Showing posts with label Salma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Salma. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Salma Hayek Loses Billionaire Hubby In Crazy Family Pap Crush

Can you spot the $ 30 BILLION man in this crazy video?  Salma Hayek can’t — because the paparazzi went so crazy for the actress and her daughter outside of Madeo, she lost her insanely rich fashion mogul hubby in the madness!! FYI, Salma’s…


Sunday, March 11, 2018

Salma Hayek Slams Mattel"s Frida Kahlo Barbie Doll

Salma Hayek is just the latest person blasting Mattel for making a Barbie out of Mexican artist and women’s rights icon Frida Kahlo — asking what many already have … how??? Salma called out the toy company Sunday over their newest Barbie release…


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Salma Hayek Details Sexual Harassment, Death Threats from Harvey Weinstein

Remember that the avalanche of unmasked sex monsters over the past few months began with the sexual harassment accusations against Harvey Weinstein.

That turned out to be only the tip of the nightmare iceberg. In the entertainment industry, and even specifically with Harvey Weinstein, whose list of accusers continues to grow.

Salma Hayek posted a lengthy description of the nightmare that Weinstein put her through, and she named the one thing that she believes saved her from being raped.

Writing a lengthy essay in the New York Times, Salma Hayek first reveals why she waited so long — even after Harvey Weinstein was exposed — to tell her story.

“When so many women came forward to describe what Harvey had done to them, I had to confront my cowardice and humbly accept that my story, as important as it was to me, was nothing but a drop in an ocean of sorrow and confusion.”

It is not uncommon for people who’ve been through awful experiences, like those that she’s going to describe, to try to minimize them.

Just because someone else had it worse doesn’t mean that what happened to you was okay.

“I felt that by now nobody would care about my pain — maybe this was an effect of the many times I was told, especially by Harvey, that I was nobody.”

We’re crushed that she feels that way.

We’ll go ahead and point out that many people, after reading Salma Hayek’s words, mirror Uma Thurman’s feelings on Harvey Weinstein.

“I am inspired by those who had the courage to speak out, especially in a society that elected a president who has been accused of sexual harassment and assault by more than a dozen women and whom we have all heard make a statement about how a man in power can do anything he wants to women.”

Trump has bragged about his wrongdoings and his apparent immunity from justice more than once. It takes a brave person to speak out when it’s so clear that monsters can get away with almost anything.

But Salma Hayek is no longer remaining silent.

Salma refers to director Robert Rodriguez and producer Elizabeth Avellan, and makes a chilling statement about how they may have, unwittingly, protected her from facing the worst that Weinstein had to offer.

“Knowing what I know now, I wonder if it wasn’t my friendship with them — and Quentin Tarantino and George Clooney — that saved me from being raped.”

But she says that, at first, she was delighted to work for the mega-producer.

“He had taken a chance on me — a nobody. He had said yes. Little did I know it would become my turn to say no.”

Long before filming began, Salma had to start turning him down.

“No to opening the door to him at all hours of the night, hotel after hotel, location after location, where he would show up unexpectedly, including one location where I was doing a movie he wasn’t even involved with.”

Gross, creepy, and stalkery.

“No to me taking a shower with him. No to letting him watch me take a shower. No to letting him give me a massage. No to letting a naked friend of his give me a massage. No to letting him give me oral sex. No to my getting naked with another woman. No, no, no, no, no.”

Those sound very hauntingly familiar from the first harassment allegations against Weinstein.

“And with every refusal came Harvey’s Machiavellian rage.”


“I don’t think he hated anything more than the word ‘no."”

“The absurdity of his demands went from getting a furious call in the middle of the night asking me to fire my agent for a fight he was having with him about a different movie with a different client …”

That sounds like an over-the-top power move.

“… To physically dragging me out of the opening gala of the Venice Film Festival, which was in honor of “Frida,” so I could hang out at his private party with him and some women I thought were models but I was told later were high-priced prostitutes.”

Though there’s nothing wrong with sex workers, there’s everything wrong with manhandling an actress and forcing her to go along with you.

“The range of his persuasion tactics went from sweet-talking me to that one time when, in an attack of fury, he said the terrifying words, ‘I will kill you, don’t think I can’t."”

Please don’t ever, ever ask someone why they didn’t speak up. At this point, after all that we’ve heard, it’s a stupid question as well as a hurtful one.

It was, she says, after he realized that she was not going to have sex with him that Harvey Weinstein tried to take the film out from under her.

She had to sue him — and not for sexual harassment — and then perform multiple minor miracles (including recruiting multiple big-name actors) in order to strongarm Weinstein into letting her go through with the film.

