Monday, April 2, 2018

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 18 Recap: Nightmare on Peach Street

Another season of The Real Housewives of Atlanta is in the can, and we can’t help but feel like the series is running out of steam. 

On The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 18, the ladies were all looking to the future after a season of crazy developments. 

When the episode kicked off, Sheree was excited about a lot of things: She had a boyfriend who was incarcerated, and she was finally getting her basement completed, so she had somewhere to hide him when any of her friends stopped by. 

We’re kidding about the “hiding” part, but seriously, it’s crazy that Sheree is still pressing on with this relationship despite all of the uncertainty. 

“I am super excited to finally just be able to show off my basement,” said Sheree to the audience about her basement. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online, you will know fine well these women have a knack for showing off their houses. 

That’s sort of what happens when you appear on TV on a regular basis. It becomes a competition about who has the nicest house.

Yes, these housewives are that shallow, but maybe that’s what the producers (and viewers!) like, or like to hate about them.   

One person, who probably isn’t getting invited to the basement is Porsha. Sheree learned that Porsha was running her mouth about all of the women to Shamea when she left Spain. 

The big kicker for Sheree was that Porsha allegedly said that she could not trust any of the other women on the show, and that included Sheree.

Sheree was blindsided because she felt like things were going good for them as friends. Sheree decided to skip Porsha’s performance on some tour in retaliation. 

Cynthia and Kenya were the only women who went to support her, but Kim could not stop running her mouth about both Porsha and Vivica. 

“I can’t tell you how much it warmed my heart,” says Porsha. “Knowing all we’ve been through in the past, them being here erases all that.”

Yeah, we’re going to bet things will change at the reunion because this is pretty shady of Kim. 

The final big event of the episode focused on Eva and Kandi bonding and throwing a Halloween party together. 

The drama kicked up a few notches when Porsha learned from Kim and Sheree that Shamea ‘fessed up about Porsha’s comments.

“After hearing what Porsha said, I don’t think she really knows how to be a friend,” Sheree said in a confessional. It makes sense because Porsha cannot seem to stop running her mouth.

NeNe tried to recruit Porsha to her side of the division among the housewives when she ran off. 

“What if all the girls came and stood right here and you apologized and took full accountability for whatever it is that you have done,” NeNe asked her. “No,“Because they’re fake.”

Yeah, we’re going to be watching the hell out of the reunion because things are going to be crazy!

What did you think of the episode?

Hit the comments below.
