Showing posts with label Shannen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shannen. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Shannen Doherty Cancer Update: Has the Disease Returned?

As previously reported and celebrated, Shannen Doherty is done with chemotherapy.

But is the actress done with cancer?

As Doherty herself explained last October, the short and simple answer is unfortunately no.

Not really. Not ever.

“Those who have experienced it know that even after you’ve kicked it’s ass, it still impacts you, in good ways and bad,” Doherty said last fall, adding in her inspirational message:

“You still go thru the roller coaster of emotions. You still need support and love. And you can still grasp life and live, live live.”

The former Beverly Hills, 90210 star really has shown such strength and grace throughout this challenging battle.

It will always continue in some way, Doherty has made clear in the past, but will Shannen need to truly take on cancer again in the near future?

Has the disease returned?

Doherty addressed this topic in her latest Instagram post, giving followers an update late Tuesday night.

“Test and results,” she wrote to open this caption, preparing fans for the latest news.

It’s not bad, per se, but sounds like it could be better:

“One Tumor marker test came back good. Other… elevated,” she wrote, explaining in more detail:

“Just means I get monitored and another test. But even after that call, I’m staying positive and taking stock of my life. It certainly helps put things in perspective and reminds you of what you learned thru the cancer journey.

“And I sometimes, need a refresher.”

Shannen Doherty has been open and brave throughout each step of her cancer diagnosis, as you can see above.

Doherty concluded her update with an emphasis on how cancer is never truly behind someone it has victimized.

But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t plan on remaining strong in the face of this illness.

“As I’ve said before, cancer changes your life in ways no one could ever imagine…..btw, the elevation can be from all sorts of things. Oh and vitamin D… need more of that too.”

She concluded her post with our new favorite hashtag:


We love it.

We continue to wish the very best to Doherty and to other stars who have been diagnosed with this awful illness.


Shannen Doherty Reveals Tumor Marker "Elevated"

Shannen Doherty is staying positive — and keeping her sense of humor — after a tumor marker test revealed high elevations. The former “90210” star revealed the news Tuesday night saying she underwent a battery of tests … revealing one of…


Friday, October 13, 2017

Shannen Doherty: My Cancer Will Be with Me Forever!

Shannen Doherty has been such an inspiration for the past couple of years, huh?

It was all the way back in August of 2015 when we learned that she’d been diagnosed with breast cancer, and ever since then, she’s pretty much been a total hero.

Or a “cancer slayer,” as she calls herself.

Things were rough for her from the get-go — her cancer diagnosis was revealed in a lawsuit against her former manager, who had failed to obtain insurance for her.

Since she didn’t have insurance, it took her longer to get in a visit with her doctor, and if she’d been able to get medical attention earlier, her cancer may have been caught earlier.

If that had happened, she may have avoided all the chemotherapy and radiation she went through this past year.

Thankfully, even though Shannen did seem to have a rough time for a long time, she announced in April that the cancer was officially in remission.

And now, since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, she’s taking some time to share another one of her inspirational messages, along with a heartbreaking photo:

“This image is so personal to me,” she said of the picture above. “I had started chemo. Was using a cold cap in hope to not lose my hair.”

“End result was clumps in my hands.”

Shannen wrote that “I was sick, felt like I was losing myself. Gained people and lost people. Got weak and got strong. Felt ugly and yet more beautiful inside than I had ever felt before.”

“I remember this like it was yesterday, like it was a minute ago.”

“Cancer has so many phases,” she explained. “Shock, denial, acceptance, anger, resentment, rebellion, fear, appreciation, beauty. Remission.”

“Even then, the phases keep coming. Cancer is with you forever.”

Because, she wrote, “Those who have experienced it know that even after you’ve kicked it’s ass, it still impacts you, in good ways and bad.”

“You still go thru the roller coaster of emotions. You still need support and love. And you can still grasp life and live, live live.”

It’s such a strong message, and it’s clear that she’s touched a lot of people with it.

If you check the comment section on her photo, it’s full of people who have battled cancer or who have loved ones with the disease, and it’s clear that Shannen is a bright light in all that darkness.

“I’m struggling right now,” one person wrote to her. “Stage 4 Metastasis Breast Cancer. Been Battling 2 years now. It’s so mentally draining. I just try and focus on the good.”

“My 5 year old son is my strength. Thank you for sharing your journey. I’ve always been a fan and now I feel so connected.”

