Showing posts with label Happier. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happier. Show all posts

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: I"m Happier Than I"ve Ever Been -- Sorry, Lamar!

If you’ve seen or heard anything from Khloe Kardashian lately, you’ve probably noticed one thing …

Well, a couple of things. There’s no denying that baby bump these days!

But besides the pregnancy — though we’re sure the pregnancy is a big part of it — she’s really just seemed so happy and peaceful, hasn’t she?

Like after so many ups and downs, she’s finally settled in a place where she wants to be in life.

It’s so nice to see.

And if you weren’t near tears over the beautiful turnaround of Khloe Kardashian’s life already, well, let her break it all down for you in this lengthy but super touching Instagram post she made today!

For her photo, she shared an older photo of herself along with a much more recent one — her “revenge body”:

In the caption, she wrote “Sometimes it’s hard for me to post these transformation posts only because I can’t imagine my life being this unhealthy again.”

To clarify, she added that “Never would I ever consider myself fat, but I would consider myself unhealthy mentally/physically and not knowing my true value. Mind, body and soul.”

Aww, KoKo.

“For me,” she wrote, “my transformation started from within. I needed to heal myself from the inside out.”

“Once I started putting myself first, everything started falling into place. My life transformed a few years ago when I made the decision to stop existing and start living.”

A few years ago, of course, is when she split from Lamar Odom and began focusing hard on her fitness.

She’s said many times that she began going to the gym as a way to deal with everything that was going on with Lamar — his downward spiral began while they were still together.

It must have been tough for her to file for divorce and take care of herself when so many people were convinced that they were soulmates, destined to be together forever.

But, as she explained, “I decided when I was ready regardless of what anybody else was saying about me. Regardless of the pressures. I had to do this on my terms or I knew it wouldn’t last.”

“It’s ok to take the control back,” she advised her followers. “Choose your life. Don’t let anybody else decide for you!”

“We are no victims to life but we can become victims and prisoners to the people that we choose to surround ourselves with if we allow them to break us and consume us.”

Anyone else loving this motivational speaker side of Khloe? Because we are kind of living for it.

“Never be afraid to put yourself first!” she preached. “Never choose comfort over your own well-being! Never forget that fate loves the fearless!”

“Today’s wisdom was yesterday’s pain. Tomorrow’s happiness is today’s bravery! I am so proud of myself for being stronger than I’ve ever been — mind body and soul.”

And she should be — we still don’t know all that went on with her marriage to Lamar, but just considering what we do know, it’s amazing that she’s been able to pull herself up like this.

We all saw how deeply she loved him, and we also saw how deeply he betrayed her. She definitely should be proud of her strength.

Khloe also wrote that she’s “even prouder of myself that I’ve been able to maintain a healthy lifestyle for so many years. I broke that cycle and I’m happier than I have ever been!”

“You can do this!! Start from within and nothing can stop you,” she finished. “Elevate yourself — mind body and soul.”

It’s no wonder why so many people refer to her as the best Kardashian, huh?


Monday, September 25, 2017

Cardi B Couldn"t Be Happier Dethroning Taylor Swift From No. 1

Taylor Swift just got served a can of whoop ass … courtesy of Cardi B, whose track “Bodak Yellow” just bumped T-Swizzle from the top of the singles chart. We got Cardi Monday at Atlantic Records in NYC where she was celebrating her spot on the…


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Selena Gomez Looks Happier, Healthier Than Ever on Set After Kidney Transplant News

Selena Gomez looks happier and healthier than ever on the set of Woody Allen’s new movie … but that’s understandable after her kidney transplant news. Selena was seen back on set Thursday for Allen’s new untitled flick, in which she has a…


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Angelina Jolie Regretting Divorce; Brad Pitt Happier Than Ever, Sources Claim

If you watched the 2017 Golden Globe Awards on Sunday night, you may have jolted out of your gentle dozing by the two memorable moments contained within the 3-hour snoozefest.

First, there was Meryl Streep’s bashing of Donald Trump, which made the rest of the film industry circle jerk worthwhile by itself.

Then, toward the end of the night, screen icon who’s been famous since before Mark Zuckerberg was potty-trained proved that he’s still able to shock:

Yes, Brad Pitt came on stage to represent the cast of Moonlight – a wildly acclaimed film with an all-black cast.

(And Tom Hiddleston is the one being accused of white saviorism!)

But it wasn’t Brad’s baffling tone-deafness that brought the crowd to its feet (we hope).

Rather, it was the fact that he … got divorced last year? Doesn’t make quite as many public appearances as he used to?

