Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Shannen Doherty Cancer Lawsuit: Settled!

Shannen Doherty has had a tough time of it recently. 

It’s no secret that the actress has been battling breast cancer, but she’s been embroiled in legal drama throughout. 

This all stemmed from her management not paying her premiums on her health insurance. 

This meant Doherty’s insurance was invalid and meant her breast cancer went undetected as a result. 

It’s such a horrible thing to happen to anyone, but Shannen refused to let Steven Blatt away with it. 

Why should she?

If her cancer had been detected sooner, she could have started treatment long before now. 

It’s deplorable of her management to not pay her medical insurance. That’s not just something that can be brushed under the rug. 

It’s not like they didn’t pay a credit card bill. Messing with her health insurance is just despicable. 

The star can now breathe a huge sigh of relief. The lawsuit has finally been settled

We don’t know as of yet how much Doherty walked away with, but she was originally suing for $ 15 million. 

It was recently revealed that Blatt’s attorneys wanted to have Doherty sit through a second deposition. 

They had the audacity to want to assess her illness again. 

Either way you look at it, her management was in the wrong, so why should sit through a second deposition when she’s fighting cancer?

They should be ashamed. 

Now, Shannen can move on with her life without being poorly managed. 

Recently, the star has been keeping fans up to date with her progress. 

Shannen took to Instagram to put up a picture after the lawsuit was settled. 

Shannen Doherty Instagram

We extend our well wishes to Shannen. 

What do you think of all of this?

Hit the comments below!