“Lost my wife to cancer 5 weeks ago today at 48 years old,” another person commented. “I’m a broken man and miss her so much … we were married 27 years together 33 years my world she was.”

“I know the day her hair fell out was her worst feeling through her fight. Keep strong Shannen.”

Another Shannen fan simply wrote “My battle started in 1972… and I am still here sweetie … and so are YOU!”

We’re not crying, you’re crying.

Just kidding, literally everyone is crying.

Thank you, Shannen, for this and for all that you do.


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Shannen Doherty"s Husband Kurt Iswarienko Settles with Her Ex-Managers in Cancer Suit

Shannen Doherty’s husband appears to have scored a settlement in his suit against her ex-managers over her breast cancer diagnosis … which makes the couple 2 for 2 in court. Kurt Iswarienko requested to dismiss the entire case against Shannen’s…


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Shannen Doherty Finishes Chemotherapy, Shaves Head

Shannen Doherty has completed chemotherapy treatment. 

The 45-year-old took to Instagram to share a video of her hair being shaved off in the wake of her treatment coming to an end. 

Doherty has kept fans in the loop about her treatment across her social media accounts. 

The brave actress managed to keep the event upbeat and even compared her new look to that of Bart Simpson. 

“This day….. laughing thru the tears. Thank you @annemkortright for jumping in and doing what needed to be done. @themamarosa,” she captioned. 

Have a look at the video below…

A post shared by ShannenDoherty (@theshando) on

“Oh my God, what have you done?” Doherty asks her friend. ‘Right now I look like Bart Simpson!”

The Charmed star was diagnosed with cancer in February 2015

Shannen previously shaved her head when she started radiation treatment back in November. 

That was around the time she released a video of her doing a very energetic dance routine. 

The star was also battling a bitter lawsuit with her management after it emerged that they had not been paying her medical insurance premiums. 

This meant the star’s condition went undetected for longer than it should have done because she did not have the appropriate cover. 

Her diagnosis was even revealed via the lawsuit, so it’s probably something the iconic star wanted to keep under wraps from the media. 

Unfortunately, it did not work out that way thanks to the lawsuit. 

We think it’s safe to say that Shannen has had a horrible time over the past two years, but at least she’s making the best of it. 

She has been kicking cancer’s butt at every opportunity she can. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Shannen Doherty Shares Bald Photo, Starts Radiation

Shannen Doherty has started the next phase of her cancer treatment.

And she understandable very scared about it.

The former Beverly Hills, 90210 actress was diagnosed with breast cancer in February of 2015 and has since been as open as possible about her journey and her struggle.

The latest part of that journey and struggle?

Radiation treatment.

According to an Instagram photo and message on Monday, Doherty has kicked off this step of her hopeful recovery.

“First day of radiation treatment,” Doherty wrote as a caption to the image above.

She added:

“I look like I’m about to make a run for it which is accurate. Radiation is frightening to me. Something about not being able to see the laser, see the treatment and having this machine moving around you just scares me. I’m sure I’ll get used to it but right now…. I hate it.”

She included the hashtags, “#radiation, #radiationmondaysucks and #stillfightinglikeagirl with her moving post.

It took a few months for Doherty to reveal her diagnosis to the world.

She was forced to go public in August 2015 after she filed a lawsuit against her former management firm and business manager, who she alleges failed to pay her health insurance premiums.

As a result of this issue, Doherty said she wasn’t able visit doctors for a year, which meant her breast cancer went undetected.

Which greatly lowered her risk of survival.

But Doherty is still here and is determined to make the most of her life.

She flew down to Mexico with her husband last month in order to celebrate their five-year anniversary, sharing photos from the trip and writing a tribute to Kurt Iswarienko in the process.

“Life has thrown us some huge curves and we have faced them together with strength, love, passion and a desire to stand next to one another thru it all,” Doherty said at the time on social media.

As she fights to defeat this awful disease, she is making an effort in general to remember what’s important.

For example, as you can see above, she still voted in the Presidential election.

She also wrote an emotional message to her mom in August.

“Sometimes there’s nothing like a mothers love to help get you thru,” the star captioned a black-and-white photo of herself in her mother’s embrace.

“Thank you mom for always being there and being so strong for me. I love you.”

In August, Doherty revealed that the breast cancer had spread to her lymph nodes and that she would undergo chemotherapy, followed by the radiation that began this week.

We truly cannot imagine what she is going through.