But her fight was only beginning.

“Ironically, once we started filming, the sexual harassment stopped but the rage escalated. We paid the price for standing up to him nearly every day of shooting.”

And yes, Salma Hayek does describe the ways in which Weinstein exacted revenge for her defiance.

“Halfway through shooting, Harvey turned up on set and complained about Frida’s ‘unibrow."”

Minor point — Frida Kahlo’s unibrow is iconic. The film would have been worse off without it.

“He insisted that I eliminate the limp and berated my performance. Then he asked everyone in the room to step out except for me.”


“He told me that the only thing I had going for me was my sex appeal and that there was none of that in this movie. So he told me he was going to shut down the film because no one would want to see me in that role.”

What a disgusting creep.

“It was soul crushing because, I confess, lost in the fog of a sort of Stockholm syndrome, I wanted him to see me as an artist: not only as a capable actress but also as somebody who could identify a compelling story and had the vision to tell it in an original way.”

It’s not uncommon to want approval, no matter how poorly you’re treated. You see that kind of thing from abused children all of the time, and it’s not surprising coming from this kind of nightmarish workplace environment.

“I arrived on the set the day we were to shoot the scene that I believed would save the movie. And for the first and last time in my career, I had a nervous breakdown.”

Absolutely understandable.

“It was not because I would be naked with another woman. It was because I would be naked with her for Harvey Weinstein.”


Frida, of course, went on to be critically acclaimed and award-winning.

it seems clear now that this was despite Weinstein’s attempts at petty sabotage, rather than because of some “irreplaceable genius” that he allegedly possessed.

Salma Hayek summarizes the changing circumstances that finally allow women to speak up against powerful men:

“Men sexually harassed because they could. Women are talking today because, in this new era, we finally can.”

Well said.


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Salma Hayek Details Harvey Weinstein Alleged Sexual Misconduct Nightmare

Salma Hayek said for years Harvey Weinstein was a monster who asked her, among other things, to let him give her oral sex … threatening to kill her and tormenting her career when she refused. The actress shared in detail the torture…


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Salma Hayek"s Topless Photo Makes the World a Better Place

Salma Hayek’s appearances in film and on television are wonderful, and not just because she’s more than a little on the busty side.

But also that.

Well, now she’s giving the world the gift of toplessness, and we all need to take a moment to express our gratitude.

So, Salma Hayek shared a topless photo where she is looking all kinds of amazing.

That’s no surprise, since Salma Hayek always looks gorgeous.

She captions the photo:

“When the party is over …. cuando se acaba la fiesta…”

Nice of her to make even her captions bilingual. Salma Hayek’s cited her biligualism to mock Trump, showing that she doesn’t need her looks to do good in the world.

(To be honest, I would have translated that second line “when the party ends,” which is only slightly different but it shows how long it’s been since I took Spanish)

The photo shows her face looking serene and perhaps relieved.

And it shows the rest of her being very much topless.

Thank goodness for bathrooms with mirrors on both sides, huh?

They’re clearly not just for spotting missed tangles in your hair or whatever.

Why take a regular ol’ mirror selfie when you can take an Infinite Selfie?

In this case, that means infinite toplessness.

Of course, this is on Instagram, so she self-censored a bit.

It looks like she’s still wearing the dress from the party, but that she’s let down the front of it.

This looks to us like an impulsive photo, where she took it off and realized that her hair and everything still looked good enough for a photo.

You don’t see this side of a lot of stars all that often, you know?

Well … maybe it’s not so unusual with some of the younger celebs.

Paris Jackson loves being topless and doesn’t mind sharing photos of it.

And then there are Kendall Jenner’s weird topless selfies, also made with the use of mirrors.

For Salma’s age group, though, it’s way less common.

But still a gift.

Now, we’ve been to our share of parties, topless and otherwise, and we’re reasonably confident that Salma is just celebrating “letting it all hang out.”


Like, regular bras can be uncomfortable for regular-boobed people.

Salma Hayek does not have regular boobs.

Salma Hayek has extraordinary, category-5 boobs.

That comes with a price, and that price is paid in comfort.

Also, we don’t imagine that a dress like the one that she was wearing was accompanied by a run-of-the-mill bra.

All sorts of outfits can be hell on boobs, mashing them into different position in ways that look great but feel like a mammogram.

We’re glad that she got to let them free.

Honestly, undressing after any dress-up occasion is one of the world’s best feelings.

Like a naked butterfly emerging from a chrysalis.

Honestly, a lot of people feel that way just after wearing any clothes at all.

