Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Shannen Doherty Cancer Update: Has the Disease Returned?

As previously reported and celebrated, Shannen Doherty is done with chemotherapy.

But is the actress done with cancer?

As Doherty herself explained last October, the short and simple answer is unfortunately no.

Not really. Not ever.

“Those who have experienced it know that even after you’ve kicked it’s ass, it still impacts you, in good ways and bad,” Doherty said last fall, adding in her inspirational message:

“You still go thru the roller coaster of emotions. You still need support and love. And you can still grasp life and live, live live.”

The former Beverly Hills, 90210 star really has shown such strength and grace throughout this challenging battle.

It will always continue in some way, Doherty has made clear in the past, but will Shannen need to truly take on cancer again in the near future?

Has the disease returned?

Doherty addressed this topic in her latest Instagram post, giving followers an update late Tuesday night.

“Test and results,” she wrote to open this caption, preparing fans for the latest news.

It’s not bad, per se, but sounds like it could be better:

“One Tumor marker test came back good. Other… elevated,” she wrote, explaining in more detail:

“Just means I get monitored and another test. But even after that call, I’m staying positive and taking stock of my life. It certainly helps put things in perspective and reminds you of what you learned thru the cancer journey.

“And I sometimes, need a refresher.”

Shannen Doherty has been open and brave throughout each step of her cancer diagnosis, as you can see above.

Doherty concluded her update with an emphasis on how cancer is never truly behind someone it has victimized.

But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t plan on remaining strong in the face of this illness.

“As I’ve said before, cancer changes your life in ways no one could ever imagine…..btw, the elevation can be from all sorts of things. Oh and vitamin D… need more of that too.”

She concluded her post with our new favorite hashtag:


We love it.

We continue to wish the very best to Doherty and to other stars who have been diagnosed with this awful illness.
