Showing posts with label Nina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nina. Show all posts

Friday, October 12, 2018

The Cardigans Singer Nina Persson "Memba Her?!

Swedish Singer Nina Persson shot to stardom in the ’90s when her band The Cardigans released hits like “Lovefool” and “My Favourite Game.” Guess what she looks like now!


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Nina Agdal Spotted on Vacay in Capri with Jack Brinkley-Cook

Nina Agdal’s breaking necks while on vacay … she gets ya coming and most definitely gets ya going. The supermodel was spotted — quite literally — wearing the hell outta this leopard bikini while in Capri with her boyfriend – Christie…


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Nina Dobrev: This is Why I Left The Vampire Diaries (Also: Impeach Donald Trump!)

Nina Dobrev touches on two very important topics in the latest issue of Harper’s Bazaar:

1. Her departure from The Vampire Diaries.

2. The Presidency of Donald Trump.

Because you may be a little sick of the latter, we’ll start with the former.

Dobrev rose to significant fame and fortune by portraying Elena Gilbert on the aforementioned CW hit, a role and a series that provided the star with a high salary and a loyal fan base.

Which is why fans were taken aback when she announced she was leaving the drama after Season 6.

Did the exit have anything to do with how awkward it would have been to continue working alongside ex-boyfriend Ian Somerhalder?

Especially after he started dating (and eventually married) Nikki Reed?

God, no, Dobrev tells Harper’s Bazaar.

“That was the plan from the get-go,” Dobrev explains of saying goodbye after six seasons.

“If anything, the fact that [leaving] terrified me drove me even more.” 

Many actors or actress would never take this sort of risk, of course.

They’d be too afraid of what might come next after such a successful run… or what might NOT come next, to be more accurate.

“I needed to feel that fear of ‘Oh, my God, what if I never get a job again?"” Dobrev says. “That just made me want to work five times as hard to make sure that didn’t happen.”

Dobrev hasn’t been prominently featured in any show or movie since leaving The Vampire Diaries, but says she’s simply been “picky” in deciding what jobs to take.

“The things I want to do aren’t necessarily the things that are expected of me,” she expounds, adding:

“I don’t want to play a teenager anymore. I want to play adult roles and be challenged and work with great filmmakers and tell incredible stories, and that has meant being really picky.”

Okay, now it’s time to talk about Trump. Are you ready?

The actress was born in Bulgaria and moved to Canada when she was two years old.

She tells the publication of Trump’s rhetoric and bans on immigration:

“I come from an immigrant family, and I think it’s unacceptable to treat anyone like that… Hopefully he’ll get impeached. Or indicted. Or both. He just doesn’t act like a president.

“He acts like a reality star on a terrible, horrible show that should never be aired.”

Dobrev has many opinions on the Commander-in-Chief, but she hasn’t posted anything political on social media since late July.

She’s trying to bite her tongue, but it isn’t easy.

“He’s responsible for incredibly important decisions for the country that I live in, so my opinion does matter whether or not I had a chance to vote,” she says, addressing anyone who thinks she ought to shut up on Twitter:

“Whenever I did one of those posts, I was inundated with negative comments, some of the most horrific things I’ve ever seen written.

“But I’m entitled to my opinion, and if you don’t want to see the things I’m saying, don’t follow me.”

It really is that simple.


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Nina Dobrev and Glen Powell: Dating, Now with PDA!

Months ago, we told you that Nina Dobrev and Glen Powell are dating

The former Vampire Diaries star who also happens to be one of the most beautiful people on the planet and the Scream Queens actor are both apparently friends who have turned into something more, but it’s been so hard to get confirmation.

But sometimes all that you need to announce your relationship isn’t a tweet or a press release — just some good ol’ PDA.

But first, E! has a source that confirms that Nina Dobrev and Glen Powell are dating.

Though, as you’ll see, we barely even need a source at this point.

But they do provide a little context.

“Nina and Glen are dating. They were friends and it turned into something more a little while ago.”

We’re thinking that “a little while ago” was back in January or perhaps a little earlier.

It’s hard to tell when a relationship starts.

Not just for outsiders — like, sometimes a blossoming couple can’t put their finger on when their friendship became romantic.

“They like each other and are seeing where it goes.”

That’s a good way to start dating.

Unless you’re, like, in the Duggar fertility cult and courtship is supposed to lead to nothing but side-hugs and marriage.

But the source says that Nina’s being smart about things.

