Showing posts with label Surrogacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Surrogacy. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union Welcome Baby Girl After Secret Surrogacy

Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union just had their first kid together — a brand new baby girl — after using a surrogate, the couple just revealed. “We are sleepless and delirious but so excited to share that, our miracle baby, arrived last night…


Monday, February 26, 2018

Kim Kardashian: Nobody Tell Chicago West About the Surrogacy!!

On January 15th of 2018, Kim and Kanye welcomed the birth of their third child — a precious little baby named Chicago West.

Chicago was born via surrogate — a smart and healthy choice considering the health risks that Kim would have endured with another pregnancy. But reports have claimed that something’s different with this new child.

Kim Kardashian is reportedly distant — but is apparently also insisting that no one tell Chicago about the surrogacy? How long does she think that she can keep it a secret.

This is a little odd, folks, and we’ll explain why.

RadarOnline reports that Kim Kardashian asks her family to let her be the one to tell Chicago — when she’s old enough to, you know, understand language and process the information — about how she was born.

“Kim asked her family to never tell Chicago that she was born via surrogate.”

If you’re wondering how long Kim thinks that she could possibly keep that up, what with the surrogacy being famous and all, she apparently does plan for Chicago to eventually learn the truth.

“Kim said that she wants to be the one to tell Chicago the story of how she was conceived and she does not want to do so until she asks.”

So she plans to hold out until the inevitable “where do babies come from?” question. That makes sense.

However, it sounds like Kanye’s unhappy with Kim’s request — and there might be more too it.

See, there have also been some bizarre reports that lead some to believe that Kim Kardashian may be neglecting baby Chicago.

Or, at the very least, not having the sort of bond with her that she did with North and Saint after they were born.

Reports claim that Kim seems less maternal in the aftermath of Chicago’s birth.

Descriptions make it sound like she’s phoning in motherhood with sweet baby Chi.

Could it be true?

Claims made to RadarOnline go on to suggest that Kim Kardashian views family as another part of her brand.

“Kim’s desire to have more kids comes from her need to stay rich and relevant.”

And, per these reports, that it’s driving a wedge between the Wests.

“But Kanye is starting to see how fake she is and, at this point, doesn’t want to add any more children to the mix. He is starting to not even recognize her at all anymore.”

That is stunning if true.

And Kanye is reportedly unhappy that Kim seems less devoted as a new mother this time around.

“It’s creating a lot of arguments for Kanye. He just doesn’t think that she’s into it.”

Obviously, you can’t just not be into your responsibilities as a parent.

“She just can’t quit with her selfie and body obsession — and it’s pushing Kanye away once more.”

That’s curious, since Kanye’s taken at least some of Kim’s seductive photos.

“He thought she’d calmed down when the new baby came, but it’s actually gotten worse.”

Now, we hope that someone’s just confused or has heard mixed signals, because Kim Kardashian loves her family and we’d hate to imagine her treating a baby born via surrogate any differently than she treated those she pushed out herself.

It may even be that someone is deliberately spreading rumors about her. Sometimes, a celebrity’s friend can become their worst enemy.

As for the request that no one tell Chicago about the surrogacy until she asks — well, that makes sense.

When your child asks about reproduction, you should tell them the truth — yes, even if they’re super young. That includes things like surrogacy.

We don’t think that Kim thinks that she can keep Chicago in a bubble for life. But a mom who wants to be the one to tell her daughter about how she was born doesn’t sound like a neglectful mother to us.


Monday, February 12, 2018

Keeping Up With the Kardashians Recap: Surrogacy Exposed

Sunday night on Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 17, Kim received some alarming news about her surrogate.

Meanwhile, the life and times of Lord Disick once again took center stage … and there is never a dull moment with him.

As you can see in the clip above, Scott opened up about how he’s dating Sofia Richie, and it was awkward. Very awkward.

Not just because he has three kids with Kourtney Kardashian and any new relationship would be somewhat awkward, but …

Sofia Richie is 19. Scott Disick is 34.

Nineteen. Naturally, eyebrows were raised – no small feat in a family where there are no taboos and Kylie had a baby at 20.

Fortunately (or unfortunately), there were other distractions going on … such as Kourtney’s house being infested with pests.

Just when she got rid of Scott too. Oh!

Most significantly, though, Kim Kardashian’s surrogate’s pregnancy leaked to the media, and this sent the star into a panic.

Incredibly, celebrity gossip site TMZ broke the news about her third child before Kimberly had even told people close to her.

“I honestly am absolutely fuming that there are all these articles coming out about our surrogate,” Kardashian said.

“People started to write me asking if it was true,” she added, “and I just said we don’t want to talk about it right now.”

