Showing posts with label Nobody. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nobody. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Jesse Jackson Says Nobody Hated Tim Tebow for Taking Knee, So Why Kaepernick?

Rev. Jesse Jackson has a message for all the Colin Kaepernick haters — Tim Tebow took a knee too … and nobody had a problem with that!  We got Jesse leaving Reagan International Airport this week when he used the ex-Heisman Trophy…


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Smash Mouth Cusses Out Myles Garrett, "Nobody Knows Who The F You Are!"

Smash Mouth — yes, that band from “Shrek” — has got some balls on ‘em … throwing F bombs at NFL star Myles Garrett!!! Why, you ask?  The band apparently took MAJOR offense to an interview Garrett gave ripping Kevin Durant … where the…


Monday, February 26, 2018

Kim Kardashian: Nobody Tell Chicago West About the Surrogacy!!

On January 15th of 2018, Kim and Kanye welcomed the birth of their third child — a precious little baby named Chicago West.

Chicago was born via surrogate — a smart and healthy choice considering the health risks that Kim would have endured with another pregnancy. But reports have claimed that something’s different with this new child.

Kim Kardashian is reportedly distant — but is apparently also insisting that no one tell Chicago about the surrogacy? How long does she think that she can keep it a secret.

This is a little odd, folks, and we’ll explain why.

RadarOnline reports that Kim Kardashian asks her family to let her be the one to tell Chicago — when she’s old enough to, you know, understand language and process the information — about how she was born.

“Kim asked her family to never tell Chicago that she was born via surrogate.”

If you’re wondering how long Kim thinks that she could possibly keep that up, what with the surrogacy being famous and all, she apparently does plan for Chicago to eventually learn the truth.

“Kim said that she wants to be the one to tell Chicago the story of how she was conceived and she does not want to do so until she asks.”

So she plans to hold out until the inevitable “where do babies come from?” question. That makes sense.

However, it sounds like Kanye’s unhappy with Kim’s request — and there might be more too it.

See, there have also been some bizarre reports that lead some to believe that Kim Kardashian may be neglecting baby Chicago.

Or, at the very least, not having the sort of bond with her that she did with North and Saint after they were born.

Reports claim that Kim seems less maternal in the aftermath of Chicago’s birth.

Descriptions make it sound like she’s phoning in motherhood with sweet baby Chi.

Could it be true?

Claims made to RadarOnline go on to suggest that Kim Kardashian views family as another part of her brand.

“Kim’s desire to have more kids comes from her need to stay rich and relevant.”

And, per these reports, that it’s driving a wedge between the Wests.

“But Kanye is starting to see how fake she is and, at this point, doesn’t want to add any more children to the mix. He is starting to not even recognize her at all anymore.”

That is stunning if true.

And Kanye is reportedly unhappy that Kim seems less devoted as a new mother this time around.

“It’s creating a lot of arguments for Kanye. He just doesn’t think that she’s into it.”

Obviously, you can’t just not be into your responsibilities as a parent.

“She just can’t quit with her selfie and body obsession — and it’s pushing Kanye away once more.”

That’s curious, since Kanye’s taken at least some of Kim’s seductive photos.

“He thought she’d calmed down when the new baby came, but it’s actually gotten worse.”

Now, we hope that someone’s just confused or has heard mixed signals, because Kim Kardashian loves her family and we’d hate to imagine her treating a baby born via surrogate any differently than she treated those she pushed out herself.

It may even be that someone is deliberately spreading rumors about her. Sometimes, a celebrity’s friend can become their worst enemy.

As for the request that no one tell Chicago about the surrogacy until she asks — well, that makes sense.

When your child asks about reproduction, you should tell them the truth — yes, even if they’re super young. That includes things like surrogacy.

We don’t think that Kim thinks that she can keep Chicago in a bubble for life. But a mom who wants to be the one to tell her daughter about how she was born doesn’t sound like a neglectful mother to us.


Sunday, June 25, 2017

Prince Harry: Nobody Wants to Be a Royal!

Prince Harry … let’s just tell it like it is, Prince Harry is dreamy.

He’s charming, attractive, good with kids and animals. He’s also an actual prince. What could be dreamier?

But as Harry reveals in a shockingly intimate interview with Newsweek, he actually doesn’t have much interest in being an actual prince, or in being a royal at all.

So is he really the dreamboat we always imagined him to be?

One particular quote from the interview has several people up in arms — a quote where Harry claimed that no one in the royal family is really all that into it.

“Is there any one of the royal family who wants to be king or queen?” he asks. “I don’t think so, but we will carry out our duties at the right time.”

The issue is that Harry and his family live in a literal palace and have access to all sorts of servants and all sorts of admiration from the public.

From the moment they were born, they were set aside as special, and they never had to deal with so many of the struggles that everyone else faces.

So to hear him sound so unappreciative of all he’s been given in life … well, it’s rubbing a lot of people the wrong way.

But as he reveals in the rest of the interview, his statement comes from a deep desire to just be a normal person.

And that’s understandable, isn’t it?

“My mother took a huge part in showing me an ordinary life,” he explains, “including taking me and my brother to see homeless people.”

