Showing posts with label Displays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Displays. Show all posts

Friday, March 2, 2018

Duggars SLAMMED For Lavish Displays of Wealth: They Own HOW MANY Planes?!

The Duggars built their media empire by shilling wholesome values and the joys of simple living to an audience that ate it up like so many pickles and Chick-Fil-A sandwiches.

But throughout the family’s decade in the spotlight, even diehard fans have wondered if the Duggars are living double lives – preaching the virtues of frugality and humility, while at the same time enjoying lives of incredible fame and fortune.

Over the years, fans have taken issue with Jim Bob’s “high-class hoarding,” and other ostentatious displays of wealth.

The Duggar patriarch has been accused of buying up large tracts of land with no plans to make use of them, simply so that he might appear even more powerful in the eyes of local politicians.

Not exactly in keeping with the WWJD philosophy, but believe it or not, Jim Bob’s desire for increased clout and high-end antiques isn’t even the most galling example of the family’s mixed messaging regarding personal wealth.

No, that honor belongs to the Duggars’ astonishingly large fleet of private aircraft.

You may have been aware that the Duggars own a private jet, but were you aware that they own several other small planes, as well?

The first and most famous Duggar aircraft is the one belonging to John David, who was the first in the family to get his pilot’s license.

The plane, a Cirrus SR22 was purchased as a gift for the Duggar’s second-oldest son back in 2014.

At the time, it would’ve retailed for about $ 764,900, but as In Touch Weekly points out the Duggars probably bought it used.

Which means it probably only ran them about $ 200,000.

Since then the number of pilots in the Duggar clan has grown rapidly with Josiah earning his license and Joy marrying Austin Forsyth who counts piloting among his many professions.

So perhaps it’s not surprising that Jim Bob has decided to expand the family fleet in a major way.

Just last year, the Duggars purchased four planes from the ALERT Academy, bringing their total number of aircraft to whopping eight.

The folks at In Touch did the math, and assuming that the Duggars paid an average $ 547,000 per plane (only some of the purchases were second hand) that brings the total value of their fleet to $ 3,200,000.

Yes, the family that made a name for itself preaching modesty has spent over 3 mill on private planes in the past four years.

So what exactly is the family doing with all those big birds?

Well, Jim Bob recently incorporated Duggar Aviation LLC, and the company is headquartered out of nearby Springdale, Arkansas.

At this point, however, it doesn’t seem that the family is offering up commercial flights.

That may have plans to do so in the future, but many fans are suspicious that Duggar Aviation is nothing more than a shell corporation that allows Jim Bob to write off his plane collection as a business expense.

All in a day’s work for America’s favorite Christ-lovin’ capitalists.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, January 29, 2018

Chrissy Teigen Displays Baby Bump, Reveals Sex of Baby #2!

As we all know thanks to an adorable video featuring baby Luna, Chrissy Teigen is pregnant with Baby #2!

That’s wonderful news for her and for John Legend. And, for that matter, for Luna — who will turn 2 this April. And, some time in the next few months, she’ll become a big sister!

Well, following last night’s Grammy Awards, Chrissy took to Instagram to reveal the sex of the baby she’s expecting!

Chrissy Teigen and her husband, John Legend, attended the 2018 Grammy Awards.

Though the pregnant model and social media delight stepped out early (let’s not project our fury over Ed Sheeran somehow winning over much better artists and songs or over Lorde not being invited to perform), she had a treat for fans.

Sharing a photo of herself showcasing her baby bump in a glittering silver gown, Chrissy Teigen added the caption:

“Mama and her baby boy.”

Luna’s going to have a little brother!

Technically, this announcement isn’t the first time that Chrissy and John have revealed that Lune would have a younger brother.

The topic came up when Chrissy Teigen defended using IVF on social media after people said some truly vile things to her about not having tried to conceive naturally.

“Hi Linda, thanks for asking, you complete witch. I tried for about 9 years. Anything else, let me know!”

For the record, it literally doesn’t matter if someone doesn’t try, but of course Chrissy and John tried.

Chrissy decided to go ahead and nip the next big debate in the bud.

“Since this is coming up again, I said our next baby would be a boy because that is the embryo we have left. A boy. So. Yeah.”

John Legend has also spoken about the couple’s use of IVF, stating simply that they used IVF because traditional efforts to conceive — you know, banging — were not successful.

The technique, in which an egg is fertilized with sperm and then implanted to develop, is controversial in some communities.

For example, some people have a religious objection to some embryos being destroyed in the process, because those microscopic organisms could potentially become human life.