Her surrogate’s information also leaked, which was a huge breach of privacy for anyone in that kind of situation.

Kim called it “so invasive and so frustrating,” and lamented that this was the reason she wanted to keep this on the DL.

Even Scott didn’t know (above) and he’s not that out of the loop. Then to make matters worse, it was Fashion Week.

That’s right, Kim found herself in front of swarms of media and paparazzi when she was there to support Kendall.

Unwilling to lie about it, but also unprepared to confirm or go public with the news, she was in a really tough position.

Fortunately, she saw Kendall in the Alexander Wang show and was able to dodge the issue … at least momentarily.

It’s not that Kim was trying to be shady or secretive, it was just a private matter – involving a third-party – within her family.

This should have been a happy time for everyone involved and instead it became a huge cause of stress and anxiety.

Sure, it’s par for the course in our celebrity culture, but people like Kim’s surrogate certainly aren’t used to being exposed.

All in all, she handled this about as well as anyone could have, and we know Chicago West is here and she’s beautiful.

Congrats Kim and family!


Friday, January 19, 2018

Kim Kardashian Confesses: Surrogacy is Harder than Pregnancy!

At the beginning of the week, Kim and Kanye welcome their third child — a healthy baby girl. 

We don’t yet know the youngest West child’s name, but we do know how she was born. Kim’s pregnancy via surrogacy was … not exactly secret.

But now Kim is opening up about everything about her pregnancy and her huge decision to have this child via surrogate.

In a post on her app, Kim Kardashian spoke about her pregnancy decision — about her surrogate, why she chose that route, and about her healthy baby daughter.

“It’s as if she was with us the whole time,” she says of her new baby. She then explains that, because of her history with pre-eclampsia and placenta accreta, this was really her only option.

“Doctors said that it wasn’t safe for my, or the baby’s, health to carry my own.”

Which, of course, is why Kim and Kanye opted for what she refers to as a “gestational carrier,” but almost everyone else refers to as a surrogate.

In case there’s any confusion about whose gametes got to mingle to make the third Kimye baby, Kim clarifies that her child is “biologically mine and Kanye’s.”

Did anyone really think otherwise? Kim’s eggs work just fine; it’s the placentas that form in her body that try to kill her.

Are you ready to hear about how hard it is having a surrogate? Because Kim’s ready to tell you.

“Having a gestational carrier is definitely different, but anyone who says or thinks it’s the easy way out is completely wrong.”

Well, sure. For one thing, it’s super duper expensive, which is likely why the mysterious surrogate hired by Kim and Kanye agreed to it in the first place, though we don’t know how rich the surrogate may now be.

Kim says that it’s not all carefree fun, though.

“People assume it’s better because you don’t have to deal with the physical changes, pain, or complications with delivery.”

Well … yeah.

“But for me it was so hard to not carry my own child, especially after I carried North and Saint.”

Ah. She’s talking about bonding. Not the baby’s bonding — her nameless third child is doing plenty of that. But Kim’s own bonding.

But, clearly, she still feels that having a surrogate is better than dying.

As for her surrogate, Kim says that she “trusted her completely throughout the entire process.”

That’s great. I think that we’ve all seen one episode of a crime show or another where a couple’s surrogacy plans didn’t turn out as they’d expected.

Normal couples have to worry that their surrogate will change her mind and keep their child. For Kim, there must have been fears of spilling secrets.

“I’m so grateful for modern technology and that this is even possible.”

Scientists have actually made an artificial womb recently, and I believe that they were able to grow a lamb in it. Some say that this is the future of surrogacy — parents could watch development in a little nook within their home. Just putting that out there.

But, to be clear, Kim isn’t trying to push this idea on everyone.

“It’s not for everyone, but I absolutely love my gestational carrier and this was the best experience I’ve ever had.”

Considering that Kim’s pregnancies were high risk, we’d imagine so.

“Having a gestational carrier was so special for us and she made our dreams of expanding our family come true.”

We’re so glad that this worked out so well for Kim.

Though Kim is quick to make it clear that she did this because she might have died otherwise, let’s make something clear:

There’s nothing wrong with surrogacy, even with zero medical necessity. It shouldn’t have any stigma attached to it.

Many like the idea of having a surrogate simply so that they don’t have to go through pain and suffering to birth a child. 

And those who can afford the service may also like the idea of financially assisting the person who’s helping them have a child.

It’s a win-win scenario. The only losers are people who think that a natural birth is the only way, and those folks are losers anyway.


Saturday, September 9, 2017

Kim Kardashian FINALLY Addresses All the Surrogacy Rumors!

We’ve been hearing report after report about Kim Kardashian’s mystery surrogate pretty much all summer long.

And goodness, what a fun time it has been.

