Showing posts with label Anyway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anyway. Show all posts

Friday, October 5, 2018

Mike Sorrentino Begs Judge For Leniency, Receives Prison Time Anyway

It’s a sad day for Jersey Shore star and reality TV icon Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino.

As we reported earlier, Sorrentino has been sentenced to eight months in prison in connection with a string of legal troubles that began back in 2014.

At that time, Mike and his older brother Marc were indicted for failure to pay taxes on $ 8.9 million in earnings.

Additionally, the brothers were accused of covering up their crimes by filing false tax returns in connection to Mike’s business ventures.

In April of 2017, Mike was hit with additional charges of tax evasion and structuring funds to avoid currency transaction reports.

Under the terms of his plea deal, Sorrentino was only forced to plead guilty to one count of tax evasion, but that proved to be enough to land him behind bars.

Mike’s attorneys argued that he played a minimal role in the financial conspiracy masterminded by his brother (who has already been sentenced to two years in prison).

They also noted that Sorrentino has worked hard to overcome the substance abuse issues that plagued him as a young adult.

Speaking on his own behalf, Sorrentino made a heartfelt plea for leniency that ultimately fell on deaf ears.

“I am deeply sorry. I will forever regret the decisions I made,” he told the court.

“I overcame my demons in 34 months,” Sorrentino added.

“I was in almost a full year of treatment. I lost everything in a short period of time. I was immature. Everything came overnight.”

Sorrentino joked that he “doesn’t even speed anymore” before listing the ways in which he’s served his community over the course of the past three years.

“I have a new team of professionals helping me. I work at two rehabs to share my story,” he said.

“I volunteer at the police department. I warn kids of the dangers of substance abuse. I want to continue to be a positive role model in my community.”

But despite Mike’s obvious remorse, his good works, and the endorsement of his Shore castmates — all of whom were present in the courtroom today — the judge denied Sorrentino’s request for probation and a fine and his only penalties.

In addition to jail time, Mike will be forced to serve 500 hours of community service and pay a $ 10,000 fine within 30 days.

He has already paid $ 123,913 in restitution.

There’s no word yet on when Mike will begin serving his sentence, but it currently looks as though he will not be appearing in the planned third season of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation.


Friday, May 11, 2018

Bill Clinton Reacts to White House Comment John McCain is "Dying Anyway"

Former President Bill Clinton embraced John McCain in a big way, clearly throwing shade on the White House staffer who dismissed the Arizona Senator as a guy whose opinion doesn’t matter because “he’s dying anyway.” We got Clinton leaving The…


Thursday, March 29, 2018

DMX Plays His Favorite Jams For Judge, Gets Sent to Jail Anyway

Looks like everyone’s favorite gravel-voiced rapper won’t be shutting ‘em down or opening up shop for the remainder of 2018.

DMX has been sentenced to one year behind bars for tax fraud.

This despite playing one of his most memorable hits for the judge in hopes of getting off with a more lenient sentence.

Yes, it was an unusual legal strategy, but believe it or not, it may have paid off.

X (real name Earl Simmons) was facing five years behind bars for evading $ 1.7 million in taxes.

Manhattan federal Judge Jed Rakoff went easy on the father of 15 (!!!) with a one-year sentence, describing Simmons as “a good man” who is “his own worst enemy.”

It’s unclear if Rakoff was moved by the lyrics to “Slippin"” a 1998 DMX hit that Simmons’ lawyers played in court so that the judge could hear their clients’ story “in his own words.”

Whatever the case, Simmons got off light in terms of time behind bars, but he’ll be burdened by a heavy debt to Uncle Sam when he gets out.

The rapper has been ordered to pay $ 2.3 million in restitution

Prior to sentencing, Simmons wept and asked for leniency so that he could spend time with his 18-month-old son who suffers from a medical condition.

“I was in a cloud. I was in a cloud,” Simmons told the judge, attributing many of his past mistakes to drug use.

“I wasn’t thinking straight.”

“I didn’t believe that s–t stank,” Simmons continued.

This week’s sentencing is the latest in a long line of troubles for Simmons.

In 2016, the rapper nearly died of an overdose, and he has reportedly struggled to remain sober in the years since.

