Showing posts with label Backpedals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Backpedals. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

J.K. Rowling Backpedals On Blasting Trump Video with Disabled Boy, No Apology to Trump Though

J.K. Rowling choked down some crow by apologizing for her rant about a viral video of President Trump seemingly ignoring a handshake from a disabled boy at the White House. J.K. blasted the Prez for the video, saying … “This monster of narcissism…


J.K. Rowling Backpedals On Blasting Trump Video with Disabled Boy, No Apology to Trump Though

J.K. Rowling choked down some crow by apologizing for her rant about a viral video of President Trump seemingly ignoring a handshake from a disabled boy at the White House. J.K. blasted the Prez for the video, saying … “This monster of narcissism…


Sunday, June 11, 2017

Aaron Carter Backpedals on Carrying Gun to L.A. Gay Pride

Aaron Carter regrets suggesting he’ll not only pack heat at the L.A. Gay Pride Parade this weekend, but he’d shoot anyone who came for his fans. Aaron told TMZ Thursday he’s ready to fight terrorists with his own brand of terror … a gun,…
