Showing posts with label Abedin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abedin. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Anthony Weiner & Huma Abedin Call Off Divorce: What Could Go Wrong?!

These days, Anthony Weiner is serving a prison sentence for sexting a teenage girl at the nadir of what’s surely one of the most rapid and infuriating political downfalls in recent memory.

There was a time–not all that long ago–when the former congressman seemed to have it all, including the love of his beautiful and equally successful wife, top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

What made his many discgraces so much more frustrating than most was not only the fact that he targeted a minor, but also that he seemed to receive countless second chances, only to repeatedly betray the trust of his supporters and his impossibly merciful wife.

Eventually, of course, both the public and and Abedin could take no more of dishonesty and depravity, and he lost it all.

His political career went up in flames.

He was sentenced to 23 months in prison.

And in what may have been the most painful loss of all, Abedin filed for divorce

But now it seems that Weiner may once again be on the receiving end of Abedin’s compassion.

The New York Post is reporting today that the Weiner and Abedin have officially withdrawn their pending divorce case.

According to the newspaper, Abedin was scheduled to appear in Manhattan Supreme Court this afternoon for a compliance conference.

Instead, her attorney submitted paperwork signed by both her and Weiner, agreeing to remove their case from the sourts … for now.

Lawyers for Abedin says this doesn’t mean she’s had a change of heart, insisting that she Abedin simply needs more time to work out a settlement with Weiner before the case goes before a judge.

“In order to ensure the proceedings have a minimal impact on their child, the parties have decided to attempt to reach a settlement swiftly and privately,” says attorney Charles Miller.

For a professional opinion, the Post consulted with divorce attorney Michael Stutman, who is not involved with the case.

Stutman confirmed that the withdrawal does not necessarily mean that Abedin and Weiner have called off their divorce.

He says that they may have decided to postpone the hearing for tax or other economic reasons, or to allow them more time to work out a custody agreement for their 6-year-old son.

Of course, with how much Weiner has gotten away with over the years, we won’t be convinced Huma is really leaving him until the papers are signed.


Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner Settling Divorce Out of Court

Huma Abedin and convicted sex offender Anthony Weiner signed docs to call off their divorce — but they’re still done … they’re just taking a quieter approach.  Hillary Clinton’s trusted aide, Huma, had a divorce hearing…


Monday, October 2, 2017

Anthony Weiner & Huma Abedin Take Son to School Ahead of Prison Stint

Anthony Weiner is soaking up his last days of daddy duty before his nearly 2-year prison sentence begins … and his estranged wife, Huma Abedin, is even hanging with him. Nothing warm and fuzzy about it — just co-parenting — but Huma and…


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin Come Together for Walk with Son

Anthony Weiner and estranged wife Huma Abedin are going their separate ways, with one big exception. The divorcing couple were walking their 5-year-old son, Jordan, Monday in New York City, and judging from the snapshot, they’re trying to get along…


Monday, May 22, 2017

Huma Abedin FINALLY Files for Divorce from Anthony Weiner

Huma Abedin is wasting no time in getting rid of her loser husband, Anthony Weiner. 

According to ABC, Huma has filed for divorce from the disgraced politician, and the divorce was not contested. 

Three sexting scandals was the straw that broke the camel’s back for Huma, who previously announced she was separating from Anthony late last year. 

Naturally, it was only a matter of time before she filed for divorce from Anthony, who seemed to think it was alright to throw his weiner around outside of their marriage. 

In confirming her split in 2016, Huma also released a statement, confirming the news, while asking for privacy. 

“After long and painful consideration and work on my marriage, I have made the decision to separate from my husband.”

“Anthony and I remain devoted to doing what is best for our son, who is the light of our life.”

“During this difficult time, I ask for respect for our privacy.”

Anthony’s life has been turned upside down by his knack for getting a little too vulgar during sexting sessions. 

Things took a shocking turn when it was confirmed that he was sexting with a 15-years-old. 

That was not his first instance of sexting, but it was the most shocking. 

Previously, he was running for mayor of New York City when 22-year-old Sydney Leathers came forward about her digital relationship with the man. 

She then took to the porn industry with her take on her relationship with him. 

However, Weiner subsequently got hot and heavy over text messages with the 15-year-old after she sent him a direct message about a book she was writing on him. 

The girl and her father opened up to Daily Mail about the severity of the text messages. 

One of them reads: “I would bust that tight p***y so hard and so often that you would leak and limp for a week.” 

Unsurprisingly, Weiner was summoned to court to answer for his crimes and opted to plead guilty. He was charged with transferring obscene material to a minor. 

He was allegedly crying and remorseful for his crimes, and per the terms of his plea deal, he would spend 21 to 27 months in jail, give up his iPhone and pay a fine of up to $ 350,000. 