“Nina was just in a serious relationship so she’s being careful, but Glen is the best to her and treats her so well”

That’s really good to hear.

Nina Dobrev deserves the world.

And keep in mind that these two have been super couple-y for ages.

Nina Dobrev had a La La Land-themed birthday bash back in January.

(Remember, Nina Dobrev has that skin tone because she’s Bulgarian, but she’s white, and matches the stereotype of liking La La Land)

She and Glen reenacted part of a dance from that film, and Nina posted it to Instagram.

It’s not that you can’t dance with your friends — you probably dance more with friends than with anyone else.

But not every pair of dancing friends gives off a romantic vibe like these two.

Recently, at Julianne Hough and Brooks Laich’s Idaho wedding, Nina and Glen weren’t just acting like a couple.

They engaged in some PDA.

But you don’t have to take our word, or E!‘s, or E!‘s source’s for it.

Because they took photos that went up on Twitter.

That one could almost be dismissed as affectionate friends.

(Especially if the wedding had an open bar, as all weddings should)

But no degree of openness to the bar is going to force friends to kiss or suck each other’s tongues.

Or whatever exactly it is that’s happening here.

Yeah, that looks really, really date-y.

And you know what? Good for them.

Nina Dobrev’s star might be a little brighter than Glen Powell’s.

Like, The Vampire Diaries might have been ostensibly targeted at teens, but plenty of us adults watched it.

And Nina Dobrev really showcased her acting by portraying two wildly different characters.

(Some of us may have allegedly cried when Katherine Pierce died, but let’s not name names)

Nina was also smart enough to jump ship before the series fizzled and died.

(At which point, the series had lost their hottest female and male stars — Nina Dobrev and Steven R McQueen)

And, not for nothing, but she’d had a serious breakup with costar Ian Somerhalder … even though they’re allegedly getting along great.

She’s gorgeous and she’s talented and could basically have any guy on the planet.


Any guy.

Admittedly, we’d hoped that she might go in a different direction when she was spotted with Ruby Rose, we’re still glad that she’s with a guy who reportedly treats her the way that she deserves.

And hey, at least she didn’t get with Scott Eastwood after looking cozy at Coachella. He kinda turned out to be a tool, unfortunately.

Nina deserves the world.


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Ian Somerhalder Poses with Nina Dobrev AND Nikki Reed, Sends Message to Haters

Talk about an unexpected threesome.

No, not THAT kind of unexpected threesome. We don’t think, at least.

But Ian Somerhalder has shared a photo on Instagram that we never thought we’d see, putting to rest all rumors of a feud between his ex-girlfriend and his current wife … and sending a pointed message to websites everywhere in the process.

(Excluding The Hollywood Gossip, we presume; we’ve always had nothing but love for Ian.)

As you can see above, the handsome Vampire Diaries star actually shared a meal on Tuesday with both Nikki Reed and Nina Dobrev.

This is surprising because Somerhalder dated Dobrev for a number of years, prior to marrying Reed within a year of him and Dobrev splitting.

It’s also surprising because the Internet has been filled with rumors ever since that Reed basically hates Dobrev and was thrilled when the actress left The Vampire Diaries after Season 6.

But Dobrev is returning for the show’s March 10 finale and used her time in Atlanta this week to grab food with her ex and his better half.

We’ll let Somerhalder explain the purpose behind this photo.

“Chilling with these two,” the actor wrote to open a lengthy caption that continues as follows:

“After years of websites pretending these two badass ladies knew each other well and baseless, false information of back stabbing and hatred from low-brow websites filled the minds and hearts of fans… They finally were able to get together for their first real dinner.

“Let’s stop spreading hate everyone, there’s already too much of that right now in our world. Join in on the love. Only love here- always has been always will be.

“Media companies preying on the passion from vulnerable and or impressionable minds of fans to sell advertising through click-though traffic is a disease in our society. It’s poisonous.

“Let’s finish this series with respect and kindness and continue that in our lives. I think it’s time. What do [you] think?”

We think that sounds great.

And Dobrev clearly feels the same. She posted her own picture of the three stars on social media last night:

“Can’t believe how time flies. Farewell dinner with team Somereed! So good catching up with these goofballs. All [love],” wrote Dobrev in her caption.

Despite the ongoing feud rumors, Dobrev and Somerhalder haven’t said a single negative word about each other in the press over the years.

When we watch The Vampire Diaries online to see Dobrev’s big return as Elena next month, we’ll be looking for signs of tension between the actor and the actress.

But we doubt we’ll find any.

Somerhalder and the Twilight Saga alum, meanwhile, got engaged after six months of dating in January 2015.

They surprised fans by then getting married – with little fanfare and no announcement ahead of time – at the Tuscali Mountain Inn in Topanga, California in April of that year.

Few celebrity couples gush over each other as often or with as much feeling as these two love birds on a nearly-weekly basis.

Reed shared the same photo above as her husband did yesterday, writing her own long caption to go along with it.

We’ll just go ahead and print the entire thing below:

For the last few years we thought addressing any baseless rumors with silence was the best way. Besides, who wants to respond to made up stories about “friends backstabbing friends”, “cheating exes”, or “cast members exiting shows” on low-brow websites like hollywoodlife that are just perpetuating trends that preceded us.


I now see that silence was taken as an opportunity to fill in the blanks with even more falsities, and juicer stories, and we, yes WE, believe we have a moral responsibility to young girls to end that narrative, because at the end of all of this, those young girls are the ones who lose.

Their passion and endless devotion for a tv show is being taken advantage of, replaced with feelings of anger through divisive techniques, & even worse, their minds are being shaped & molded as their view of themselves, other girls, & what those dynamics should look like are being formed.

So here’s to putting an end to all those fake stories of on set jealousy, betrayal, made-up-friendships lost & women hating women. Because at the end of the day, that’s what this is about: teaching girls that you have to hate other girls only breeds a generation of women who believe you have to hate other women.

And that’s what these magazines, websites and blogs don’t understand. That is the harmful unintended consequence of their bullshit stories and we have a moral responsibility to fix that. Let’s turn this page together, as we all walk into the next chapter peacefully.

And finally, let’s use this as an example of how important it is to stop this trend of writing horrible headlines about women, painting us as bitter, angry, insecure, heartbroken, childless, feuding, backstabbing monsters because whether we want to admit it or not, it changes the way all women view themselves.

And shame on these websites for now targeting an even younger demographic, instilling this at an earlier age when girls are even more susceptible, more vulnerable and more malleable. When we write these headlines we teach hate. I’ve seen it firsthand.

Let’s shift what we put into the universe starting now, & hopefully we will start to see a shift in the way we treat each other & view ourselves.

Wow. Amen, huh? Amen a thousand times over to this sentiment.

Somerhalder told Modern Luxury magazine in October that he and Reed will definitely procreate in the near future.

And he cannot wait.

“The second we were around each other, and not [dating] other people, we just knew,” said the profound star, adding:

“Oh, I will one day have amazing children with my beautiful wife. Absolutely, definitely. I live with someone who strives to find happiness and peace in the smallest things – whether it’s sitting for five minutes under a tree or getting out into the country and spending time on our horses or even just going for a walk around the lake or riding a boat.”

He also said that Reed is the “most caring, compassionate person I’ve ever known.”

How can you not adore these two?!?


Monday, January 30, 2017

Nina Dobrev & Glen Powell: Dating!

After a tumultuous two years in both her personal and professional lives, it’s clear that 2017 will be a major comeback year for Nina Dobrev.

Dobrev is returning to The Vampire Diaries for the show’s series finale, even though it’ll mean working with her ex, Ian Somerhalder.

Sounds like a nightmare scenario, but fortunately, Nina is riding high these days, thanks to the new man in her life.

E! News is reporting today that Nina is dating actor Glen Powell.

Powell might not be a household name, but he’s drawing rave reviews for his performance in Hidden Figures, and many expect him to be the next big thing.

He’s also a regular on the Fox series Scream Queens.

We’re sure Nina isn’t the type to date a guy or not date a guy because of his star power, but with the way her last relationship publicly imploded, it must a nice confidence boost to be tied to an up-and-coming heartthrob like Powell.

In case you missed it, Dobrev and Somerhalder were romantically involved for several years, and TVD fans obsessed over their real-life romance as much as – if not more than – their onscreen love affair.

The relationship ended in ugly fashion, and Somerhalder got married to Nikki Reed (a former friend of Dobrev’s) not long after he and Nina parted ways.

Shortly after Somerhalder and Reed got engaged, Dobrev quit The Vampire Diaries, and, many believe, doomed the show to cancelation.

(In fairness, even diehard fans admit the show’s quality has dropped off precipitously in recent years.)