We’re not really sure, but Brad received a standing ovation that probably had as much to do with a collective desire to flip the bird to Angelina Jolie as it did with celebrating Brad.

But if the latest report from OK! magazine is to be believed (ginormous if), the assembled glitterati may have been guilty of kicking Angie when she’s down.

A source tells the tabloid that Jolie has been struggling mightily in the months since she and Brad called it quits.

“She didn’t always acknowledge it, but Brad was a huge help — breaking up fights, reading to the little ones. He used to cook for them too,” says an anonymous insider.

“Now that she has to do everything, she’s overwhelmed and anxious all the time. Between that and the stress of strategizing this divorce, she’s barely sleeping and not eating.”

Pitt, meanwhile, is predictably slaying the single life (and probably an unimaginable quantity of vaginas, as well):

“He lost a bunch of weight,” a source tells Us Weekly.

“He’s focusing on himself again, watching what he eats and has a chef making him healthy meals.” 

Erm … he didn’t have a chef making healthy meals when he had six kids in the house?

Anyway, we suppose it’s not surprising that single parenting is more of a burden on Angelina than it is on Brad.

Of course, she’s not really helping her case by limiting Pitt to supervised visits with the kids.

But no matter which newly-single bajillionaire you side with, remember that with their kind of cash and clout parenting – like everything else in life – is much easier for them that it will ever be for the rest of us.


Friday, January 8, 2016

Kourtney Kardashian: Dating Again! Happier Than EVER!

"Kourtney is 100% over Scott," says a source close to the oldest Kardashian sibling, referring to longtime partner Scott Disick.

"Not in a hateful way, but she has completely moved on." 

On the heels of earlier reports that Kourtney Kardashian is moving on with her life, another insider says the mother of three very much is.

After a rough 2015 that included a tough breakup from Disick and somehow hooking up with Justin Bieber, Kourt is on the up and up.

"She is the happiest she"s been in a really long time – since probably before Mason was born," the source explains of the 36-year-old.

"When she had him, she really became introverted."

"She wanted to stay home with the kids. This breakup has really showed her that she needs to focus on herself," the source goes on.

"She"s spending a lot of time out and about with her girlfriends, is planning dinners and nights out. She"s happy and glowing."

"Not to mention getting back out there.

"[Kourtney] is dating," the source reveals. "No one special, but she is putting herself out there and is open to the right set-ups."

"She"s not pushing it though."

Given that she has 6-year-old Mason, 3-year-old Penelope, and 13-month-old Reign to think about, she"s got a lot on her plate.

At the same time Kourt "knows she"s done having kids," and while they will always be her top priority, she"s turned a page in a sense.

Taking care of herself is the main theme of Kourtney"s 2016, during which she vows "to live more in the present and less on [her] phone."

Moreover, she seeks "to continue on the workout mission that [she] started,  and to continue to straighten [her] relationship with Jesus."

As for relations with the Lord?

"Kourtney and Scott will always have a cordial relationship for the kids … they are filming, so any time they"re together, it"s for the show."

Despite recent positive developments with Scott, such as Disick buying a bachelor pad close by for the kids, there is NO RECONCILIATION.

"Scott is still in a dark place," the source says, adding, "All the rumors of Kourtney and Justin Bieber really threw him off."

Scott also recently started seeing Swedish model Lina Sandberg, making it clear that like Kourtney, he"s looking ahead, not back.

Kourtney kardashian dating again happier than ever

Salma Hayek Posts Throwback Bikini Photo: I"m MUCH Happier Now!

Salma Hayek will turn 50 this year, and there’s pretty much no debating that she remains stunningly flawless.

Of course, in one of those “celebrities – they’re just like us!” moments, Hayek revealed today that like anyone else on the “wrong” side of 29, she occasionally reflects on the ways in which her body has changed over the years.

Salma posted the above photo to Instagram today along with a moving caption about the joys of aging and motherhood:

“This was my waist before pregnancy,” Hayek wrote. “Now it’s not the same but my life is so much better.”

We would argue that in the eight years since she gave birth to daughter Valentina, Salma has rocked one of the most bangin’ post-baby bodies in existence, but hey, she’s the expert.

Although we’d like to take this opportunity to encourage her to post a present-day bikini selfie. Not so that we can compare the two, just because a Salma Hayek bikini photo is always a thing of beauty.

Hayek has gushed about pregnancy and motherhood in the past, often describing her relationship with her daughter as the richest and most fulfilling part of her life.

Salma has a knack for articulating obvious truths (We’ll forever love her for having the guts to be one of the few celebs to state flat-out that being rich is awesome.), and while we’re not surprised that she prefers being a mom to having a perfect waist, it’s still nice to hear her say it.