“Thank goodness I’m not completely cut off from reality.”

He says that “People would be amazed by the ordinary life William and I live. I do my own shopping.”

Harry admits that sometimes he gets scared that he’ll get too much attention while shopping for groceries, but “I am determined to have a relatively normal life, and if I’m lucky enough to have children, they can have one too.”

“Even if I was king, I would do my own shopping.”

He says that it’s “a tricky balancing act,” being royal and still trying to live a normal life, because “We don’t want to dilute the magic.”

“The British public and the whole world need institutions like it.”

But while he thinks the monarchy is important, he’s also intent on “modernizing” it.

He explains that while, by the numbers, he and William are doing much less work than the Queen, it’s because they’re putting an emphasis on quality over quantity.

“We use our time wisely,” he claims. “We don’t want to turn up, shake hands but not get involved.”

For Harry, using his time wisely means focusing on the kind work that Princess Diana would have wanted him to be involved with.

It also means doing something the royal family has never done: raising awareness about mental health and the importance of getting treatment when needed.

He says that after his mother died, he “shut down” for almost 20 years, and he struggled with being in the position he was in.

But William convinced him to get counseling when he was 28, and now he’s “fired up and energized and love charity stuff, meeting people and making them laugh.”

“I sometimes still feel I am living in a goldfish bowl,” he reveals, “but now I manage it better.”

“I still have a naughty streak too, which I enjoy and is how I relate to those individuals who have got themselves into trouble.”

So it seems that even though he may not have a desire to be king, he’s still embracing his role in his own special way.

And really, what more could we ask for?


Monday, April 24, 2017

Abby Lee Miller Undergoes Dramatic Weight Loss Surgery, Claims Nobody Cares About Her

Abby Lee Miller became a reality TV sensation for her quick-witted responses to her dancers on Dance Moms

Nowadays, Miller’s life is anything but glamorous. She no longer works on the show that made her a household name and is currently awaiting sentencing in the wake of her pleading guilty to bankruptcy fraud. 

The beast of the East is now undergoing dramatic weight loss surgery that could probably give the beast of the South (June Shannon) a run for her money. 

The procedure in question for Abby is a sleeve gastrectomy, which will remove 80 percent of her stomach. We’re sure Abby was probably searching for how to shave 80 percent of her prison sentence, but she probably settled at losing some of her stomach. 

Kidding aside, Abby feels like no one cares about whether something goes wrong during the procedure. In an emotional interview with Entertainment Tonight, she got very upset about the whole thing. 

“Oh, this is crazy,” she said before walking into the operating room. 

“There’s nobody freaking out if something happens to me,” Miller revealed. “I’m scared, I’m nervous.”

It was a mere month ago Miller announced her decision to part ways with Dance Moms in a scathing Instagram rant that took aim at the producers.

It reads as follows:

The majority of children that follow me may be fast asleep, however now is the critical time to make the following statement: I WILL NO LONGER TAKE PART IN DANCE MOMS.



I don’t have a problem working with any kid, I love children and have dedicated my life to making other people’s children successful! I JUST HAVE A PROBLEM WITH BEING MANIPULATED, DISRESPECTED, AND USED – DAY IN AND DAY OUT BY MEN WHO NEVER TOOK A DANCE LESSON IN THEIR LIVES AND TREAT WOMEN LIKE DIRT! #dancemoms #season7 #ALDC #aldcalways #newbeginnings #aldcla #alllovedancecourage

Dancing With the Stars pro, Cheryl Burke has now stepped into the coveted role and has posted nothing but positive images with her new students since. 

Was Abby part of the problem, or was it all down to the producers? Don’t expect an unauthorized Lifetime movie for this one. 


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Paris Hilton Says Nobody Wants to be Launched with Sex Tape But ... (VIDEO)

Paris Hilton engaged in some revisionist history over her relationship with Kim Kardashian and the sex tapes that made them famous. PARIS TODAY – We got Paris at LAX and our photog asked about the story that she and Kim were together in…


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Nancy Kerrigan on Tonya Harding Movie -- "Nobody Consulted Me" (VIDEO)

Nancy Kerrigan says she’s been kept WAY out of the loop by the producers of the new Tonya Harding movie … telling TMZ Sports, “Nobody consulted me.” The Olympic figure skater says she has nothing to do with “I, Tonya” … the Margot Robbie…


Nancy Kerrigan on Tonya Harding Movie -- "Nobody Consulted Me" (VIDEO)

Nancy Kerrigan says she’s been kept WAY out of the loop by the producers of the new Tonya Harding movie … telling TMZ Sports, “Nobody consulted me.” The Olympic figure skater says she has nothing to do with “I, Tonya” … the Margot Robbie…


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Stassi Schroeder SLAMS Lala Kent: She"s a Liar & a Nobody!

Though she’s been irritatingly melodramatic and self-absorbed (even by reality star standards) this entire season, we can’t help but feel a little bummed that Lala Kent is quitting Vanderpump Rules.

The reason is not that we were holding on to any hope that she could turn things around and redeem herself.

(Her problematic observation that if you’re “not ugly” and “have tits” you should be cruising on private jets all the time pretty much squashed any chance of that.)

Rather, it’s because the feud between Lala and the entire rest of the cast is heating up in entertaining fashion, but Ms. Kent is jumping ship just as things are starting to really get good.

Kinda leads us to believe she didn’t really know what she was getting into.

If only the show had been around for several seasons before she joined the cast, so that she might’ve gotten a better idea of what she was signing on for. Oh, wait…

Anyway, things really came to a head on this week’s episode of Vanderpump, as Lala lost her last allies when Sandoval and Ariana turned on her.

Sure, she still has James Kennedy on her side, but that’s like having a hybrid of Voldemort and a shaved ferret in your corner.

And even James seems to realize that Lala’s behavior is beyond the pale these days, as he offered up the best indication yet that she doesn’t really understand what makes compelling reality television work.

It was James who spread the word that Lala tried for force her “friends” to sign a non-disclosure agreement in exchange for staying at a house her mysterious sugar daddy rented for Coachella. 

All this season, Stassi, Katie, Kristen and company have taken no end of flak from fans for taking too much of an interest in Lala’s love life.

The NDA ordeal made it clear that their dislike for the newest SUR girl had little to do with Lala’s feminine wiles and everything to do with her secretive behavior.

Put simply, Lala is f–king up their cash cow by trying to keep the drama off camera.

In a lengthy Twitter tirade posted yesterday, fan favorite Stassi explained that the reasons for her squad’s disdain for Lala are simple – she’s a bully when she’s not filming, and she doesn’t play by the clear and explicit rules of the show.

Stassi writes:

In between filming seasons, Lala thought she could say the most sicking degrading degrading things about Katie & my friends on podcasts, social media, and news outlets.

“She thought she could disparage every single one of us: call us old, uninteresting has-beens; say it was ‘her’ show.

“All the while she never actually showed any part of her life. We have worked so hard for 5 years to make a great show.

“We have poured our hearts and, for better or worse, exposed our lives in every way we could. VPR has been our baby. She doesn’t get to ride our coattails without having to do any work.”

It’s a fair point, and it’s the sort of thing viewers often lose sight of:

The restaurant and hostessing gigs are for show. These folks real job is starring on a Bravo reality series, and they have reason to be protective of the following they worked hard to build.

As for the NDA controversy, Stassi has this to say:

Lala handed out non-disclosure agreements. A NDA is a COMPLETE violation of the contracts we all have to sign for our show,” Stassi continued.

“None of us have the luxury of hiding anything in our lives; therefore, I 100% made it my goal this summer to see that justice was served, regardless of what it would make me look like.

“Mission accomplished.”

Stassi and her clique will likely continue to be accused of bullying, but if they were genuinely trying to rid the cast of behaviors that might hurt the quality of the show, their actions are justified.

We imagine many fans will blame Lala’s departure on the “mean girl” behavior of her female co-stars, but the fact remains, this show has a low tolerance for boring cast members (We’re looking at you, Vail Bloom!), so if Ms. Kent was taking great pains to hide the most interesting aspects of her life, she probably wouldn’t have lasted long anyway.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught up in time for the final days of Lala. We hardly knew ye.


Monday, December 5, 2016

Fran Tarkenton -- Trump Boycotters Are Stupid ... "Nobody Boycotted Obama "Cause He"s Black" (VIDEO)

NFL great Fran Tarkenton says athletes who turn down an invitation to Trump’s White House are “disrespectful” and “stupid” … adding, “Nobody boycotted Obama ‘cause he’s black, did they?”


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Dillon King on Josh Duggar: Nobody Trusts Him!

It’s only been about six months since Amy Duggar married Dillon King, but it seems the man already fits right in with the Duggar clan. 

He’s devoutly religious, he was willing to save himself for marriage, and most importantly, he doesn’t trust Josh Duggar as far as he can throw him.

In a recent interview with In Touch, Dillon was asked if the family had forgiven Josh and he stated that they had, but it sounds like that was his way of parroting the official, Duggar-approved response to all questions regarding Josh and forgiveness.

Asked if anyone in the family trusts Josh, Dillon was a bit more forthcoming:

“It’s not ever going to be the same,” he explained. “It’s not ever going to be what it was.”

That sounds like Dillon’s way of saying he’s still mighty wary of the troubled father of four.

And it seems that he’s not alone:

“There are people in the extended family who definitely won’t bring their children near Josh,” an anonymous insider tells the tabloid.

“Who would want their kids around him after all he’s done?”

The Duggars returned to television last night with Jill & Jessa: Counting On Season 2 Episode 1 airing on TLC, and though Josh wasn’t in the episode (and reportedly won’t appear in the series at all) he loomed over the proceedings like a pervy specter. 

At one point, Anna Duggar talked about visiting Josh in rehab, and while she spoke kindly of her husband, the entire family seemed more than happy to move on to new business. 

Are we imagining things, or does it seem like Josh won’t be able to shake his status as the worst kind of black sheep for many years to come?

Watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online to see if you pick up on it, too.