Friday, February 3, 2017

Farrah Abraham Tries to Be a Good Person, Gets Hate Anyway

Farrah Abraham is an awful monster of a person, filled with vanity and vapidity and all bad things.

But still, she’s not without talent — and one of her biggest talents is the way she continues to find brand new ways to be terrible.

Seriously, just when you think she’s all out of surprises, that she couldn’t possibly pull out a new trick, she does.

And it’s bad. But also impressive.

This time around, Farrah shocked us all when she took her four (!!!) dogs for a “spa day,” as seen in the photo above.

But it wasn’t just any spa day — it was a spa day for charity!

In the caption of her photo, she wrote “All my pooches had a spa day for a great cause @caringforcambodia sending over 10,000 tooth brushes for youth!”

If you’re a little confused at this point, don’t worry.

Remember we’re talking about Farrah Abraham here, the woman who possesses the communication skills of a three-year-old.

But it turns out that Farrah’s vet is running this promotion with a charity called Caring for Cambodia, and if you bring in a children’s toothbrush for the charity, the vet will knock $ 60 off a teeth cleaning for your pet.

So, as we understand it, Farrah and Sophia came in with their four dogs, brought some toothbrushes, and made a day of it.

And that’s great, really. If Farrah’s being charitable, if she’s helping some kids get some toothbrushes, that’s wonderful.

But there are still a few issues here.

For instance, did Farrah personally donate 10,000 toothbrushes? Or was her vet able to raise that many, so Farrah’s trying to take credit for it?

And for that matter, why is she making this post in the first place? Is it really so hard to use a tiny fraction of all that Teen Mom/porn money and do something good without bragging about it?

Another issue, and this seems to be the big one for a lot of people, is the fact that Farrah apparently has four dogs.

If you’ve watched Farrah on Teen Mom, you know that she doesn’t have the greatest track record when it comes to caring for pets.

She bought a puppy — another issue people have with her — when Sophia was younger, and she got mad at it when it wouldn’t potty train itself.

She actually held the puppy over the toilet and tried to force it to pee. It wasn’t great.

The puppy was gone soon after, and in the time since, she’s had a habit of featuring disappearing dogs on the show.

Even in the comments on this photo, people are asking about the whereabouts of a French bulldog that was seen in a recent episode.

So, to recap, Farrah may have donated to charity, but she did it in the most obnoxious way possible.

Hey, at least she’s consistent.
