skin was never specified. Rowling loves black Hermione,” she wrote on Twitter.

This isn’t the first time Rowling has vocally expressed her distaste of racism and bigotry.

Last year, after presidential candidate Donald Trump made numerous statements against Muslims, Mexicans and women, Rowling compared the mogul to Voldemort, the nefarious villain in the Harry Potter series.

“How horrible. Voldemort was nowhere near as bad,” she wrote alongside a link to an article about Trump’s wish to ban Muslims from entering the U.S.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child picks up where the seventh book left off, with Harry as a married father of three who works for the Ministry of Magic.

The play is set to open in London’s West End in July 2016.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Did J.K. Rowling Steal The Idea For Harry Potter? See What Two Writers Think Of Similarities To Their Work!

Harry Potter is one of the most inspired, imaginative works of literature of the past hundred years.

Only, is it the most original??

Certain similarities to other works of fiction that predate J.K. Rowling‘s tales of witchcraft and wizardry have led some fans to cry plagiarism!

Related: J.K. Rowling Says We’re All Pronouncing He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named’s Name Wrong!

For instance, the 1986 horror film Troll is known mostly for its unrelated sequel Troll 2, AKA the “Best Worst Movie” ever made.

But did you know it also has a young boy hero named Harry Potter? Who learns to do magic spells??

Screenwriter Ed Naha was asked recently about the similarities to his lead character — who predates the first Harry Potter book by over a decade — and he said:

“I think the only thing similar, aside from their names, is that they were both kids who spoke English. Also, they both walk upright.”

He doesn’t think J.K. took anything from his movie? Not really! He added:

“If Rowling did recall the name with affection and decided to use it, so what? In both novels and scripts, I’ve used names culled from comic books and movies I was fond of, as are most of my pseudonyms.”

This is not dissimilar to statements made by author Neil Gaiman.

His character Tim Hunter in the DC Comics series The Books Of Magic was also a 12-year-old boy with glasses who gets a pet owl and learns to become a powerful sorcerer.

Related: Kids Who Read Harry Potter More Likely To Be Accepting Of Homosexuality And Immigrants!

When he was asked shortly after Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was first published, he revealed:

“I was tracked down by a Scotsman journalist who had noticed the similarities between my Tim Hunter character and Harry Potter, and wanted a story. And I think I rather disappointed him by explaining that, no, I certainly *didn’t* believe that Rowling had ripped off Books of Magic, that I doubted she’d read it and that it wouldn’t matter if she had: I wasn’t the first writer to create a young magician with potential, nor was Rowling the first to send one to school. It’s not the ideas, it’s what you do with them that matters.”

Well, there ya go.

If even the authors don’t feel at all like Rowling ripped them off, we don’t see why fans should feel that way!

What do YOU think??

[Image via Warner Bros./DC Comics/MGM.]