Prosecutors pushed for a harsher sentence, arguing that Simmons knew exactly what he was doing when he bilked the federal government out of millions.

“This is not a lapse in judgment. This is not a 1-year-old thing,” said assistant DA Richard Cooper.

Simmons has been in prison since January of this year when he violated his probation by testing positive for cocaine and opioids.


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Jenelle Evans Could Still Be Fired from Teen Mom 2, Asks MTV for More Money Anyway

Jenelle Evans is not in the best place right now in terms of her career.

Or in terms of her relationships with other people. Or in terms of being a stable human being.

In terms of anything, really.

She’s been sort of spiraling for a while now, so much that it’s honestly difficult to pinpoint an exact moment that things started going so wrong for her again.

There was a time when many people thought she was finally getting her life together, when she got with David Eason (before many people found out about his scary criminal record) and they built their home together.

But then we saw David on the show and began to realize what a creep he was, and we learned that Jenelle had been doing drugs while pregnant with Ensley and all the stuff about the alleged child neglect and abuse …

And it looks like things have just always been a mess.

Still, things have intensified recently, with all the (extremely well-deserved) criticism she’s been getting for doing drugs during her pregnancy and, you know, for standing by a gigantic jackass like David.

Last month, David made some extremely homophobic and transphobic comments on Twitter, and MTV promptly fired him from Teen Mom 2.

Jenelle liked a few of his tweets and she never spoke out against his hateful comments except to say that he simply didn’t understand how Twitter works and that he’d “keep his comments to himself from now on.”

Oh, and she also said that he’s not homophobic because they went to a party once where there were gay people and “he didn’t act in any type of way.”

We’ve heard many reports about the situation, about how she could be fired too, or she could quit.

We’ve also heard that MTV wrapped up filming early down in North Carolina, and there are no plans yet for the crew to return.

But as of now, we haven’t heard anything official about Jenelle’s status on the show.

Don’t go getting too sad about the lack of news though — because we do have a hilarious new report about how she may be handling this situation!

According to a source who spoke with Radar Online, Jenelle has been begging producers to keep her on the show … but she’s been angling for more money at the same time?

“Jenelle hired an entertainment lawyer to negotiate with MTV,” the source claimed, “but the network wasn’t giving in to any of her demands.”

One of her demands, believe it or not, was that the network pay her an additional fee to film on her property.

That’s just … what is she … why would that ever be a thing that would happen?

It kind of sounds like her logic is that MTV and David are at odds, and since her home is also David’s home, they need extra compensation to allow them to film there?

It also sounds like she’s not taking into consideration that all of the cast members have always filmed in their homes, and that it doesn’t make sense at all for Jenelle to receive extra money just because her husband was too dumb to not get fired.

The source said that “MTV shot that down,” of course, and that “no one wanted to film on Jenelle’s property because they were all disgusted by David.”

“And all of the guns are unacceptable too, people are afraid of what David could do.”

In addition to asking for more money, the source said that she also tried to get David back on the show, but MTV refused.

Not only that, but the network “still hasn’t given Jenelle a date for when or even if filming would start with her again.”

And that’s because “she could still be fired from the show.”

If Jenelle is pulling dumb stunts like trying to get a bonus for filming at her own house, and if the crew is legitimately afraid for their lives because of David with his terrible temper and gun collection …

Maybe it wouldn’t be the worst thing if she got fired.


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Ex-Pats TE Praises Josh McDaniels: Indy"s "a S**t Show" Anyway

“Who the hell wants to go to the Colts organization and play for [Jim] Irsay. I mean, that place is an absolute s**t show” — says ex-Patriots tight end Jermaine Wiggins. Wiggins would know … he played for the Colts back in 2002 and tells TMZ…


Friday, May 26, 2017

Jenelle Evans: It"s OK, I Didn"t Want Custody of Jace Anyway!

Earlier this week, Jenelle Evans had her big court date concerning the custody of her oldest son, Jace.

And it did not go well.

Jace has been living with Jenelle’s mother, the lovely Barbara Evans, since he was just a few months old. Jenelle signed over custody to her, and she’s been raising him ever since.

But for the past several months, Jenelle’s been going on and on about regaining custody of the boy, and on Wednesday, the final decision was made.

