Showing posts with label Writers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Writers. Show all posts

Friday, June 23, 2017

"All Eyez On Me" Producers, Writers Sued by Kevin Powell, They Stole My Interviews

The filmmakers behind “All Eyez On Me” kept too close an eye on interviews Tupac did with a famous journalist, and then used his work — without permission — to write their script … according to a lawsuit. Kevin Powell wrote a series of articles…


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Kate Upton -- Rips MLB Writers Over Cy Young Snub ... You "F"d" Justin Verlander!!!

Kate Upton is FURIOUS Justin Verlander didn’t win the A.L. Cy Young Award — sending a scorching note to the MLB writers who voted on it … YOU F**KED MY FIANCE.  Verlander came in 2nd in the voting behind Red Sox pitcher Rick Porcello –…


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Did J.K. Rowling Steal The Idea For Harry Potter? See What Two Writers Think Of Similarities To Their Work!

Harry Potter is one of the most inspired, imaginative works of literature of the past hundred years.

Only, is it the most original??

Certain similarities to other works of fiction that predate J.K. Rowling‘s tales of witchcraft and wizardry have led some fans to cry plagiarism!

Related: J.K. Rowling Says We’re All Pronouncing He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named’s Name Wrong!

For instance, the 1986 horror film Troll is known mostly for its unrelated sequel Troll 2, AKA the “Best Worst Movie” ever made.

But did you know it also has a young boy hero named Harry Potter? Who learns to do magic spells??

Screenwriter Ed Naha was asked recently about the similarities to his lead character — who predates the first Harry Potter book by over a decade — and he said:

“I think the only thing similar, aside from their names, is that they were both kids who spoke English. Also, they both walk upright.”

He doesn’t think J.K. took anything from his movie? Not really! He added:

“If Rowling did recall the name with affection and decided to use it, so what? In both novels and scripts, I’ve used names culled from comic books and movies I was fond of, as are most of my pseudonyms.”

This is not dissimilar to statements made by author Neil Gaiman.

His character Tim Hunter in the DC Comics series The Books Of Magic was also a 12-year-old boy with glasses who gets a pet owl and learns to become a powerful sorcerer.

Related: Kids Who Read Harry Potter More Likely To Be Accepting Of Homosexuality And Immigrants!

When he was asked shortly after Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was first published, he revealed:

“I was tracked down by a Scotsman journalist who had noticed the similarities between my Tim Hunter character and Harry Potter, and wanted a story. And I think I rather disappointed him by explaining that, no, I certainly *didn’t* believe that Rowling had ripped off Books of Magic, that I doubted she’d read it and that it wouldn’t matter if she had: I wasn’t the first writer to create a young magician with potential, nor was Rowling the first to send one to school. It’s not the ideas, it’s what you do with them that matters.”

Well, there ya go.

If even the authors don’t feel at all like Rowling ripped them off, we don’t see why fans should feel that way!

What do YOU think??

[Image via Warner Bros./DC Comics/MGM.]