Showing posts with label Hodor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hodor. Show all posts

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Hodor: Game of Thrones Favorite Resurrected For KFC Commercial

So, what are you doing for National Fried Chicken Day?

Did you take the day off to spend some quality time with a bucket of Extra Crispy?

Will you be honoring the fallen hen heroes who gave their lives in the name of deliciousness by watching some Foghorn Leghorn cartoons?

We kid, of course, but believe it or not, July 6 actually has been declared National Fried Chicken Day.

We"re generally opposed to this "every day is some sort of dumb holiday" trend, but as lovers of what Tom Haverford calls "fry-fry chicky-chick," we"re actually okay with the idea of National Fried Chicken Day.

So we don"t know why KFC had to go and ruin the whole thing by forcing us to flashback to the death of one of TV"s most beloved character!

If you watch Game of Thrones online, then the words "hold the door" likely conjure memories of a scene that will forever live in infamy.

We"re talking, of course, about the death of Hodor.

(Our apologies if the demise comes as news to you, but we"re pretty sure with shows as popular as GoT, the statute of limitations on spoilers is like a week.)

Anyway, we didn"t think any good could come from the demise of our favorite gentle giant, but then Hodor actor Kristian Nairn teamed up with the UK branch of KFC to deliver what is unexpectedly a pretty damn funny commercial.

Check out below … just don"t say we didn"t warn you if you end up all triggered and whatnot:

Hodor game of thrones favorite resurrected for kfc commercial

Monday, May 23, 2016

Hodor Shocker: The Internet"s Best Reactions to Game of Thrones" "Hold the Door!" Scene

If you didn"t catch last night"s episode of Game of Thrones, then proceed no further, as this article has more spoilers than the Iron Throne has sharp edges.

Come to think of it, even if you didn"t watch the scene with your own tear-clouded eyes, you"ve probably heard by now that Hodor is the latest GoT favorite to kick the bucket.

Not only was Bran"s gentle giant (presumably) torn apart by Walkers, but the tragedy was compounded by the Hodor origin story that the writers masterfully worked into the same scene.

"The interesting thing is it"s kinda left open. You don"t actually see him [die]. It"s implied," he said. "So who knows? He may come back as a White Walker, maybe he got away." 

Yeah, thanks for trying to offer some hope, dude, but the thought of Hodor as a White Walker is pure nightmare fuel.

Check out some of the Internet"s best reactions to one of GoT"s most surprising twists yet in the gallery below, and watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic to have your heart broken all over again.

And remember, Hodor morghulis – all Hodors must die.


1. Hodor Hodoring

Hodor hodoring

That you did, sir. And you did it bravely, right up until the end.

2. Sarah Hyland Says It All

Sarah hyland says it all

We may burst into tears the next time someone tells us to hold the door.

3. Jordan Mourns Hodor

Jordan mourns hodor

Sometimes the sight of a crying MJ perfectly sums up our feelings.

4. One Job

One job

Yes, Hodor went out doing what he was meant to do. Some say that makes the situation less sad. The tears streaming down our face beg to differ.

5. Crying For Hodor

Crying for hodor

You nailed it, Drew at Hit Fix. Today, we weep for Hodor.

6. Hold the Door!

Hold the door

Pretty sure we’re gonna have to abolish the “hold the door” from the English language.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 2 Preview: Hodor is Ready to Hodor!

Is it just us, or did the Game of Thrones Season 6 premiere fall a little flat?

Sure, it ended with a twist that few saw coming, but at times, it felt like the writers were more concerned with recapping the events of last season and setting the stage for what’s to come than with crafting a compelling episode. But hey, if that’s what they felt they had to do in order to prep us for what looks like an epic week two, we’re perfectly alright with that:

While it’s not often that we react to a GoT preview clip with anything less than giddy squeals, the clip above has even more psyched than usual, as it looks as though this week’s installment will pack all the dramatic fireworks that were missing from Sunday night’s occasionally limp offering.

In addition to the long-awaited return of Hodor (who doesn’t appear in the trailer, but c’mon, you can’t have Bran without Hodor!) the episode, simply titled “Home,” seems like it may offer some payoff on the many conflicts that were set up in “The Red Woman.”

While the premiere reminded us that Ramsay is in hot pursuit of Sansa, Arya is a blinded beggar, and Cersei is out for revenge, this episode seems as it will deliver on the explosions that were promised when those fuses were lit in Season 5.

Or maybe we’ve just been taken in by some clever editing from the HBO marketing team. Who knows!

All we can say for sure is that if you’ve always dreamed of having your own hulking enforcer who follows your every command, this should be the episode for you.

In addition to Hodor (Have we mentioned that Hodor is back?), it looks like we might finally see some badassery from the Frankensteined version of Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane.

You may recall that the Hound’s hulking brother was almost killed by Oberyn Martell (RIP, Red Viper) in Season 5, before essentially being brought back to life the creepy Qyburn.

He’s been following Cersei around like a puppy ever since, but now we may finally get to see him in attack dog mode.

Showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are nothing if not masters at ratcheting up tension.

They know when to tease and when to satisfy and something tells us that this that after last week’s appetizer, this week’s GoT will feel like a four-course meal.

Watch Game of Thrones online to get caught up in time for Season 6 Episode 2.