“I think what’s beautiful and hard and interesting about cancer is that it tears you down and builds you, and tears you down and builds you, and it remakes you so many different times,” Doherty said in an emotional interview with Chelsea Handler last month.

“The person I thought I was supposed to be, or was going to be, or who I thought I was six months ago is now somebody completely different.”

We pray that Shannen Doherty joins the list above of celebrities that have overcome this awful disease.

We’re thinking of her.


Monday, November 14, 2016

Shannen Doherty: Honored by Beverly Hills, 90210 Cast

As Shannen Doherty continues to battle breast cancer, it will hopefully be heartening for the actress to know what she isn’t going it alone.

The star knows, of course, that she has her husband by her side.

In celebration of their five-year anniversary, Doherty and Kurt Iswarienko jetted down to Mexico last month, documenting aspects of the trip for fans on social media.

But Doherty also has the backing of a couple former Beverly Hills, 90210 castmates.

Over the weekend, Jennie Garth (Kelly), Luke Perry (Dylan) Jason Priestley (Brandon) and Tori Spelling (Donna) got together for REWindCon in Bloomingdale, Illinois, interacting with fans and speaking at panels during the convention.

Due to her chemotherapy treatments, Doherty was unable to attend.

But that didn’t mean she was far from the hearts and minds of all who were there.

“None of us are up here today without Shannen,” said Perry, who was refreshingly honest about her past reputation.

“She’s been through a lot. She’s not doing well right now, but sometimes her contributions are minimized.

“She’s been thrown under the bus. I’ve been accused of driving it. But she’s a very big part of the success of this show. She taught me a lot.

“I’m glad she was my scene partner. She was great at what she did in the character with me.”

Then there was Jennie Garth.

She was also accused back in the day of feuding with Doherty.

But that was a long time ago.

The actress paid tribute to Doherty on Instagram soon after the event, posting the words “Fight like a Brenda” on social media, alongside a moving post about her friend and ex co-star’s strength.

“To my soul sister @theshando strongest lady i’ve ever known. then and now. i used to be threatened by your spirit, now i’m in awe of it,” Garth wrote.

“You’ve taught me a lot about speaking my mind and not being afraid of my power.

“i’m so grateful that young me got to be friends with you. but especially ‘old’ me! the best is yet to come on this crazy journey!! love you! #fightlikeagirl #fightlikebrenda #aries.”

with Brenda

Doherty reposted Jennie’s message after reading it, adding as her own caption:

“I’m so proud of this friendship and the mutual respect and admiration we have for each other.”

Beverly Hills, 90210 concluded 16 years ago, but the influence of the series remains.

Aside from Doherty, where are different cast members now?

We thought you might want to know. So we’ve provided that information below.


Monday, October 17, 2016

Shannen Doherty Fights Cancer in Mexico, Shares Vacation Pics

Shannen Doherty refuses to let the cancer win.

She refuses to stop living her life and making the most of every second, especially when it comes to spending time with her husband.

The latest case in point? Doherty and Kurt Iswarienko celebrated their five-year anniversary in Mexico on Saturday, October 15.

Doherty revealed that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer just over a year ago, in August of 2015.

In August of 2016, meanwhile, she was forced to announce that the cancer had spread.

She explained what happened in an interview with Entertainment Tonight.

“I had breast cancer that spread to the lymph nodes, and from one of my surgeries we discovered that some of the cancer cells might have actually gone out of the lymph nodes,” Doherty said at the time.

Since then, the actress has been very open and honest about the difficulty of treatment, sharing photos of herself with a shaven head, in a weakened state.

But she was thankfully feeling good enough to travel this weekend.

And to pet a zebra on her trip!

“5 years ago today I made one of the best decisions of my life,” Doherty captioned the above photo.

“I said ‘I do’ and married my best friend and soul mate @kurtiswarienko. Life has thrown us some huge curves and we have faced them together with strength, love, passion and a desire to stand next to one another thru it all.”

She continued:

“I have learned what partnership truly is with this man. Yes we love to travel and have adventures together like today … hanging out with Vicky the zebra but everyday is an adventure with Kurt regardless of where we are and what we are doing.”

The 45-year old added the hashtags “#thisistruelove #anniversary #mexico” to her post.

Doherty also shared the picture at the outset of this article, which features her and her husband wearing sunglasses while standing in front of a row of sculptures.

She wrote as a caption:

“Mexico City. What an amazing place. I’ve been to many spots in #mexico but never here. The food scene is on fire here, history, charm … It’s got it all including childhood memories for @kurtiswarienko who lived here when he was a kid.”

As she fights for her life, Doherty is making an effort to remember what’s important.

She wrote an emotional message to her mom, for example, and she continues to gush over Iswarienko.

“Our wedding was exceptional and not for the big event it was,” Doherty wrote as a caption recently to a photo from their 2011 nuptials.

“It was exceptional because we committed for better or worse, in sickness or in health to love and cherish one another.”

She concluded at the time:

“Those vows have never meant more than they do now. Kurt has stood by my side thru sickness and makes me feel more loved now than ever. I would walk any path with this man. Take any bullet for him and slay every dragon to protect him.

“He is my soul mate. My other half. I am blessed.

We send Doherty our best wishes for a full recovery.

May she join the celebrities featured in the photo gallery above.


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Shannen Doherty Shows Heartbreaking Photos From Chemotherapy

Shannen Doherty continues to share her story with fans, and it comes as no surprise that the reaction has been overwhelmingly supportive.

Doherty’s goal is to show the “faces of cancer,” which she hopes will give hope to others going through something similar.

The former Beverly Hills, 90210 star shared an August 10th chemo session with husband Kurt Iswarienko by her side.

“There are many faces to cancer. This is one of them,” Doherty wrote on Instagram.

Another photo from the same day shows a nurse injecting Doherty with chemo.

“What we call the Red Devil being injected into me via the port thats in my chest,” Doherty wrote.

“Dawn is my nurse who takes excellent care of me August 10, 2016 #cancersucks #fightlikeagirl.”

Doherty was diagnosed in March 2015 after her talent management company failed to pay her health insurance premiums.

This prevented Doherty from getting a check-up, thus allowing the cancer to grow undetected.  Doherty sued the company, finally settling last week for an undisclosed amount.

The power of Doherty’s story was no more apparent than when she went to her local Cheesecake Factory to try and eat something (one of chemo’s side effects is nausea).

“Today I was able to get out and attempt to eat and hang with my mom,” she wrote.

“We decided on The Cheesecake Factory because of their vast menu. I figured I could find something to eat that wouldn’t make me sick. Success. I asked for my bill and the above note was placed in front of me instead. No names attached, just the note…”

Shannen Doherty Cheesecake Factory Bill

It gets better.

“They didn’t care about a thank you for picking up my bill,” she continued.

“They simply wanted to do something nice. I convinced the waitress to nod to who did it. Rian and Lloyd…. I wish there were more people like you. Your kindness blew me away today.

“From the bottom of my heart, thank you. You both deserve a very blessed life.”

To learn more on how you can help in the fight against breast cancer, head over to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Shannen Doherty Cancer Lawsuit: Settled!

Shannen Doherty has had a tough time of it recently. 

It’s no secret that the actress has been battling breast cancer, but she’s been embroiled in legal drama throughout. 

This all stemmed from her management not paying her premiums on her health insurance. 

This meant Doherty’s insurance was invalid and meant her breast cancer went undetected as a result. 

It’s such a horrible thing to happen to anyone, but Shannen refused to let Steven Blatt away with it. 

Why should she?

If her cancer had been detected sooner, she could have started treatment long before now. 

It’s deplorable of her management to not pay her medical insurance. That’s not just something that can be brushed under the rug. 

It’s not like they didn’t pay a credit card bill. Messing with her health insurance is just despicable. 

The star can now breathe a huge sigh of relief. The lawsuit has finally been settled

We don’t know as of yet how much Doherty walked away with, but she was originally suing for $ 15 million. 

It was recently revealed that Blatt’s attorneys wanted to have Doherty sit through a second deposition. 

They had the audacity to want to assess her illness again. 

Either way you look at it, her management was in the wrong, so why should sit through a second deposition when she’s fighting cancer?

They should be ashamed. 

Now, Shannen can move on with her life without being poorly managed. 

Recently, the star has been keeping fans up to date with her progress. 

Shannen took to Instagram to put up a picture after the lawsuit was settled. 

Shannen Doherty Instagram

We extend our well wishes to Shannen. 

What do you think of all of this?

Hit the comments below!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Shannen Doherty: Read Her Emotional Message To Mom Rosa

Like a lot of fans, I’m rooting for Shannen Doherty to win her battle against breast cancer.  One more who is rooting more than anyone, though, is her mom, Rosa.

“Sometimes there’s nothing like a mothers love to help get you thru,” Doherty captioned a black-and-white photo of herself in her mother’s arms.

“Thank you mom for always being there and being so strong for me. I love you.”

Doherty has been open with her battle in the hopes that it will offer comfort, inspiration and hope to others going through similar struggles

More than anything, it allows her fans to be with her every step of the way.

“Chemo day. A day many of us dread,” Doherty shared in another Instagram.

“Strength gets us thru but every once in awhile, you just want to hide in bed and let chemo day pass you by.”

Earlier this month, Doherty confirmed that the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes.  

The 90210 star was diagnosed in March 2015 after her former management company did not pay her health insurance premiums, resulting in a delayed diagnosis.

Last week, Doherty told Entertainment Tonight how she broke the news to her husband of five years, Kurt Iswarienko.

“I told him, ‘You need to enjoy every single second you have with me because I’m going to be dead in five years,’ and he just burst out in tears,” The Tennessee native recalled.

Doherty was in the car when she decided to tell her husband over the phone, because she couldn’t wait until she got hom.

“I called him, which was horrible of me,” she said. “I was in the car. I was with my mom, and the doctor called me and I’m, you know, ‘I’m going to wait until I see him,’ and I just couldn’t. So I picked up the phone and I called him and he was like, ‘Where are you?’”

Once Doherty pulled into her driveway, Iswarienko wrapped his wife in his arms and told her that they were going to get through it together.

“‘We are going to get through this, you’re strong and you’re powerful and you’re not going anywhere,” Doherty remembered the photographer saying.

“‘You have so much to do in your life. We are going to get through it as a family."”

Doherty has no doubt that the diagnosis has strengthened their bond.

“My marriage was always strong, but it’s made my marriage a thousand times stronger,” Doherty said.

“I could not have gotten through this without my husband.”

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Shannen Doherty Opens Up About Horrors of Chemotherapy

Shannen Doherty is facing the biggest challenge of her life.

The former Beverly Hills, 90210 star was diagnosed with breast cancer several months and has been keeping fans apprised of her progress.

Sadly, it isn’t going very well.

Earlier this week, for example, Doherty shared the tragic news that the cancer has spread.

Now, in an Instagram post written on Thursday, Doherty has gone into detail about the horrors of undergoing chemotherapy.

It’s unfortunately a feeling and an experience to which millions can relate.

“Each person’s cancer journey is different. For me, chemo has been terrible and believe me, we have tried almost everything,” the 45-year old wrote alongside a photo of herself in bed alongside her beloved dog Bowie.

She added:

“So days like this have become a bit of the norm. I’m learning that it’s ok to fall into bed and give in to the exhaustion or nausea or aches.”

Thank goodness she has a four-legged friend she can lean on at least.

After thanking her 422,000 followers for their ongoing support throughout this health battle, Doherty gave a mention to her precious pooch for remaining by her side as she battles to beat this illness.

“Btw, it doesn’t hurt to have #msbowie comfort me. So back to my nap,” she wrote.

“Thank you for your prayers, well wishes and stories. They help so much.”

During an interview with Entertainment Tonight on Tuesday, Doherty said she thinks her canine was the first to sense that she had cancer.

Dogs really have been known to have this ability.

“She would obsessively sniff right here on my right side for a long time before,” Doherty shared. “So it made sense when I got diagnosed.

The actress discovered she had breast cancer in February 2015.

She shaved her head just a couple weeks ago.

After her eight rounds of chemotherapy are complete, Doherty is planning to start radiation treatments.

It’s difficult, but Doherty is trying to stay positive.

“[My husband and I] were at this Italian restaurant in Brooklyn, and I looked at him and I said, ‘You better enjoy every single second that you have with me … ’cause I’m going to be dead in five years,"” she told ET.

“He burst out crying and was like, ‘You can’t say that."”

“That phase was short, thank God. That was a short, short phase that I think my family and friends got me through.”

We send our love and best wishes to Shannen Doherty.

We can’t fathom what she is going through, but we know other celebrities have beaten cancer.

To wit:

Monday, August 1, 2016

Shannen Doherty Reveals Breast Cancer Has Spread

It’s been nearly a year since Shannen Doherty revealed her breast cancer diagnosis to the public.

During that time, the actress has shared her daily struggles with fans in hopes of providing inspiration for others who are battling illnesses and raising awareness of a disease that remains one of the leading causes of death for women.

Last week, Doherty shaved her head and shared footage of the difficult moment on her social media pages.

Shortly thereafter, Doherty wrote a candid post about what an “impossibly tough day” it was and thanked her husband and friends for helping her through it.

