Showing posts with label Agdal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Agdal. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Nina Agdal Spotted on Vacay in Capri with Jack Brinkley-Cook

Nina Agdal’s breaking necks while on vacay … she gets ya coming and most definitely gets ya going. The supermodel was spotted — quite literally — wearing the hell outta this leopard bikini while in Capri with her boyfriend – Christie…


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Nina Agdal Busts Out of Bikini In SI Swimsuit Return (PHOTO + VIDEO)

Good Lord.  Here’s supermodel Nina Agdal showing off her insane physique for the upcoming 2017 SI Swimsuit edition …. proving once again it’s good to be Leonardo DiCaprio.   No more words. Just watch. Good times.


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio: Cheating on Nina Agdal With Paige Watkins?!

Leonardo DiCaprio has been inside more models than every rolled up dollar bill on the planet combined, but to his credit, the guy is more serial monogamist than heartless womanizer.

Though he often trades the women in his life in for newer models in the most literal sense, it seems the splits are usually amicable and Leo’s exes never seem to have anything bad to say about their time with Hollywood’s most notorious playboy.

That may be about to change, however, thanks to a rumor about Leo stepping out behind the back of his current girlfriend, Nina Agdal.

DiCaprio and Agdal have been dating since July, and were rumored to be getting serious.

But it seems DiCaprio just wasn’t willing to put his ladies’ man ways behind him, as sources are telling Page Six that he was recently spotted hooking up a model (of course) named Paige Watkins while Agdal was out of town.

Witnesses say DiCaprio and Watkins were spotted slyly hooking up at 1Oak in LA, where Leo was partying in the VIP with his reunited “wolf pack,” which includes fellow actors Lukas Haas and the recently-divorced Toby Maguire.

“They looked pretty close,” one onlooker says.

“She was sitting on his lap, and they appeared to be kissing.”

Insiders say Nina was out of the country for the holidays, and Leo appears to have taken advantage of the window of opportunity presented by her absence.

Paige is a slender, blonde, twenty-something model, which makes this story 100% believable, but sources for both parties claim it’s a complete fabrication:

“There is no confirmation that they are a couple nor were they holding hands,” says a rep for Watkins’ modeling agency.

“They are definitely not a couple.” 

A spokesperson for Leo issued a similar denial, saying:

“This story is totally false and completely made up by people claiming to be sources.”

Even a PR representative for 1Oak got Leo’s back, telling Page Six:

“It’s not true, he was there with all of his boys for a holiday party.”

Is it just us, or all these denials making Leo look even more guilty.

His best defense would be to claim that he was just behaving on instinct:

“I saw a blonde model, so I started making out with her. At this point, it’s basically an involuntary function.”

There’s literally not a thing you can say to argue against that.


Thursday, July 7, 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio & Nina Agdal: Officially Dating?!

Last week, we reported that Leonardo DiCaprio is banging Nina Agdal.

Now, saying that Leo is sleeping with a blonde supermodel is a bit like informing you that bears prefer to defecate in heavily-forested areas, or that Pope Francis is an adherent of one particular branch of Christianity.

But it’s beginning to look like Nina is no Ela Kawalec.

Nor is she just another Roxy Horner.

And she’s certainly not the six women DiCaprio banged in one night during this year’s Cannes festival.

No, Nina is something special.

And not only because she’s infinitely more famous than any of those other women.

You see, insiders are beginning to report that Leo and Nina are not just sleeping together, but actually dating.

The sources (who probably felt very much like they had just spotted Bigfoot piloting a UFO) reported the news to Us Weekly yesterday.

Granted, it’s a tabloid, so you’ve gotta take this report with a grain of salt.

Still, even the Enquirer at the peak of its “Elvis and the Bat Boy: Secret Love Affair EXPOSED!” nonsense wouldn’t report on a story this car-azy without something to back it up.

So maybe now that he’s reached such career milestones as winning an Oscar and getting molested by a bear on screen, Leo really is ready to become a one-woman man.

Or maybe Nina is just super on board with threesomes.

Either way, there’s reason to believe Vape God is blowing rings for just one special lady these days.