Instead of going to trial, Jenelle and Barbara opted for mediation, and they agreed on an official set of terms.

According to the new agreement, Barbara maintains full custody, but Jace will stay with Jenelle every other weekend, and for a while during his summer breaks.

They also came up with a handy set of rules for when Jace is with either of them: things like drug use, excessive drinking, and the physical punishment of Jace by anyone but Jenelle or Barb are no longer allowed.

Once again, this was all decided on in mediation. Jenelle agreed to every bit of this.

But, as she revealed in a Twitter rant this morning, all is not as it seems.

In her first tweet, Jenelle made a reference to a quote Barbara had made in a statement, a quote about how she’d agreed to the mediation because she was scared of going to trial.

“It would have been awful for her,” Barbara said, adding that “There are a lot of things that people don’t know about Jenelle.”

“‘Jenelle was afraid of her secrets being exposed,"” our favorite Teen Mom trainwreck tweeted. “No there’s a reason and plan behind every action I make.”

“Funny I was ready with my lawyer and my mom kept offering me an agreement when I wanted to go to trial,” she continued.

“But thanks Barbara for the new book idea. Let’s see who has secrets.”

She also claims that when they left mediation, a judge said “Barbara from this day forward… you need to think about the child and not yourself all the time.”

“Should have taken it to trial but it’s ok… always have to remain positive.”

When asked why she didn’t go to trial, Jenelle said that “there’s always a plan behind my decisions.”

And when someone told her to grow up, she wrote “Nope it’s about the truth. He should be with his mom, judge didn’t even hear our case cuz we settled. I’m not the bad one, you’ll see.”

So this is all just pure craziness, but let’s try to break this down.

In this wacky little rant, which was quickly deleted, she keeps playing the victim, saying that she wanted to go to trial and the judge didn’t even hear her case.

But she agreed to the new visitation agreement. If she wanted to go to trial, she could have, she just had to refuse to budge on her request for full custody.

It’s wonderful that she was able to work this new deal out with Barbara, because it’s definitely what’s best for Jace, but she’s acting like she was somehow wronged.

What’s this plan she keeps talking about? If she really wants full custody, then what kind of plan would have stopped her, besides Barbara’s claim that she’s scared of an actual trial?

And does she really expect us to believe that a judge told Barbara to stop thinking about herself all the time?

So many questions, so few answers.

Guess we’ll just have to wait for Jenelle’s Babs tell-all to figure it all out!


Friday, February 3, 2017

Farrah Abraham Tries to Be a Good Person, Gets Hate Anyway

Farrah Abraham is an awful monster of a person, filled with vanity and vapidity and all bad things.

But still, she’s not without talent — and one of her biggest talents is the way she continues to find brand new ways to be terrible.

Seriously, just when you think she’s all out of surprises, that she couldn’t possibly pull out a new trick, she does.

And it’s bad. But also impressive.

This time around, Farrah shocked us all when she took her four (!!!) dogs for a “spa day,” as seen in the photo above.

But it wasn’t just any spa day — it was a spa day for charity!

In the caption of her photo, she wrote “All my pooches had a spa day for a great cause @caringforcambodia sending over 10,000 tooth brushes for youth!”

If you’re a little confused at this point, don’t worry.

Remember we’re talking about Farrah Abraham here, the woman who possesses the communication skills of a three-year-old.

But it turns out that Farrah’s vet is running this promotion with a charity called Caring for Cambodia, and if you bring in a children’s toothbrush for the charity, the vet will knock $ 60 off a teeth cleaning for your pet.

So, as we understand it, Farrah and Sophia came in with their four dogs, brought some toothbrushes, and made a day of it.

And that’s great, really. If Farrah’s being charitable, if she’s helping some kids get some toothbrushes, that’s wonderful.

But there are still a few issues here.

For instance, did Farrah personally donate 10,000 toothbrushes? Or was her vet able to raise that many, so Farrah’s trying to take credit for it?

And for that matter, why is she making this post in the first place? Is it really so hard to use a tiny fraction of all that Teen Mom/porn money and do something good without bragging about it?

Another issue, and this seems to be the big one for a lot of people, is the fact that Farrah apparently has four dogs.

If you’ve watched Farrah on Teen Mom, you know that she doesn’t have the greatest track record when it comes to caring for pets.

