Showing posts with label Dickinson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dickinson. Show all posts

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Janice Dickinson Sues Ryan Seacrest"s Co. Over Romper Controversy on "Shahs of Sunset"

Janice Dickinson is suing Ryan Seacrest’s production company, claiming a storyline on “Shahs of Sunset” that she stole a romper from GG was manufactured and just plain false. Janice’s beef is over an episode where Janice was backstage at a…


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Janice Dickinson to Testify at Bill Cosby Trial

Janice Dickinson will be among the 5 women who will testify against Bill Cosby in his upcoming rape trial … TMZ has learned. The judge in the case has allowed prosecutors to call 5 women to show an M.O. on the part of Cosby. Janice claims in 1982…


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Janice Dickinson Says Cosby Accusers Inspired Other Victims to Come Forward

Janice Dickinson agrees with our photog … she’s one of the people who opened the door for women to muster the courage to tell their stories of sexual abuse.  Janice was one of the first people to claim abuse at the hands of Bill…


Janice Dickinson Says Cosby Accusers Inspired Other Victims to Come Forward

Janice Dickinson agrees with our photog … she’s one of the people who opened the door for women to muster the courage to tell their stories of sexual abuse.  Janice was one of the first people to claim abuse at the hands of Bill…


Friday, December 23, 2016

Janice Dickinson on Kim Kardashian & Kylie Jenner: Leave Modelling To The Professionals!

Janice Dickinson is not a fan of the way just about anyone can be branded a model these days based on how many followers they have on social media. 

The 61-year-old supermodel used an interview on The Tomorrow Show with Keven Undergaro to fire some shots at the people she thinks are not models. 

The main people on her radar appeared to be the stars of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

Give me a break. You think that’s supermodel?” Dickinson said, looking at a photo of Kendall Jenner.

“That is not supermodel … She can’t beat me. She can’t. Apples and oranges.”

Janice has definitely fallen off the map in recent years, while the Kardashian-Jenners seem to be using social media to their advantage. 

Keeping fans up to date on what’s going on in their lives is what’s keeping them so relevant. It’s crazy how popular one family can be. 

Janice then took aim at Kim’s Vogue cover and hit out at the way the family looks. 

“Kim Kardashian made the cover of Vogue, which made me want to vomit. It was crazy,” said the former modeling agency owner.

“They’re not models! They’re reality TV stars! You know, modeling is extremely hard work, you have to have perfect proportions.

“The Kardashians do not have couture proportion.”

Her comments probably stem from the fact that social media was not around when Dickinson was in her heyday.

Maybe Janice would have had an easier time of breaking into the industry if she had Instagram and a whole lot of followers. 

Alas, we’ll never know how different it could have been for her, but we’re sure Janice would jump at the chance of taking the idea of social media back to the 1970s. 

Hey, she was the one who thinks she created the term “supermodel.”

The Kardashian-Jenners probably don’t give a damn about these comments because they’re reaping all the money and fame from being on these magazine covers. 

That sort of does make them models. Right?


Monday, March 28, 2016

Janice Dickinson Reveals Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Janice Dickinson has revealed that she is batting breast cancer.

The 61-year old former supermodel went into detail regarding the diagnosis, which took place during a routine exam on March 12, in an interview with The Daily Mail.

“The doctor noticed it immediately,” Dickinson said, explaining that she made an appointment due to a minor stomach issue and ended up receiving a mammogram and subsequent biopsy.

Added the Bill Cosby accuser:

“I’m always optimistic…  initially when the doctor found the lump it hurt, it became quite painful when you touch it, that’s the point when I knew this is serious, when the doctor touched this little lump in my right breast, about the size of a pea, and I went bingo, I have cancer.”

The ex-America’s Next Top Model judge says her initial concern was not for herself, but for her family.

“I became fearful for my two children [Savannah, 22, and Nathan, 28] my loving fiancé Rocky [Gerner]… we have a grandson, aged four, his name is Aby. I just thought they are gonna flip out.”

Dickinson says the exact diagnosis is stage ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).

“It’s still quite shocking. Today I got very scared… I just get very scared and it hit me,” Dickinson said, adding that her journey will be chronicled on The Doctors.

“But I am not gonna let that define me, the fear. I’m going to get through this.

“I don’t know what the doctors really told me because it goes in one ear out the other, that’s how I roll. I know that my fiancé is a doctor of the highest caliber, I have four specialists, I’ve been prodded and poked on the inside and out and I can tell you I’m very. very lucky.”

We send Dickinson our thoughts and prayers for a full recovery.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Bill Cosby to Testify in Janice Dickinson Lawsuit

Bill Cosby is headed to court. 

No, the disgraced comic isn’t facing criminal sexual assault charges (yet), but he’ll reportedly be forced to testify in a civil suit filed by supermodel and reality TV personality Janice Dickinson.

Dickinson accused Cosby of rape in November of last year.

She offered shocking details of the alleged assault in a series of interviews, leading Cosby’s former attorney Martin Singer to go on the offensive and publicly condemn Dickinson as a liar.

Now, Dickinson’s lawyers are fighting back, claiming that Singer (and by extension Cosby) defamed Dickinson with damaging public statements.

In a hearing held this morning, Debre K. Weintraub decreed that both Cosby and Singer can be deposed and questioned as to whether they knew Dickinson’s statements were untrue before Singer made his remarks.

In other words, Cosby will be asked under oath if he’s guilty of sexual assault.

“A reasonable fact finder could conclude the press statements declare provable false assertions of fact, a factual assertion that Ms. Dickinson is lying,” Weintraub stated today.

“In other words, either the rape did occur or it did not occur, and in this regard Ms. Dickinson is either telling the truth or not telling the truth.”

It’s bad news for Cosby, but the TV legend may be facing much bigger problems. Police in both Philadelphia and Los Angeles are currently conducting investigations into Cosby’s actions to determine if he can be tried in criminal court.