Showing posts with label Forward. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forward. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Mystery Doorbell Ringer Comes Forward, Shares Chilling Survival Story

This woman"s terrifying story gripped the nation before anyone knew her name or heard her reveal what had happened to her.

America first saw her as a nameless woman who, while wearing restraints and a large tee shirt, rang a neighbor"s doorbell late at night.

Her name is Lauren, and her story is every bit as chilling as people feared.

Lauren is 32 years old. She says that one night, she awoke to her 49-year-old boyfriend, Dennis Ray Collins, kneeling on her chest.

He was stuffing some sort of fabric into her mouth.

Her feet and ankles were bound by restraints, and she had duct tape on her head.

She reveals that, at the time, she fully believed that she was going to die.

She says that she tried to cling to hope during the sexual assault that followed.

Lauren says: "I just kept repeating in my head ‘God has more for me than this, I’m not gonna die here tonight,""

She had been living with Collins for 4 months at the time of the rape.

She says that afterwards, he allowed her to go to the kitchen to get some water — because her throat hurt from screaming.

This, she reveals, is when she saw her chance to escape — and took it.

We can never imagine how much bravery it took her to make that dash for the door and leave.

As natural as the instinct to flee is, there is also a powerful instinct in many people to cooperate with a threat in the hopes of survival. Neither instinct is always right, but Lauren made the right choice.

She says that she flagged down a car, asking the driver to help her — but that the driver took one look at her and sped away.

It was then that Lauren was famously recorded ringing a doorbell. She rang several doorbells.

Lauren explains that she was in fear for her life, but convinced that if someone saw her and made eye contact with her, that she woudl be safe.

In the end, Lauren was able to go back for her car to drive away. It was 3 in the morning, and her chances of getting someone to answer the door were slim.

Again, we cannot imagine how much courage it took for her to return to the one place where she knew that Collins might be.

Lauren drove to safety while the homeowner"s whose doorbell caught Lauren on video contacted law enforcement, fearing for this mystery woman"s life.

It was five days after the video surfaced that Collins committed suicide.

In his suicide note, he apologized to Lauren — which, obviously, doesn"t mean much, considering what he had done to her — and swears that he had not planned to kill her.

"I never would have killed you like you thought," Collins claimed. "I’m sorry for what I’ve done and I wish I could turn back time."

He died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Lauren is grappling with powerful emotions in the aftermath of this trauma. She even feels a misplaced sense of guilt over Collins" death.

But, speaking to Inside Edition, she admits that she believe that he would have taken her life.

"I worry if this video didn’t come out," Lauren admits. "And if he were not gone — then I eventually would be."

Mystery doorbell ringer steps forward shares chilling survival s

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Amber Rose Is Exclusively Dating Denver Nuggets Forward Monte Morris

Amber Rose and her new boyfriend, Monte Morris, are serious … so serious they’ve decided they’re gonna be in an exclusive, committed relationship. Sources close to the couple tell us they recently started telling friends they’re no…


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

"Long Island Medium" Couple Moving Forward With Divorce

“Long Island Medium” star Theresa Caputo didn’t see this one coming because … months after separating from her husband, Larry, they’re now living on opposite coasts while they move forward with their divorce.  We got Larry in…


"Long Island Medium" Couple Moving Forward With Divorce

“Long Island Medium” star Theresa Caputo didn’t see this one coming because … months after separating from her husband, Larry, they’re now living on opposite coasts while they move forward with their divorce.  We got Larry in…


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Eagles Coach Doug Pederson Was "Looking Forward" to White House Visit

Philadelphia Eagles head coach Doug Pederson says he was “looking forward” to visiting the White House to celebrate the Super Bowl victory … and seemed kinda bummed it didn’t happen.  “I was looking forward to it,” Pederson said at a…


Sunday, March 11, 2018

Spring Forward with Babes In Bed Photos

You may be feeling groggy from daylight savings, but don’t lose sleep over it … celebs have a hard time without their beauty rest, too! Spring outta bed and slink into these shots of babes in bed to wake up your senses.


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

AJ McLean Turns 40, Looks Forward to First Prostate Exam

AJ McLean isn’t even trying to hide it … he’s totally looking forward to getting his very first prostate exam, now that he’s hit the big 4-OHHHH! We got the Backstreet Boys singer Tuesday — the day he actually crossed over — and asked if…


AJ McLean Turns 40, Looks Forward to First Prostate Exam

AJ McLean isn’t even trying to hide it … he’s totally looking forward to getting his very first prostate exam, now that he’s hit the big 4-OHHHH! We got the Backstreet Boys singer Tuesday — the day he actually crossed over — and asked if…


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Little People, Big World Stars Look Forward to 2018

It’s early, but this may already be the understatement of the year:

The Roloffs enjoyed quite a 2017.

We say this for two very cute reasons.

One is named Jackson Kyle Roloff.

The other is named Ember Jean Roloff.

Jackson was born to Tori and Zach in May, while Ember followed a few months later, entering the world of parents Audrey and Jeremy in September.