We’ve heard that the surrogate is pregnant, and that she’ll be giving birth to Kim and Kanye’s third child sometime in January.

We’ve even heard that the next Kimye baby will be another girl.

Thanks to the latest report about this woman carrying the next spawn of Kimye, we even know that she’s in her twenties, and she’s a mother to two of her own children.

And while many of these reports have come from credible sources, neither Kim nor Kanye have personally discussed the matter.

Or at least they hadn’t!

Kim is currently in New York for Fashion Week, and while she was at an event, she decided to confront the rumors for the first time.

“I’ve definitely seen a lot of things, we’ve never confirmed anything,” she told E! News.

“So, I think when we’re ready to talk about it we will, and I think it’s super invasive when people are just … So many details out there, and like I’ve never heard this, I’ve never heard this.”

“Like, whatever,” she added.

“We have not confirmed it, and that’s that. I’ll let you know when we’re ready.”

Even though Kim repeats that they haven’t confirmed the story yet, her statement is actually a confirmation all on its own, right?

After all, she says that all the reports have been “super invasive,” which is kind of fair, but why would she say that if the reports were completely made up?

Also, she closes the matter by saying “I’ll let you know when we’re ready,” which sounds to us like something is going on, but she’s not ready to open up about it yet.

We know that Kim was desperate to get pregnant with her and Kanye’s third child, but it simply wasn’t able to happen — or it was seriously unsafe — thanks to all the health problems that have come with her pregnancies.

In earlier episodes of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, she’s also admitted how scary it would be for her to trust someone else with something as precious as her baby.

So maybe this is kind of a tough situation for her, you know? That would make sense.

Maybe she wants to be 100% sure that things are going well, and that her surrogate won’t cause any issues before acknowledging the situation.

If that’s the case, then we can definitely support that.

But still, congratulations on that new baby girl, Kim!


Thursday, June 22, 2017

Kim Kardashian Surrogacy? Kanye Has Some Questions

It appears to really be happening, people.

Following rumors, innuendo and what we presumed to be a ratings-based storyline on her family’s reality show, Kim Kardashian has hired a woman to be her surrogate.

That is, the 36-year old mother of two is very serious about becoming a mother of three, although she will not be bringing a child into the world in her own womb this time around.

Kardashian and Kanye West have decided instead to implant an embryo into a third party.

For what reason?

Because Kim has been diagnosed with a condition called “placenta accreta,” which made her first two pregnancies very painful and difficult and which would make a third even more so.

Doctors have advised the star against it.

But Kardashian has been adamant in the past that she wants a large family, stating over a year ago that Kanye felt the same.

On an episode of Kocktails with Khloe (LOL, remember that show?), Kim said Kanye had been “mentioning the prospect” of a third child for days on end.

And yet… a new report claims West isn’t a huge fan of this surrogacy idea.

Kim is “super hopeful” that it will work out, but an insider tells Hollywood Life that her husband is “nervous and apprehensive about the entire process.”

The rapper is one of the more secretive celebrities out there, we suppose.

He may rant and rave about the world at large while on stage, but isn’t exactly a major user of social media or someone who likes to let the world into his private life.

“It is a real challenge for Kanye to trust anyone, so the situation is causing major tension between Kim and Kanye,” Hollywood Life writes, adding:

“But he’s being supportive despite his major fears about using a surrogate for their next baby.”

It doesn’t help that Kanye suffered a mental breakdown last fall.

He’s scarcely been heard from since and there have been persistent rumors that Kim was going to leave her husband because they had grown so far apart.

That clearly isn’t the case anymore, however.

West “loves Kim and will do anything to make his wife happy,” this same insider explains. “She so badly wants to have lots of children like the big family she grew up with.”

Kardashian, of course, has two sisters and a brother.

She also has two half-siblings as a result of Kris Jenner procreating with Caitlyn Jenner over the years.

“Kanye is trying to keep an open mind about their goals are and how they plan to grow their family together,” this source concludes, adding:

“Despite being tense over the surrogacy plan and very stressed about trusting someone, Kanye can’t say no to Kim, so he has reluctantly agreed to move forward with the process.

TMZ reported this week that the celebrities have hired an unnamed surrogate and will be paying her over $ 113,000 to carry their child.

As far as we know, however, the actual process of implanting Kim’s egg and Kanye’s sperm into the surrogate has not taken place yet.

Therefore, there’s no actual plans for the couple to welcome a third child into the world at the moment.

But this is a major step and a pretty shocking one at that.

We say such a thing with no judgment whatsoever. Kim and Kanye actually seem like great parents and should absolutely do whatever it takes to expand their family if they so desire.

We’re just surprised.

More power and all the luck to everyone involved, however!
