Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Kim Kardashian Shills for Waist Trainer, Is Officially BACK!

Kim Kardashian is back, people.

It’s been several weeks since the reality star returned to social media, we know. She’s posted a number of photos and a couple Snapchat videos over the past month or so.

But now the ex-sex tape star has truly returned to the life she lived prior to last year’s armed robbery.

The mother of two just shared a new image on Facebook, one that centers on her ample cleavage and tiny waist.

But that’s not all!

It’s just like Kim Kardashian to show off these body parts, of course.

However, it’s even more like Kim Kardashian to shill for a product while doing so.

“I love working out in my @waistgangsociety shaper by @premadonna87 it gives me the extra boost that I need in the gym & keeps my waist snatched,” Kim wrote of the product as a caption.

She then included a discount code and a link to the official website for What a Waist.

We’ve railed against the awful example set by Kardashian and her sisters for years, as they continue to hawk a company and a product that does absolutely nothing.

Note to fans of these stars:

A waist trainer will not help you shed a single pound. Kim is simply making money off your ignorance here. DO NOT PURCHASE THESE RIDICULOUS CONTRAPTIONS.

Elsewhere, Kim seemingly responded to those who think she’s been acting poor in her ongoing series of family photos.

As previously reported, some are under the impression that Kardashian is going too far out of her way to act all normal ever since her return to social media.

It’s nice that she’s stopped posting images of her diamonds and her mansion because that simply invites trouble, as she discovered the hard way in Paris last October.

But it’s silly and a bit insulting to now pretend like she’s just a regular Jane Six Pack, unable to afford makeup or furniture.

Fortunately, Kardashian appears to finally agree.

Consider the following new photo and its affiliated message:

Yup, that’s Kardashian in a private airplane.

“NYFW here we come!!! Thank you @jetluxlife!!! #jetluxlife,” Kim wrote as a caption, once again promoting a company that almost definitely gave her a free ride as a result of this one Instagram post.

Kanye West is scheduled to to reveal new items in his fashion line on Wednesday at New York Fashion Week.

We’ve seen very little of the rapper since his hospitalization last year for a nervous breakdown and even less of Kim and Kanye together in public.

Hence the ongoing rumors of a Kimye divorce on the horizon.

Might this Fashion Week appearance give the couple a chance to shut down that talk?

Might we finally see a return of Kim and Kanye to their natural, rich, well-dressed habitat? It’s been far too long.

The celebrity gossip universe needs you, Kimye. Give us what we want, please.
