Showing posts with label Sexts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sexts. Show all posts

Monday, March 19, 2018

Meghan Markle Nude Pics, Sexts to Harry: Exposed by ISIS-Linked Website?!?

ISIS may be coming after Meghan Markle.

Thankfully, we don’t believe the former actress’ life is in any real danger.

But, if one website in particular has its way, Markle’s engagement to Prince Harry may soon be on life support.

As reported by Radar Online, there’s a website out there that alleges to have terrorist ties and which has apparently set its sights on this future member of The Royal Family.

We’re not about to reveal the website’s name or URL because we don’t want it to see any sort of traffic boost — but the online property has shared an 11-second video of Markle on vacation…

… with her bare boobs on full display.

The site has also shared a number of photos that depict Markle, topless, hanging out with friends and doing Yoga in a rented home.

In a few other snapshots, the ex-Suits star can be seen wrapped in a towel in a hotel room, drinking champagne without a shirt on while reclining on a sofa.

This isn’t the first time talk of Markle’s X-rated past has heated up the Internet.

But there’s on stark difference between these photos and past examples of Markle getting a bit down a dirty:

Those examples were just that: in the past.

In these new photos, Markle is wearing a blue bracelet that was reportedly gifted to her by Harry during a trip the pair took together to Africa in the summer of 2016.

This would imply that the pictures are fairly new, were taken after Markle started dating the Prince — and may have been sent to the Prince as some sort of act of seduction.

Like a “sext,” as kids these days would say.

“These photos, if real, are recent,” an insider tells Radar Online, adding:

“This is bound to cause even more embarrassment to the Queen and the monarchy as it would suggest she sent these images to Harry!”

Markle, of course, is an American.

She is divorced and she is of mixed heritage, with a black mother and a white father.

These facts would be irrelevant in most dating situations, but they would have spelled doom for any Royal relationship just a few years ago.

Many people have been pleasantly surprised by how The Queen and company have opened their arms to Markle, despite these so-called marks on her record.

In a separate post on the aforementioned site, meanwhile, Markle is attacked over her mixed race heritage, referred to by the author as a “savage Sub-Saharan.”

This same source says Harry is prepared to “go to [legal] war” with the website if the photos of Markle prove to be legitimate.

As we said previously, this site alleges to have links to ISIS and adds that it is releasing these scandalous images as part of its plan to force the withdrawal of UK soldiers from “Muslim holy lands,” writing as a warning:

“The pathetically impotent British imperialists would be wise to heed ISIS’ most reasonable demands before even more Meghan nudes are leaked…

“For according to gossip along the caravan lines from Raqqa to Tikrit, there are numerous Meghan pics to come in which she dildos her sin holes with some fried chicken and pigs’ feet.”

Okay, we really don’t want to get on ISIS’ bad side here, but we really doubt there are photos of Meghan Markle out there in which she sticks fried chicken in her… you-know-what.

Still, might we be in for a Royal Family vs. ISIS battle down the line?

“This site is playing with fire posting these this close to Harry and Meghan’s wedding,” concludes Radar.

The wedding is set for May 19.

Stay tuned!


Friday, August 18, 2017

Ryan Edwards: Sending Nudes and Graphic Sexts Behind Wife"s Back?!

After watching Ryan Edwards nod off while driving to his romantic parking lot wedding to Mackenzie Standifer, we thought the guy couldn’t get much worse.

And, well, honestly that’s still probably the worst thing we’ve ever seen on Teen Mom.

Maybe a better way to phrase it would be “After watching Ryan endanger himself and others while driving high to his tragic wedding, we thought there was nowhere for him to go but up.”

Yeah, that’s better.

And it’s also wrong.

Because as we’re learning from this brand new cheating scandal, things certainly aren’t looking up for Ryan anytime soon.

Just yesterday, we discussed some screenshots from an alleged conversation Ryan had with a young lady on Tinder.

If the idea of this guy having a Tinder account less than three months after getting married to Mackenzie Standifer wasn’t bad enough, the things he was saying to this girl definitely was.

The conversation started out as innocently as a Tinder conversation can, but before too long, Ryan was asking the woman if she was “DTF.”

“Down to f-ck,” for those of you not in the know.

She said that she was, depending on who was asking, and they began arranging a time and place for them to “chill” together.

In those screenshots, their last messages consisted of an exchange of phone numbers …

And now Radar Online has screenshots of their text messages!

Warning: the following is graphic, disgusting, but also completely hilarious in a kind of tragic way.

The texts begin like most texts do — your usual “What’s up?”, “Nothing, you?” business.

The girl asks Ryan for his last name, and after asking why she wants to know (to save his contact info, duh), he tells her it’s Edwards.

He also sends her a selfie, and yep, that’s definitely Teen Mom OG’s current hottest mess.

She asks him why he’s on Tinder because “I thought you were married,” and he confirms that he is married, but “I still like to have a little fun.”

The girl is down for some fun, but first, she says “I want to see more of you.”

You can already tell where this is going, can’t you?

He asks her “What else u want,” because he already sent her one picture, and she tells him she wants a picture of his body. Fortunately for those of us viewing these screenshots, he can’t take one at that moment because he’s driving.

From there, she throws him a curve ball by asking “Are you going to f-ck me?”

He asks her if that’s what she wants, and when she says, yes, he tells her “come on then,” that they can do it whenever she wants at his house.

They made plans to meet at the Food City off highway 58 — and they say romance is dead! — but the plans fell through because Ryan wouldn’t send her more photos.

He starts to get a little upset when she complains that he’s only sent her two photos, one that he could have pulled up with an internet search.

He tells her “Nvm don’t worry about it,” because “I’m not going to continue to try to prove it’s me.”

She rightfully responds by telling him that she wants to be certain of who she’s about to meet, and that’s when it happens.

He sends her a selfie — one that he hasn’t posted anywhere else — AND A DICK PIC.

But by the time he finally agreed to send more photos, she’d already given up on him and gone to bed.

He says that he’ll try to find another time to meet up with her, but in the meantime, he tells her to send him a photo of her.

What kind of photo?

“Send me a sexy one,” he instructs her. “Let me see how pink it is.”

“Me me hard,” he writes. “Come on.”

He then tells her to send him a video of “u playing with your self,” and when she refuses, he says “Come over I told you I’ll let u sit on my face so I can get u good and wet.”

Horrifying, right?

The girl refuses, but Ryan tries again another day — one when Mackenzie is “out of town,” so he has the house to himself.

They arrange to meet up, but we can’t be sure they ever did, because that’s where this round of screenshots ends.

Ryan has denied the original Tinder messages, saying “I’m married. Get f-ck out of here with that dumb sh-t.”

But, interestingly enough, Radar checked it out, and they confirm that the number in the text messages is actually Ryan’s number.

Can’t wait to see what kind of letter Mackenize is going to write to Maci Bookout to explain this one away!
