Monday, June 11, 2018

Kylie Jenner: I"m Hiding Stormi to Punish My Fans!!

Kylie Jenner shamed her baby daddy truthers, but it looks like she wasn’t content to stop there. It looks like she’s punishing all of her fans.

Take a look at this new photo of Kylie. She looks great sporting this natural look. But she puzzled fans when she cropped out her own daughter’s face.

If you think that the picture is weird, you’re right. But Kylie’s explanation is even weirder.

Kylie looks great in this picture. Her low-makeup look really lets her freckles show. Natural looks are a rare thing for Kylie, and fans are always happy to see them.

She captioned the image: “I spy with my little eye…”

But … though she definitely got compliments in the comments, fans were quick to notice that this is a very conspicuous pic.

It appears that she just … cropped baby Stormi out of the image altogether.

There’s a little bit of healthy vanity, which is usually fine, and then there’s whatever would drive a mother to excluse her precious baby from what could be a sweet mother-daughter photo.

What’s going on?

Fans were shocked and troubled by Kylie’s unexplained edit.


That comment reflects the shock and dismay that many fans experienced when they saw the photo.

“It’s okay you can still see her eyebrow.”

That comment, we imagine, was intended as sarcasm rather than comfort.

“It’s not her baby, I don’t think. It looks like North to me.”

That … is a bit of a reach. Especially since North is a good deal older than Stormi.

(In fact, North will turn five years old later this week, on June 15)

Kylie herself stepped in, writing:

“Yeah I cut my baby out. I’m not sharing photos of my girl right now.”

Kylie’s response was an explanation … but leaves fans with even more questions.

But looking back, this is part of a pattern.

Kylie hasn’t shared photos of Stormi in a while, and she’s even deleted some adorable photos of Stormi from her Instagram page.

In fact, the last time that she offered an almost-clear photo of her baby (that has not since been deleted) was on April 19.

Why is Kylie suddenly so shy?

We may have a theory.

It has to do with this guy, Tim Chung.

Now, we know that Kylie’s hot bodyguard is not Stormi’s father.

Unfortunately, some of Kylie’s followers latched onto the idea that he was secretly Stormi’s dad.

They made a show of fixating on certain facial features of Stormi’s (she’s just a baby!!) and comparing them to both Travis Scott and Tim Chung, a police officer and part time model who is also Kylie’s bodyguard.

But really, this “theory” that was barely even a rumor arose from two things:

One, fans were bored with Kylie’s happily-ever-after narrative with the baby daddy she’s only been seeing for about a year and her cute little baby.

Two, fans were thirsting hard after Chung. Just look at him. And they found it easy to imagine a gorgeous 19-year-old (at the time) Kylie spending some one-on-one time with her bodyguard.

But that, folks, is why fanfiction exists. When people project their wishes on celebrities publicly, things get awkward. And we no longer get cute Stormi giggling videos.

Those rumors really upset Kylie (and honestly could hurt Chung’s career!!).

So … Kylie’s not letting the public see Stormi right now.

Is it because she just wants to avoid giving rumor-mongers any additional fodder to compare to anyone other than Travis Scott?

Or is it because she wants to punish people who make up stories about her life?

Either way, we kind of doubt that it will act as an effective deterrent. People just love juicy rumors.

And sometimes those rumors make a lot more sense than reality. That’s what makes them so appealing to so many people.

In the mean time, though, fans can just enjoy photos of sweet baby Stormi here. Take a look:
