Showing posts with label Skillz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skillz. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

John Singleton Schools Us on Tupac"s Acting Skillz (VIDEO)

John Singleton’s always dropping knowledge … his subject this time around — Tupac. The famed director was leaving The London NYC on Monday when we asked about Pac’s many talents … and we’re not talking just rap skills. Remember, he co-starred…


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Michelle Obama Shows Off Mad, Crazy Rap Skillz

It really is official:

Michelle Obama can do anything.

As she has proven multiple times on The Tonight Show, The First Lady can dance.

As she proves nearly every time she exposes her jacked arms, The First Lady can work out.

And as she even made clear just a few weeks ago, The First Lady can break a champagne bottle like a boss.

And now Michelle Obama is here to show the world that she can also rap. Like, for real. Like, seriously, impressively rap.

The First Lady has teamed up with Saturday Night Live"s Jay Pharoah on a College Humor-sponsored video that sings the praises of going to college.

Or raps the praises of going to college, to be more accurate.

At various times, Mrs. Obama throws on some cool shades… dances in front of The White House… and and simply shows off her rap game skills overall with some solid G-rated lyrics.

The video has spurned the hashtag #FlotusBars to go viral, and it"s easy to see why.

If you somehow did NOT plan on attending college before, go ahead and watch this footage.

We"re pretty sure the coolest First Lady will change your mind. 

Take it away, Flotus!

Michelle obama raps about college slays it