Dobrev has denied quitting the show as a result of her history with Somerhalder, but those in the know say she’s just covering her tracks.

“The real reason she quit was because she couldn’t stand to see costar Ian with another woman,” one insider said at the time.

“Seeing them together made it not fun to come to work at all.”

So it’s noble of Nina to come back to the show for one last go-round for the sake of the fans and her former co-stars.

We’re not saying the opportunity to throw her new relationship in Somerhalder’s face made the decision easier – but it probably didn’t hurt. 

Watch The Vampire Diaries online to get caught up for the series finale.


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Nina Agdal Busts Out of Bikini In SI Swimsuit Return (PHOTO + VIDEO)

Good Lord.  Here’s supermodel Nina Agdal showing off her insane physique for the upcoming 2017 SI Swimsuit edition …. proving once again it’s good to be Leonardo DiCaprio.   No more words. Just watch. Good times.


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Nina on "3rd Rock from the Sun" "Memba Him?!

Simbi Khali is best known for playing the level-headed earthlight Nina — opposite John Lithgow as Dr. Solomon — in the ’90s sci-fi comedy “3rd Rock from the Sun.” Guess what she looks like now!


Nina on "3rd Rock from the Sun" "Memba Him?!

Simbi Khali is best known for playing the level-headed earthlight Nina — opposite John Lithgow as Dr. Solomon — in the ’90s sci-fi comedy “3rd Rock from the Sun.” Guess what she looks like now!


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio: Cheating on Nina Agdal With Paige Watkins?!

Leonardo DiCaprio has been inside more models than every rolled up dollar bill on the planet combined, but to his credit, the guy is more serial monogamist than heartless womanizer.

Though he often trades the women in his life in for newer models in the most literal sense, it seems the splits are usually amicable and Leo’s exes never seem to have anything bad to say about their time with Hollywood’s most notorious playboy.

That may be about to change, however, thanks to a rumor about Leo stepping out behind the back of his current girlfriend, Nina Agdal.

DiCaprio and Agdal have been dating since July, and were rumored to be getting serious.

But it seems DiCaprio just wasn’t willing to put his ladies’ man ways behind him, as sources are telling Page Six that he was recently spotted hooking up a model (of course) named Paige Watkins while Agdal was out of town.

Witnesses say DiCaprio and Watkins were spotted slyly hooking up at 1Oak in LA, where Leo was partying in the VIP with his reunited “wolf pack,” which includes fellow actors Lukas Haas and the recently-divorced Toby Maguire.

“They looked pretty close,” one onlooker says.

“She was sitting on his lap, and they appeared to be kissing.”

Insiders say Nina was out of the country for the holidays, and Leo appears to have taken advantage of the window of opportunity presented by her absence.

Paige is a slender, blonde, twenty-something model, which makes this story 100% believable, but sources for both parties claim it’s a complete fabrication:

“There is no confirmation that they are a couple nor were they holding hands,” says a rep for Watkins’ modeling agency.

“They are definitely not a couple.” 

A spokesperson for Leo issued a similar denial, saying:

“This story is totally false and completely made up by people claiming to be sources.”

Even a PR representative for 1Oak got Leo’s back, telling Page Six:

“It’s not true, he was there with all of his boys for a holiday party.”

Is it just us, or all these denials making Leo look even more guilty.

His best defense would be to claim that he was just behaving on instinct:

“I saw a blonde model, so I started making out with her. At this point, it’s basically an involuntary function.”

There’s literally not a thing you can say to argue against that.


Friday, August 19, 2016

Nina Dobrev, Julianne Hough Post Naked Butt Photo, Instagram Rejoices

It seems like it was just last week that we were reporting on how quiet Nina Dobrev has been on social media lately.

In all likelihood, that’s because it was just last week. 

Fortunately, in the days since, Nina has taken action to prove that she’s just as engaged with fans (and just as selfie-happy) as ever.

First we were blessed with the truly epic Nina Dobrev bikini photo above.

Now, Nina has taken things a step further, and her legion of loyal fans have basically knelt before her in thanks.

No, we’re not saying Nina is returning to Vampire Diaries for Season 8.

(Although amazingly, that remains a possibility.)

We’re talking about something far more epic.

Nina and longtime friend Julianne Hough decided to drop trou for an Instagram belfie for the ages.

Yes, that’s Hough, Dobrev and an unnamed third butt on vacation in Idaho.

That’s right – Idaho.