She bought a puppy — another issue people have with her — when Sophia was younger, and she got mad at it when it wouldn’t potty train itself.

She actually held the puppy over the toilet and tried to force it to pee. It wasn’t great.

The puppy was gone soon after, and in the time since, she’s had a habit of featuring disappearing dogs on the show.

Even in the comments on this photo, people are asking about the whereabouts of a French bulldog that was seen in a recent episode.

So, to recap, Farrah may have donated to charity, but she did it in the most obnoxious way possible.

Hey, at least she’s consistent.


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Justin Bieber -- Instagram Can Go To Hell ... It"s For Satan, Anyway (VIDEO)

Justin Bieber says Instagram is Dante’s Inferno of today, and he doesn’t plan to plunge back into its pool of fire anytime soon. The Biebs was performing in London Tuesday night, where he took a moment to reminisce on his days of snapping and…


Friday, November 18, 2016

Nick Gordon -- F*** It! I"m Not Paying Bobbi Kristina"s Fam Anyway

Nick Gordon’s so broke he can’t afford to pay attention to what’s happening in his civil case … much less hand over $ 36 million to Bobbi Kristina’s estate. Nick was ordered to fork over the hefty chunk Thursday when — again — he was a no-show as…


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Grandma Texts Wrong Teen, Invites Him to Thanksgiving Anyway

Grandparents and technology really do not mix.

At least not when it comes to efficiency.

When it comes to hilarity, however, and even the warming of one"s heart, the following grandmother and the teen she accidentally texted about Thanksgiving make for the perfect combination.

Prepare to laugh and maybe even shed a tear over the following story…

1. This is Jamal Hinton

Jamal hintonthis is

Jamal is 17 years old and lives in Phoenix. He spoke to BuzzFeed News about the tale you’re about to read and explained that he recently/unexpectedly made a new “friend” via text message.

2. How It All Began…

How it all began

About a week before Thanksgiving, Jamal accidentally got included in a group text from an unknown number, which expounded on Thanksgiving dinner plans that included others named “Amanda” and “Justin.” Hinton was confused. He asked who the sender was and she replied “your grandma.”

3. MY Grandma?!?

My grandma

Jamal remained confused. He askd for a picture… and received one!

4. I’m Sorry, But…

Im sorry but

… Jamal explained to this nice woman that she was not his grandmother. She had made a mistake with her text message.

5. Nice to Meet You!

Nice to meet you

Hinton took it all in stride and responded with his own selfie to prove his idenity. He also asked if he could still have a seat at her table on Thanksgiving, to which the very kind lady replied: “Of course you can.”

6. The Story Goes Viral

The story goes viral

Jamal says that he’s very much serious and will happily attended this Thanksgiving meal if the invitation still stands. As you can see here, Twitter is very excited about this new friendship.

View Slideshow

Monday, November 7, 2016

Wale Sued -- Poor Decision To No-Show ... And Take $25k From Us Anyway!

Wale took a bag of money to headline a concert, but dropped a lotus flower bomb on it when he skipped the show and kept the cash … this according to a new lawsuit. Upfront and Personal Global, the promoters who say they hired Wale for a…


Wale Sued -- Poor Decision To No-Show ... And Take $25k From Us Anyway!

Wale took a bag of money to headline a concert, but dropped a lotus flower bomb on it when he skipped the show and kept the cash … this according to a new lawsuit. Upfront and Personal Global, the promoters who say they hired Wale for a…


Thursday, November 3, 2016

Sylvester Stallone to Demi Lovato -- Here"s How to Box Like a Champ ... in Hollywood, Anyway (VIDEOS)

Before Demi Lovato took down Rocky Balboa in a sparring match, she got lessons on how to take down Rocky … from Rocky.  Sylvester Stallone shared a clip of them practicing a jab sequence — exactly like Sly does when he’s shooting…


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Donald Trump -- We Got Your Star Right Here ... Part of It, Anyway (PHOTO)

LAPD officers got their hands on a piece of Donald Trump’s Walk of Fame star … which had been stashed away after vandal James Otis destroyed it. Cops recovered the brass emblem with the TV icon from Trump’s star at a home in the San Fernando…
