Showing posts with label Edited. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Edited. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Arie Luyendyk, Jr.: The Bachelor EDITED Me to Make Me Look Cruel! I Feel BETRAYED!

One can only imagine the betrayal that Becca Kufrin must have felt during Arie’s brutal breakup, all captured on camera and broadcast to the world.

But now, Arie is speaking up — about his decision to dump Becca and propose to Lauren. And the decision to film it.

And as it turns out, Arie says that he feels betrayed — by the producers. He claims that things were “completely edited.”

In a new interview with GQ, Arie tells the interviewer that he was “haunted” by the thought that, in choosing Becca, he’d allowed his soul mate to slip away.

So he called Lauren on New Year’s Eve.

“As soon as I heard her voice,” he says.

“I knew that I had to end things with Becca.”

Instead of simply breaking things off with Becca, though, Arie apparently went to producers first.

He says that they were the ones who pitched bringing in cameras.

Arie says that these silver-tongued producers talked him into bringing in the cameras by promising him that this was the best way to move forward.

By filming it, they allegedly told him, he would be able to show the Bachelor Nation that he was just being honest to his feelings while being respectful of Becca’s.

Arie says that they told him:

“‘Then we can show you going back to Lauren, and people are going to rally behind you because you took this big risk and you did it for love."”

He says that the producers persuaded him by assuring him that people would be on his side.

“‘At the end of the day, people will just want to see you happy."”

Obviously, very few people are invested in Arie’s happiness these days, even though he and Lauren have announced their wedding date and venue.

“You’ve got to understand,” Arie tells the interviewer. “These people were my friends.”

This, he says, is why he trusted them. But he now feels “100 percent” betrayed.

Then, Arie has some damning words to share about the actual breakup scene with Becca.

You know, the one hailed as “the first completely unedited scene in reality television history” by ABC’s promotions?

Arie says that this was hogwash.

“It was completely edited,” he accuses.

The 40 minute segment was agonizing to watch, and he suggests that it was intended to be that way from the beginning.

“I was told to stay on that couch.”

We guess that we know what Arie would do if the Milgram experiment were performed today.

“I tried to leave, and then production was like, ‘You need to go back inside. She’s finally calming down. I feel like you owe it to her to have this conversation."”

Good advice? Maybe not. But production’s job is to make good television, not to be your life coach.

“So then I went back in the house.”

He confirms that production tried to discourage him from leaving.

“Yeah. I left, came back. I stepped away from the couch, I went back to the couch.”

But the Bachelor Nation didn’t see that part.

“They cut out, obviously, production talking to me from 10 feet away.”

Arie says that, by editing out their instructions for him to remain, the resulting video “was super unfair to me.”

But he does acknowledge that, you know, this is how reality television works.

“It’s their job to make it entertaining for people.”

It is interesting to hear that Arie is trying to cast of blame to make himself look better.

Just because something was someone else’s suggestion doesn’t mean that you are blameless for doing it.

And they would have had to try harder to make him look insensitive if he had come across as more compassionate.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

"American Horror Story" Edited Mass Shooting Scene Airs on TV, Unedited Online

Producers for “American Horror Story” made good on their promise to edit a mass shooting scene for this week’s episode, but the carnage can still be seen online. FX aired “Mid-Western Assassin” Tuesday, and you can see they significantly pared it…


Sunday, September 10, 2017

"RHONJ" Cast Wants "Racist" Danielle Staub Edited Out of New Season

Some of the ‘Real Housewives of New Jersey’ want Danielle Staub edited out of the new season because they just found out about a racist rant she went on years ago … TMZ has learned. Cast members are demanding a meeting with producers after…


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

"A Dog"s Purpose" Trainers Deny Wrongdoing, Claim Video Was "Falsely Edited" (DOCUMENT)

Birds & Animals Unlimited — the group responsible for training the dogs in “A Dog’s Purpose” — insists Hercules the German Shepherd wasn’t forced to perform a stunt, and claims the video doesn’t tell the full story. In a…


Monday, December 5, 2016

Josh Duggar: Edited Out of Jinger Wedding Special!

When the Duggar family returned to television last year after being ousted as a result of the Josh Duggar sex scandals, it was with the understanding that Josh would never appear on camera.

For the most part, that’s an easy promise to keep, as like most reality shows, Counting On is carefully staged and scripted.

However, when the entire family gathers for major events, extra precautions need to be taken to ensure that viewers aren’t assaulted  with reminders that they’re watching a show about a family that harbored a child molester.

As you may know, Jinger Duggar married Jeremy Vuolo recently, and of course, the wedding was televised.

The wedding episode prompted rumors of Josh making a “secret” appearance on the show, popping up in group shots and in the background as the couple exchanged vows.

In reality, the way the special was filmed and producers efforts to keep Josh off camera reveal a lot about the way your reality television sausage is made.

For the most part, real world events take a backseat to production on most reality series.

Scenes are re-shot; principal players are given lines to read, etc.

It’s only during major milestones like weddings that producers don’t have the luxury of making sure everyone hits their mark.

The TLC crew wasn’t about to make Jinger repeat her vows, or have several hundred guests wait while they rearranged the blocking, so as a result, their best efforts to keep Josh off camera briefly fell apart.

Josh wasn’t quite front-and-center, but he was definitely on hand, and his efforts to hide in plain sight resulted in a new level of grossness for a show that’s made “gross” its stock and trade:

There’s Josh, attempting to hide behind his 2-year-old son, Marcus.

Did it work?

You be the judge:

As you can see, Josh succeeded in hiding his face, but the result was a very weird crowd shot in which Marcus seemed to hover above everyone else.

According to the Daily Mail, Josh was seated far from the aisle, and no shots of anyone walking past his pew made it to broadcast.

Still, there he was in the background while the newlyweds exchanged vows, necessitating a toddler human shield.

Some might say, Jeez, couldn’t Josh have just stayed home? and while we agree that keeping any party Josh-less is always a good idea, we have an even simpler solution:

The Duggars could just stay off TV entirely! Problem solved!