The bikini pic above was taken in Ontario, and now Nina is stripping down and posting pics in the Land of the Potato.

She’s really performing a public service by bringing her hotness to the coldest parts of North America.

Many of Hough’s Instagram followers have joked that the girls are looking at a “full moon,” but we won’t bother to point out to you, the learned THG reader, that that’s clearly the sun.

We’re sure Neil deGrasse Tyson is headed to Hough’s page to set the record straight as we speak.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Nina Dobrev: Returning to The Vampire Diaries Season 8!?

It’s looking like Nina Dobrev will be back in Mystic Falls for The Vampire Diaries’ upcoming eighth (and final) season on the CW.

Dobrev rose to stardom thanks to her turn alongside Ian Somerhalder and Paul Wesley as part of a teenybopper love triangle for the ages.

The lead actress, who left the hit show after six seasons when her contract expired, will likely be part of its much-anticipated conclusion.

“There are discussions going on with Nina,” CW president Mark Pedowitz said at the Television Critics Association summer press tour.

“We’d love to have Nina back,” he added, echoing the sentiments of many who were sad to see her go. “She was great for The CW.”

“She was integral for The Vampire Diaries.”

It is not a done deal, however. Here’s why:

From a writing standpoint, of course, there are many ways in which it could happen; Nina has just not yet committed to a return appearance.

If you watch The Vampire Diaries online, you know Kai put a spell on her character, Elena, rendering her unconscious until Bonnie is dead.

So she’s currently just chilling in a tomb, basically.

Her possibly-not-so-final resting place is now under the watchful eye of Tyler … someplace unknown to her star-crossed lover Damon.

Easy enough to fix that, given the open-endedness of the spell and the fact that the fair Ms. Gilbert is only asleep indefinitely, not dead.

Easy to fix, schedules permitting, that is.

Should Dobrev’s return prove impossible, producers are working on an alternate end to the saga that will be equally, organically strong.

“Hopefully she’ll be back, but should it not work out, Julie [Plec] has a great series finale [that will satisfy the fans],” Pedowitz added.

How do you think they would end it with – or without – Elena?

Will both potential endings be mapped out, story boarded and ultimately filmed as part of a special collector’s edition TVD DVD set?

That would be pretty awesome actually … albeit unlikely if Nina’s contract talks break down and she never shows up for filming. Still!

As for The Vampire Diaries ending after Season 8, Pedowitz said he, Plec and Warner Brothers Television’s Peter Roth all agreed on it.

“We collectively came to the same place,” he told the media.

“Julie really got there before either Peter or I did, which was that this was the right time to end the series, to go out in the right way.”

Do you agree that the TVD brain trust made the right call?

Does that show have more left in the tank than just one more season, or on the flip side, should it have gone off the air when Nina did?

Most importantly … will viewers even be able to handle the rekindled hotness that is Dobrev if she graces the small screen once more?

Seriously, if you’ve seen Nina Dobrev in a bikini lately, you know what we’re talking about. That alone should drive huge ratings in May.

And is The Vampire Diaries the best show in CW history?

Check out this gallery and hit the comments to discuss!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Nina Dobrev Posts Insane Bikini Photo; Instagram Rejoices

Nina Dobrev has been keeping a relatively low profile ever since she left The Vampire Diaries.

Fortunately, she still blesses us with the occasional social media gem like this:

We’ve seen Nina in a bikini before, but it’s nice to get this reminder of how happy and healthy she is.

Right, we’ll keep telling ourselves that’s why we love this pic.

Anyway, it may look like Nina is in exotic foreign locale, but that’s only true in the most technical sense.

Apparently the photo was taken in Muskoka, Ontario.

So it definitely qualifies as foreign.

“Exotic” … maybe not so much.

As for what Nina’s been up to lately, it seems her life has quieted down since she broke up with Ian Somerhalder and quit the show in which they co-starred.

There were rumors that Dobrev was dating Ruby Rose, but either the reports were bogus or the romance quickly fizzled.

Insiders say Dobrev is single these days, so feel free to head to Muskoka, Ontario to plead your case.

But you’ll want to hurry, as it’ll probably start snowing there some time this week.

Bikini season isn’t very long for our neighbors to the north.

Fortunately, Nina is helping them take full advantage of it.

We’re pretty sure this qualifies as missionary work.

The girl’s gonna be able to write off the cost of that swimwear as a charitable contribution.

