Monday, February 12, 2018

Keeping Up With the Kardashians Recap: Surrogacy Exposed

Sunday night on Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 17, Kim received some alarming news about her surrogate.

Meanwhile, the life and times of Lord Disick once again took center stage … and there is never a dull moment with him.

As you can see in the clip above, Scott opened up about how he’s dating Sofia Richie, and it was awkward. Very awkward.

Not just because he has three kids with Kourtney Kardashian and any new relationship would be somewhat awkward, but …

Sofia Richie is 19. Scott Disick is 34.

Nineteen. Naturally, eyebrows were raised – no small feat in a family where there are no taboos and Kylie had a baby at 20.

Fortunately (or unfortunately), there were other distractions going on … such as Kourtney’s house being infested with pests.

Just when she got rid of Scott too. Oh!

Most significantly, though, Kim Kardashian’s surrogate’s pregnancy leaked to the media, and this sent the star into a panic.

Incredibly, celebrity gossip site TMZ broke the news about her third child before Kimberly had even told people close to her.

“I honestly am absolutely fuming that there are all these articles coming out about our surrogate,” Kardashian said.

“People started to write me asking if it was true,” she added, “and I just said we don’t want to talk about it right now.”

Her surrogate’s information also leaked, which was a huge breach of privacy for anyone in that kind of situation.

Kim called it “so invasive and so frustrating,” and lamented that this was the reason she wanted to keep this on the DL.

Even Scott didn’t know (above) and he’s not that out of the loop. Then to make matters worse, it was Fashion Week.

That’s right, Kim found herself in front of swarms of media and paparazzi when she was there to support Kendall.

Unwilling to lie about it, but also unprepared to confirm or go public with the news, she was in a really tough position.

Fortunately, she saw Kendall in the Alexander Wang show and was able to dodge the issue … at least momentarily.

It’s not that Kim was trying to be shady or secretive, it was just a private matter – involving a third-party – within her family.

This should have been a happy time for everyone involved and instead it became a huge cause of stress and anxiety.

Sure, it’s par for the course in our celebrity culture, but people like Kim’s surrogate certainly aren’t used to being exposed.

All in all, she handled this about as well as anyone could have, and we know Chicago West is here and she’s beautiful.

Congrats Kim and family!