Today, the 45-year-old shared the sad news that her cancer has spread and that she’s soon to undergo another round of difficult treatments.

“I had breast cancer that spread to the lymph nodes, and from one of my surgeries we discovered that some of the cancer cells might have actually gone out of the lymph nodes,” Doherty tells ET’s Jennifer Peros.

“So for that reason, we are doing chemo, and then after chemo, I’ll do radiation.”

“The unknown is always the scariest part,” she shares. “Is the chemo going to work? Is the radiation going to work? You know, am I going to have to go through this again, or am I going to get secondary cancer?

“Everything else is manageable. Pain is manageable, you know living without a breast is manageable, it’s the worry of your future and how your future is going to affect the people that you love.”

Doherty also opened up about her decision to be so public with her battle:

“It’s easier to live with having cancer if I know I helped at least one person,” Doherty says.

We wish Doherty all the best, and we hope that the knowledge that she’s helped many, many people makes this process somewhat more bearable.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Shannen Doherty Reflects On "Impossibly Tough Day" While Battling Breast Cancer

Once upon a time, viewers were either rooting for Kelly or Brenda on Beverly Hills, 90210.

These days, we’re all on Team Brenda.

Last week, Shannen Doherty shaved her head in preparation for chemotherapy, sharing it with fans via Instagram.

Today, Doherty shared another photo of herself with husband Kurt Iswarienko, her friend, Anne Marie Kortright and her mother.

“Thank you to these three who helped me thru an impossibly tough day and continue to be there every minute supporting and loving me,” Doherty wrote.

“@kurtiswarienko was in Mexico working but knew he left me in good hands. @annemkortright @chriscortazzo #mamarosa I love you. #mycrew #thisisasquad.”

Doherty confirmed the diagnosis in August 2015 after it was revealed in court documents that she was suing her management company for not paying her insurance premiums.  When her health insurance lapsed, she couldn’t receive medical care.  

As a result, the cancer went undiagnosed.

The documents, according to People Magazine, stated that Doherty “discovered that she had invasive breast cancer metastatic to at least one lymph node,” and that it had spread during the period when she was uninsured.

The actress “was also informed that, had she been insured and able to visit her doctor, the cancer could potentially have been stopped, thus obviating the need for future treatment (including mastectomy and chemotherapy) that [Doherty] will likely have to suffer through now.”

Kortright, who was there to help Doherty remove her hair, brought over the razor, a cupcake pan and chocolates, posted her own Instagram in support of her friend.

“Thank you for blindly trusting me today to help you with such a big step,” she wrote.

“I will forever be there for you no matter what.”

Other than the Instagram and an appearance on Dr. Oz earlier this year, Doherty has not given fans an update on the status of her health.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Shannen Doherty Shaves Head, Continues To Battle Breast Cancer

She’s shared her journey with fans, who have lent their support and love.

That may have prompted Shannen Doherty to share a very personal, very raw moment on Instagram, in which she decided to shave her head in preparation for chemotherapy.

Doherty was diagnosed with breast cancer in March 2015 after legal documents were leaked, revealing that she was suing her former management company for not paying her insurance premiums.

This, Doherty claimed in the suit, prevented her from catching the cancer earlier.

Last night, she invited her mother and a friend over while she went through the emotional steps, as recorded via Instagram.

Doherty appeared on Dr. Oz back in February, and revealed that she might opt for a mastectomy.

“I’m actually going to a center, just to sort of get their general opinion and then I head back to L.A. and instantly go in with my doctors,” she explained.

“You know, I’m like ‘You guys make the final decision. What would you do if it was your wife? What would you do if it was your daughter?"”

If it came to that point, Doherty revealed she was at peace with the decision.

“Ultimately, they’re just breasts right?” she said.

“I mean, I love them, they’re mine, they’re beautiful, but in the grand scheme of things, I would rather be alive and I would rather grow old with my husband.”

After the appearance, Dr. Oz gave Entertainment Tonight an update on Doherty’s health.

“Shannen was very transparent about what’s going on in her breast,” Dr. Oz said.

“She has decided to have the breast cancer to removed surgically, and that is a big decision for a woman… It was really up to Shannen to decide she was ready to go through an operation she feared would be disfiguring.”

Doherty married photographer Kurt Iswarienko in October 2011.

Doherty’s decision to shave her head indicates that she’s begun or has already started chemotherapy, which can cause hair loss in some patients.