Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Amy Roloff Hits the Road with Boyfriend, Gets Hated on By Fans

The countdown is on for fans of Little People, Big World.

Any day now, Audrey Roloff and Jeremy Roloff will welcome their first child into the world…

… and a great many people on the Internet absolutely cannot wait!

But these same people now find themselves wondering:

Why don’t the Roloffs themselves seem particularly excited?!?

They aren’t referring to Audrey herself, of course; Roloff is clearly psyched to become a mother.

But Matt Roloff recently left on a business trip and Zach jetted out of town to visit Tori’s grandparents, meaning a couple of Audrey’s close loved ones were willing to risk that they’d be gone for the blessed event.

Both Matt and Zach traveled on airplanes, however.

So they have mostly avoided scrutiny because it would be easy to just hop on a return flight if Audrey went into labor.

HOWEVER, Amy Roloff has been sharing photos on Facebook and Instagram of a road trip she’s embarked on with boyfriend Chris Malek.

And many Little People, Big World followers haven’t been shy in letting Amy know how they feel about her decision to hit the literal road right around the time her granddaughter is due.

“Amy, I’m so disappointed with you,” wrote one individual, adding:

“I thought you were smarter than you are showing. No man could keep me away from my family with a ‘special delivery’ so close! FAMILY before anything or anybody!” 

This is the main reason Amy is facing backlash.

Matt left on business, that can’t really be helped. Zach left to see family at least.

But Amy drove away with a lover whose presence in her life has often been a source of contention among viewers.

“I love your show so much, but I have to say this really takes me by surprise big time,” wrote another critic, explaining why as follows:

“Your granddaughter can be born any minute. I don’t understand why you would leave now? I’m sorry, but it seems so wrong.”

Is this disdain really warranted?

First, Audrey isn’t actually due until August 31.

Second, it’s not as though grandparents are expected to be in the delivery room when the baby is born.

Third, first-time mothers are often in labor for a very, very long time; we’re talking 24 hours or more.

Amy will probably have ample opportunity to make it back once she learned her grandchild is on the way.

Because she’s too nice to lash out too hard at these strangers online, Amy simply replied to the ongoing negative feedback as follows:

“Just because I and my family put our lives on TV doesn’t mean respect decency and kindness goes out the window,” she wrote on Facebook.

“Matt is away, Zach and Tori and myself. We love Jer and Auj and can’t wait to meet baby girl. She could arrive early, on time or late.

“We’ll all be there to love her bunches.”

That’s all we need to hear. We see no reason not to believe her.

You keep enjoying your life, Amy, and just please post lots of adorable granddaughter photos once she’s born. Thanks!