Watch The Vampire Diaries online at TV Fanatic to relive some of Nina’s finest moments.

Nina Dobrev Posts Insane Bikini Photo; Instagram Rejoices

Nina Dobrev has been keeping a relatively low profile ever since she left The Vampire Diaries.

Fortunately, she still blesses us with the occasional social media gem like this:

We’ve seen Nina in a bikini before, but it’s nice to get this reminder of how happy and healthy she is.

Right, we’ll keep telling ourselves that’s why we love this pic.

Anyway, it may look like Nina is in exotic foreign locale, but that’s only true in the most technical sense.

Apparently the photo was taken in Muskoka, Ontario.

So it definitely qualifies as foreign.

“Exotic” … maybe not so much.

As for what Nina’s been up to lately, it seems her life has quieted down since she broke up with Ian Somerhalder and quit the show in which they co-starred.

There were rumors that Dobrev was dating Ruby Rose, but either the reports were bogus or the romance quickly fizzled.

Insiders say Dobrev is single these days, so feel free to head to Muskoka, Ontario to plead your case.

But you’ll want to hurry, as it’ll probably start snowing there some time this week.

Bikini season isn’t very long for our neighbors to the north.

Fortunately, Nina is helping them take full advantage of it.

We’re pretty sure this qualifies as missionary work.

The girl’s gonna be able to write off the cost of that swimwear as a charitable contribution.

Watch The Vampire Diaries online at TV Fanatic to relive some of Nina’s finest moments.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio & Nina Agdal: Officially Dating?!

Last week, we reported that Leonardo DiCaprio is banging Nina Agdal.

Now, saying that Leo is sleeping with a blonde supermodel is a bit like informing you that bears prefer to defecate in heavily-forested areas, or that Pope Francis is an adherent of one particular branch of Christianity.

But it’s beginning to look like Nina is no Ela Kawalec.

Nor is she just another Roxy Horner.

And she’s certainly not the six women DiCaprio banged in one night during this year’s Cannes festival.

No, Nina is something special.

And not only because she’s infinitely more famous than any of those other women.

You see, insiders are beginning to report that Leo and Nina are not just sleeping together, but actually dating.

The sources (who probably felt very much like they had just spotted Bigfoot piloting a UFO) reported the news to Us Weekly yesterday.

Granted, it’s a tabloid, so you’ve gotta take this report with a grain of salt.

Still, even the Enquirer at the peak of its “Elvis and the Bat Boy: Secret Love Affair EXPOSED!” nonsense wouldn’t report on a story this car-azy without something to back it up.

So maybe now that he’s reached such career milestones as winning an Oscar and getting molested by a bear on screen, Leo really is ready to become a one-woman man.

Or maybe Nina is just super on board with threesomes.

Either way, there’s reason to believe Vape God is blowing rings for just one special lady these days.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Nina Dobrev & Ruby Rose: New Couple Alert??

Move over, Gwen and Blake.

The gossip gods have fingered a new “it” couple on the horizon, and they’re a right pretty pair.

Nina Dobrev is reportedly taking a break from penis and found her soul mate in Ruby Rose, surmises Celeb Dirty Laundry.

The actresses are currently filming xXx: The Return of Xander Cage together, and have reportedly gotten real chummy on set.

The two have been playing practical jokes on each other, having fun and sharing their shenanigans to Instagram.

But what is the dead giveaway that proves these two are now an item?

Nina said some nice stuff about Ruby.

“Ruby is a force to be reckoned with, and I am beyond lucky to have her as a co-star and to be able to call her a good friend,” the former Vampire Diaries star was quoted as saying in the New York Post.

“She’s hard-working, focused, funny, professional, fiercely determined and a lot of fun to be around,” she continued.

Uh-huh. What else?

Well, argues CDL, they’re both single. And, ya know, Ruby likes girls.

So obviously.

Nina of course dated Vampire Diaries co-star Ian Somerhalder for two years, and last year went public with her relationship with Austin Stowell.

Those two split up earlier this year, and she was seen getting her flirt on at Coachella with Scott Eastwood.

Ruby reportedly ended her engagement to Phoebe Dahl last year.

We probably don’t have to point out that there’s an awful lot of presumption going on here, but who knows?

Gossip rags have been right in the past, so I guess we’ll just have to see how this plays out.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Nina Dobrev at the 2016 Met Gala in NYC.

Nina Dobrev at the 2016 Met Gala in NYC.