Salma may be a beautiful and talented celebrity, but this is a good reminder that she can be pretty relatable.


Saturday, February 6, 2016

Salma Hayek Wins Internet with Hilarious Hospital Photo

Let’s be honest, Salma Hayek is better known for having big breasts than having a big sense of humor.

But the actress may have just changed that.

Hayek was taken to the hospital this week following an accident on the set of her new movie, Drunk Parents, which is something that happens from time to time with stars.

But it was what Hayek was wearing that made this emergency room especially memorable.

“I had to be rushed from set to the ER for a minor head injury,” the 49-year old wrote on Instagram as a caption to the above photo, adding/explaining:

“Unfortunately my wardrobe for the scene was completely inappropriate for the hospital.

“Thank you to doctors Foster and Ellspermann for taking such good care of me! And don’t worry it didn’t make me any crazier than I was.”

Indeed, the picture featured on Hayek’s social media account depicts the beautiful actress standing between two smiling physicians in white coats.

Hayek, meanwhile, is donning a loose-fitting T-shirt with an image of a topless woman whose breasts are cupped by a pair of mystery hands.

HA! We love it.

We also need this shirt.

Hayek is in the middle of filming Drunk Parents, which also stars Joe Manganiello, Bridget Moynahan and Alec Baldwin.

It centers on two parents who try to hide their financial problems from their daughter and friends through a series of elaborate schemes.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Salma Hayek Posts Throwback Bikini Photo: I"m MUCH Happier Now!

Salma Hayek will turn 50 this year, and there’s pretty much no debating that she remains stunningly flawless.

Of course, in one of those “celebrities – they’re just like us!” moments, Hayek revealed today that like anyone else on the “wrong” side of 29, she occasionally reflects on the ways in which her body has changed over the years.

Salma posted the above photo to Instagram today along with a moving caption about the joys of aging and motherhood:

“This was my waist before pregnancy,” Hayek wrote. “Now it’s not the same but my life is so much better.”

We would argue that in the eight years since she gave birth to daughter Valentina, Salma has rocked one of the most bangin’ post-baby bodies in existence, but hey, she’s the expert.

Although we’d like to take this opportunity to encourage her to post a present-day bikini selfie. Not so that we can compare the two, just because a Salma Hayek bikini photo is always a thing of beauty.

Hayek has gushed about pregnancy and motherhood in the past, often describing her relationship with her daughter as the richest and most fulfilling part of her life.

Salma has a knack for articulating obvious truths (We’ll forever love her for having the guts to be one of the few celebs to state flat-out that being rich is awesome.), and while we’re not surprised that she prefers being a mom to having a perfect waist, it’s still nice to hear her say it.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Kendall Jenner, Salma Hayek"s Boobs & More: Star Sightings 11.23.15

While Britney Spears was chewing gum during a photo op, Salma Hayek (barely) tucked her girls into an Alexander McQueen dress for an evening at the Old Vic.

Meanwhile, Nick Jonas looked like an idiot at the American Music Awards (turtlenecks and suits should never, ever go together), while Jenny McCarthy wore a red … something or other that was not much better.

Check out all of the above and more in today"s Star Sightings!

1. Kendall Jenner and Hailey Baldwin Shop at XIV Karats

Kendall jenner and hailey baldwin shop at xiv karats

Kendall Jenner and Hailey Baldwin go shopping at XIV Karats in Beverly Hills on November 21st, 2015.

2. Nick Jonas: 2015 American Music Awards

Nick jonas 2015 american music awards

Nick Jonas sports a turtleneck and suit at the 2015 American Music Awards in Los Angeles, CA on November 22nd, 2015.

3. Jennifer Lopez: American Idol Taping

Jennifer lopez american idol taping

Jennifer Lopez films Hollywood Week for ‘American Idol’ on November 21st, 2015.

4. Carrie Underwood: 2015 American Music Awards

Carrie underwood 2015 american music awards

Carrie Underwood at the 2015 American Music Awards at Microsoft Theater on November 22, 2015 in Los Angeles, California.

5. Kylie and Kendall Jenner: 2015 American Music Awards

Kylie and kendall jenner 2015 american music awards

Kylie and Kendall Jenner at the 2015 American Music Awards at Microsoft Theater on November 22, 2015 in Los Angeles, California.

6. Renee Zellweger on The Set of ‘Bridget Jones’s Diary 3’

Renee zellweger on the set of bridget joness diary 3

Renee Zellweger films a scene for ‘Bridget Jones’s Diary 3 in London on November 22nd, 2015.

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