A judge will determine the sentence they see fit, but something tells us Anthony and his weiner will be going away for a long time. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Saturday, May 20, 2017

Andy Cohen Cares about Huma Abedin and Tom Brady"s Ass (VIDEO)

Andy Cohen doesn’t have an apathetic bone in his body … with strong views ranging from Huma Abedin’s future to Tom Brady’s body parts. Andy was out and about in Bev Hills Friday — at Kyle Richard’s boutique — when we asked about the futures of…


Friday, May 19, 2017

Huma Abedin Files to Divorce Anthony Weiner

Huma Abedin has finally filed to divorce Anthony Weiner … and it appears his guilty plea for texting a 15-year-old girl was the last straw. Huma filed divorce docs in NYC, according to the NY Post. The news comes just hours after Weiner…


Huma Abedin Files to Divorce Anthony Weiner

Huma Abedin has finally filed to divorce Anthony Weiner … and it appears his guilty plea for texting a 15-year-old girl was the last straw. Huma filed divorce docs in NYC, according to the NY Post. The news comes just hours after Weiner…


Friday, March 17, 2017

Hillary Clinton & Huma Abedin Puttin" The Band Back Together!!! (PHOTOS)

Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin teamed up again in NYC Thursday, as rumors swirl the former presidential candidate might make a run for mayor of the Big Apple. Hillary and her loyal lieutenant hit up Bergdorf Goodman. Unclear if they were shopping…


Hillary Clinton & Huma Abedin Puttin" The Band Back Together!!! (PHOTOS)

Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin teamed up again in NYC Thursday, as rumors swirl the former presidential candidate might make a run for mayor of the Big Apple. Hillary and her loyal lieutenant hit up Bergdorf Goodman. Unclear if they were shopping…


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

TMZ Live: Hillary Clinton: Huma Abedin Resurfaces after E-mail Controversy!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Mariah Carey & Nick Cannon’s Divorce is Finally Settled  ‘The Voice’ Star Goes Crazy During a Flight Celeb Makes It Rain In Strip Club with His Pet Monkey! Tyga Pulls Off a Financial Miracle SKYPE US TMZTVSHOW TWEET US…


Huma Abedin -- I"ve Still Got Some Tricks Up My Sleeve (VIDEO)

Huma Abedin may be in the eye of the FBI storm, but she’s not too busy to take her kid trick or treating. Hillary Clinton’s right-hand woman has been laying low since FBI Director James Comey announced he’s reopened the email probe … triggered by…


Monday, August 29, 2016

Huma Abedin (Finally!) Separates from Anthony Weiner

Three sexting scandals for Anthony Weiner and she’s out!

On Monday morning – just hours after yet ANOTHER inappropriate instance of her husband using his penis outside of his marriage came to light – Huma Abedin announced her separation from this disgraced politician.

Said Abedin, who serves as a close aide to Hillary Clinton, in a statemennt:

“After long and painful consideration and work on my marriage, I have made the decision to separate from my husband.

“Anthony and I remain devoted to doing what is best for our son, who is the light of our life.

“During this difficult time, I ask for respect for our privacy.”

Weiner, to the shock and dismay of a fascinated public, has remained devoted to numerous online affairs with various women over the past few years.

He and Abedin have been married since 2010.

Just a year after they exchanged vows, Weiner resigned from Congress after he inadvertently tweeted a photo of his crotch to all followers.

It had been meant for an audience of just one.

This initial sexting scandal came as Abedin was pregnant with the couple’s son, Jordan, who is now four years old.

The scandalous picture centered on the bulge inside of Weiner’s underwear and it led to quite a few jokes and puns due to Weiner’s last name.

Weiner’s follow-up sexting scandal went public in 2013.

It ended his campaign for mayor of New York City at the time and it led to more jokes about his name because it came out that Weiner was going by “Carlos Danger” while exchanging lewd messages with random women.

Really, we couldn’t make that up if we tried.

Soon afterward, Weiner and his wife held a joint press conference in which he apologized to Abedin repeatedly.

“I want to again say that I am very sorry to anyone who was on the receiving end of these messages and the disruption this has caused,” Weiner said back then.

What prompted Abedin to stay in her marriage throughout this turmoil?

“It took a lot of work and a whole lot of therapy to get to a place where I could forgive Anthony,” she said at the time.

“It was not an easy choice in any way, but I made the decision that it was worth staying in this marriage. I made a decision for me, for my son and my marriage.”

So… why did Abedin finally choose to leave Weiner?

Because The New York Post just published yet another photo of Weiner’s crotch, this time with an added bonus:

In the following image – which was reportedly shared online around 3 a.m. on July 31, 2015 – Weiner is erect… in his underwear… and LYING NEXT TO HIS SON.

The Post writes that Weiner was talking to a 40-something divorcee at the time and had the following exchange with her:

“Someone just climbed into my bed,” Weiner wrote.

“Really?” she replied.

Weiner then his “Send,” only to panic that he had once again made the picture public.

“Ooooooh . . . I was scared. For half a second I thought I posted something. Stop looking at my crotch,” Weiner wrote to the unnamed woman.

“Whatever. You did it on purpose,” she responded.

Gee, ya think?!?

The woman tells the newspaper that she and Weiner talked about getting together, but have “never met.”

She added that she has two adult children and lives with her boyfriend.

The picture with Weiner’s son was just one of several selfies he sent to her, however, most of which featured Weiner in states of undress.

At one point, the woman sent Weiner a selfie that depicyed her in a cleavage-baring, red lace dress, to which Weiner wrote back;

“Holy f–kity f- -k.”

In reply to another photo of her standing next to a woman at the same event, he quipped:

“Conjured some high school fantasies.”

Abedin is currently on the Presidential campaign trail with Clinton.

This means two things:

1. She is at least spending time with someone who can relate to infidelity and very public sexual liasions.

2. Donald Trump will clearly Tweet about this at any moment.