Others worry about a slippery slope. You can choose which embryo to implant, but some worry if it will lead to eugenics. Forget choosing if the embryo has an X or Y chromosome, and think of parents choosing eye color and height and even aptitudes.

Those are fine things to somehow choose for yourself, but troubling for parents to choose.

But none of that means that Chrissy Teigen deserves to be given any grief over it. She’s not producing a science experiment, she’s producing a child.

For some reason, even though Chrissy Teigen and John Legend are absolute darlings, people love to give them a hard time.

Part of that is that the two of them, like any responsible citizens, voice their political opinions and use their platform for good.

Another part of that may be accessibility. Chrissy and John are active Twitter users and engage with followers and replies. Sometimes, that makes trolls want to use that to upset them.

Sometimes, the internet is a treacherous place. Remember when Chrissy Teigen livetweeted her flight from LAX to LAX?

Some truly deranged, disgusting conspiracy theorists tried to use that as evidence that Chrissy and John were “secretly arrested” (what?) and were prevented from leaving the country.

The demented “reason” for their supposed criminal status was being part of some sort of child-abuse cabal that some very paranoid people had imagined for, essentially, any celebrities they didn’t like.

Contrary to what absolute lunatics who listen to Illuminati/pizzagate conspiracy theories might think, Chrissy Teigen and John Legend are great parents to Luna and will make great parents for this new baby, too.

As for Chrissy Teigen ducking out of the Grammy’s early … that’s no real surprise.

It’s better than, say, falling asleep at an awards show.

You know, hypothetically.


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Candice Swanepoel Displays Baby Bump on Brazilian Vacation

Candice Swanepoel is used to showing off her curves in a bikini, but it was a different one catching people’s eyes on Monday in Brazil … her growing baby bump! The Victoria’s Secret Angel took a stroll in Trancoso, Brazil proudly showing…


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Daughter Displays Disturbing Behavior in New Teen Mom OG Clip

Look, we all know that there are lots of things wrong with Farrah Abraham.

Like, just so many things.

She"s rude and abrasive, her voice is so grating, she"s loud and hateful and she rarely makes sense. It"s actually kind of hard to think of a redeeming quality about this girl, as sad as that may be.

In the early days of Teen Mom, it was a little easier to root for her. She was dealing with a bad family situation, and after she found herself pregnant as a teenager, the father of her baby passed away.

She worked hard to get ahead, and while she still wasn"t the most likable back then … well, she wasn"t like she is now.

We really just want to drive it home how awful Farrah can be, OK?

And unfortunately, it seems like her daughter Sophia may be suffering for it.

In this new Teen Mom OG sneak peek for next week"s episode, we see Farrah and Sophia at a restaurant with Farrah"s mother, Debra.

Farrah starts telling Deb about Sophia"s latest career move, because remember, even though Sophia is just eight years old, she already owns her own boutique, and she also models.

She has so much on her little kid plate that Farrah pulled her out of school so she could homeschool her herself, because we can all see that ending well, right?

Anyway, Farrah says that Sophia booked a new modeling gig for a fashion show, and that she gets to walk the runway like the little baby diva she is.

Deb gets all excited and starts talking to Sophia about it like she is a literal baby, but the kid already isn"t here for it — she just nods while focusing on her coloring.

The subject changes to Deb"s man, Dr. David, and when that happens, Sophia"s mood changes, too.

When Deb starts talking about their wedding, which was then in the planning stages, Sophia starts mumbling to herself, then she begins growling at her grandmother.

The adults ignore it for a little bit, but when Debra pulls up photos of her wedding dress on her phone, she starts hitting herself while staring at good ol" Grandma.

It"s more than a little concerning.

Finally, Farrah reacts, telling her "Do not punch yourself! Are you angry?"

Sophia just keeps glaring at Deb, so Farrah pulls her away to speak to her in private.

"You"re not happy hearing about the wedding?" she asks her. ""Cause it"s upsetting?"

Sophia answers with "I never want to see her again if she gets married to David."

This whole thing is very hard to watch, because it"s hard to think about all the things Sophia has been exposed to in her short little life.

Just last season, we saw her sit there as Deb cried and talked about killing herself — and we all know that"s just the tip of this messed up iceberg.

Since Deb did go through with marrying Dr. David, and since Farrah seems to be handling the situation better herself, Sophia feels a little better about the situation now.

