Monday, August 14, 2017

Kendall Jenner Faces MORE Backlash Over New Commercial!

It"s not tacitly supporting smoking or that stupid nightmare of a Pepsi commercial, but yet another Kendall Jenner advertisement is getting backlash.

Yes. Again.

We have the video for you below so that you can decide for yourself whether this warrants outrage.

Kendall jenner wears a lot of red

Kendall Jenner has appeared in a short advertisement for Adidas.

That sounds innocuous enough, right?

But so did Pepsi.

Adidas is a brand that caters to athletes but, obviously, plenty of people wear Adidas.

The short, dramatic ad shared by Adidas" Twitter account looks fine on the surface.

And then you look and see the backlash.

(The angry comments absolutely refer to the Pepsi debacle)

Kendall jenner topless freedom panty ad

These tweets were direct responses to the Adidas tweet, but even so they did not mince words.

"This is so pandering to a market you"ll never have! So not "original" back to Nike with Serena, Nadal and other real athletes. Pepsi got it."

We don"t think that Adidas is replacing Serena or whatever.\

Companies can make lots of ads with lots of different people. They"re not "cheating" on Serena Williams.

But it seems that, to some of Adidas" more passionate fans, the brand represents something that Kendall cannot achieve.

"To me, adidas means: athlete, fitness, committed to hard work; impressions not personified by k jenner. you"re just another brand. yawn."

Well … they have a sense of brand loyalty. We"ll give them that.

(Also: Adidas is also a brand, folks)

People seemed genuinely angry, even:

"Kendall Jenner???? Really?!??? There is NOTHING original about having this ridiculous image front your brand…come on adidas!! Do better!!"

The most needless dramatic one was this one:

"#adidasOriginalsxAW literally just threw out everything adidas i owned after the @KendallJenner ad. Will never buy again"

Some people misuse the word "literally," but … it"s entirely possible that this Twitter user was being literal.

Kendall jenners pantless mirror selfie

Of course, this is yet again a case of Kendall Jenner doing her job.

She is a model. Her job is to model.

The only reason that she seems to get the backlash rather than the companies that hire her is because she"s famous on her own, and so also seems like a target for people"s ire.

Now, we"re not saying that Kendall Jenner is blameless.

She could refuse to take jobs — though that"s not really great for your career.

And Kendall and Kylie"s terrible and disrespectful shirts were a different story, because that"s a direct part of their brand instead of a gig for someone else.

But Kendall didn"t come up with this Adidas ad any more than she came up with that Pepsi commercial.

She"s a model, doing her job.

Kendall jenner in underwear only

Personally, I found the tone of this particular batch of backlash to be a little disturbing.

There"s a strong suggestion in those tweets that says that Kendall shouldn"t do an Adidas commercial because she isn"t an athlete.

First of all, anybody can wear "athletic" brands, folks.

You don"t need to do yoga to wear yoga pants.

Those tweeters were acting like Kendall was doing cultural appropriation (again).

That does NOT apply to workout clothes, folks.

Kendall doesn"t have to spend her whole career selling perfume and sexy underwear (though she can if she likes).

If models who aren"t athletes can"t sell athletic gear, what next?

Will they make models who sell clothes actually wear clothes in the posters?

We hope not.

Kendall jenner faces more backlash over adidas ad