But man, this clip is a rough one:

Farrah abraham daughter displays disturbing behavior in new teen

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

President Trump Displays Weird Lisp During Jerusalem Speech

President Trump unveiled something new at the White House — and we don’t mean his policy on Jerusalem … instead, we’re talking about a mysterious lisp. POTUS really did make a major announcement Wednesday morning — becoming the first Prez to…


Monday, April 17, 2017

Ariel Winter Displays Boobs at Coachella

The first weekend of Coachella 2017 ended yesterday, which means a lot of Hollywood’s young stars are feeling about as fresh as Friday night’s crumpled flower crown this morning.

But while the party may be over, the memories will last a lifetime.

And much more importantly, the Indian hippie cosplay pics are still racking up likes on the ‘Gram.

If you follow Ariel Winter on social media, then you’re probably already aware that 1. Ariel’s giant boobs are her pride and joy, and 2. the actress’ style could best be described as “homeless anime character from the future.”

As you can see, Ariel took the opportunity presented by Coachella to crank her look up to 11 over the weekend.

In the pic above, she seems to be saying, “Come for the barely-concealed double-D’s, stay for the weird pink crotch bunny.”

In the photo below, Ariel is seen answering the question “What would it look like if a pixie from the year 3000 went to a John Steinbeck theme party?”

It seems that for the most part, Ariel’s followers are not fans of her new look:

“You thought you were Kylie,” wrote one fan.

“Celebrity 101 – post lots of pics proving u went to Coachella. Poser. Do any of you actually go to see any of the bands?” commented another.

While the jabs are obviously directed at Ariel specifically, it feels like they’re part of a larger backlash against Coachella in general.

The once-ultra-hip festival is more corporate and less popular with A-listers than ever these days.

And through no fault of her own, it seems the 19-year-old Ms. Winter is just a little late to the Coachella party.

What was once the domain of the top tier of cool young celebs is increasingly a place where thirsty reality and social media stars can go a make a quick buck from an endorsement deal.

Case in point:

Yes, Ariel has a sitcom, but it’s her Instagram page that’s made her an almost-household name.

And she’s clearly intent on squeezing some cash out of her massive following, but there’s a danger in doing too much too soon.

As one of Ariel’s followers helpfully pointed out, she’s not Kylie Jenner, and she’s nowhere near Kylie’s level of fame.

At this point in her career, Ariel should be trying to expand her following, not prematurely cashing in on the followers she already has.

Of course, as long as she keeps wearing see-through clothing in public, she’ll probably have no trouble attracting attention.


Monday, February 1, 2016

Ariel Winter Proudly Displays Breast Reduction Scars on Red Carpet

The 2016 Screen Actors Guild Awards were held in LA on Saturday night, and while the cast of Modern Family may have gone home empty-handed, one of the show’s young stars won big on the red carpet:

Obviously, Ariel Winter looks stunning in a form-fitting black dress, but the outfit is getting a lot of attention online for reasons that go beyond her savvy style choices.

Last June, Winter underwent breast reduction surgery, taking her from a 32F to a 34D.

She’s spoken openly about the procedure and how it’s made her feel more comfortable in her own skin.

At this year’s SAG Awards, she went a step further, sporting a dress that revealed the faint scars from the operation.

Winter explained her decision to fans later that evening:

“Guys there is a reason I didn’t make an effort to cover up my scars!” she tweeted after the ceremony. “They are part of me and I’m not ashamed of them at all. :)”

Ariel has slammed body-shaming trolls in the past, and she’s generally served as a positive role model for young people who might be struggling with their self-esteem.

We applaud her for using her platform to send such a powerful message to her fans.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Courtney Stodden Displays Butt Amidst Pregnancy Rumors

Last week, we reported that Courtney Stodden might be pregnant.  This was not one of those cases where an anonymous source spilled the beans to a tabloid.

Courtney was papped while buying a pregnancy test at an LA convenient store during what we’re sure was a totally candid moment that was in no way orchestrated by her PR team. Now there’s this:

To the untrained eye that may seem to be nothing more than an innocent photo of Courtney Stodden’s butt

What’s interesting, however, is that we usually only see Courtney Stodden’s boobs. It makes sense, as Stodden has huge boobs and she didn’t pay good money for them just to hide them from the world.

Some fans believe that by turning her back to the camera (literally) Courtney is subtly hinting at a growing baby bump.

Frankly, we think just she felt like mixing things up, and she’s well aware that asses are in these days.

We’re not saying that Courtney is definitely not pregnant, but we are saying that’s easy to spoil a thing of beauty by overthinking it.

Would you look at the Mona Lisa and wonder is she recently got knocked up by her elderly acting-coach-turned-husband? If so, you really need to work on your art appreciation skills, bruh.