These bundles of joy made 2017 a year to remember for all Little People, Big World stars, as they reflected on the past 12 months and looked ahead to what’s to come in a series of Instagram posts over the weekend.

Wrote Tori, for example:

“2017 has had our lowest lows and our highest highs. I can honestly say it’s been the best year of my life. Thanks for sharing it with me!”

She then addressed her husband again, sharing the photo below along with this affiliated message:

“2018 is going to be pretty rad, as long as I have you by my side.”

Amy, meanwhile, spent the holiday weekend with controversial boyfriend Chris Marek.

She sat comfortably in her lap while surrounded by other friends and wrote to her followers:

“From all of us to you Happy New Year! What a Year. Ups and downs but always full of hope! As we see 2017 end I hope you are bringing in 2018 with a lot of possibilities still.

“Much love to you.”

Happy New Year from Amy

Jeremy, for his part, pointed fans to his wife’s Instagram story and said that Ember was definitely the “highlight of our year.”

We’d have to imagine so.

Audrey, though, had A LOT more to say on the topic.

Along with the montage of family photo shared at the outset of this article, the relatively new mother of one opened up like always to her many supporters.

“My word for 2017 was FRUITFUL,” opened Audrey, prying to explaining thusly:

“The Lord pressed this word on my heart sometime in December of last year. We had just launched our marriage journal, the @beating50 community was multiplying, and we we’re part of a community that was growing and edifying us in ways that beared so much fruit

“The word seemed to be a fitting proclaimation of hopeful expectation over 2017.

“When I found out we were pregnant on January 7th, I realized the hidden significance as to why this word would mark our year. It was almost as if I was seeing God smirk at me when I looked down at those two pink lines. ‘Oh, that kind of fruitful…"”

She wasn’t done, however.

Referencing her faith and her family in more detail, Roloff concluded:

And it was a fruitful year. The Lord expanded our boundaries in ministry, business, community, and family.

We continued to pour into our Beating50percent and ALWAYS MORE ministries, filmed two more seasons of LPBW, moved back to Portland and bought our first home, whethered two remodels (one unintended), made it though another successful pumpkin season, and had our first baby.

The year flew by in a furry and many moments were blurred but the pressure of time and the looming tyrany of the urgent.

Which leads me to our word for 2018, nominated by Jeremy this year – RHYTHM.

We are looking forward to establishing new healthy rhythms and learning the “unforced rhythms of grace” in 2018.

TLC is yet to announce a return date for Little People, Big World.

Look for new episodes this spring, however.


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Rep. Al Green Determined to Move Forward with Trump Impeachment Despite Setback

If Texas Rep. Al Green’s discouraged by his attempt to impeach President Trump getting shut down by the House of Representatives … he’s not showing it. We got Green on Capitol Hill Thursday and asked about 58 Democrats voting to move ahead on…


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Janice Dickinson Says Cosby Accusers Inspired Other Victims to Come Forward

Janice Dickinson agrees with our photog … she’s one of the people who opened the door for women to muster the courage to tell their stories of sexual abuse.  Janice was one of the first people to claim abuse at the hands of Bill…


Janice Dickinson Says Cosby Accusers Inspired Other Victims to Come Forward

Janice Dickinson agrees with our photog … she’s one of the people who opened the door for women to muster the courage to tell their stories of sexual abuse.  Janice was one of the first people to claim abuse at the hands of Bill…


Monday, November 13, 2017

New Roy Moore Sexual Assault Accuser Coming Forward (LIVE STREAM)

U.S. Senate hopeful Roy Moore has a new sexual assault accuser who is coming forward with Gloria Allred by her side, and we’re streaming it live. The former Alabama judge, who’s now running for Senator, was recently accused of pursuing…


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

R. Kelly Survivor Comes Forward With "Sex Cult" Horror Story!

Over the summer, we heard allegations that R. Kelly keeps teen girls captive in a “sex cult” in which he controls every aspect of their lives, from how they eat to how they serve him.

While these aren’t the first stomach-churning accusations about R. Kelly that we’d heard, this really shed new light on the sort of monster that he allegedly is.

It’s important to recognize that adults can be victims as well. One woman, Kitti Jones, has come forward with accusations of how R. Kelly lured her into a relationship, convinced her to quit her job, and subjected her to a two-year horror show of control and abuse.

In 1994, R. Kelly was 27 years old.

In 1994, he married Aaliyah, who was only 15 years old at the time.

That’s horrifying enough, but when you listen to people talk about their accounts of their experiences with R. Kelly, you start to see a grotesque pattern of not only sexual predation upon minors but of alleged abuse.

In the ’90s, R. Kelly settled at least three suits with women who alleged that he’d preyed upon them when they were minors, and at least one of those women alleged that he’d encouraged her to participate in group sex with him and other minor girls.

Until this summer,t he most notorious thing about R. Kelly was the video tape that surfaced in 2002 and showed a young girl calling R. Kelly “daddy” before he urinated into her mouth.

Though dozens of witnesses identified the girl as having been 14 at the time, jurors somehow acquitted R. Kelly of multiple counts of child pornography … because they “couldn’t” verify her age.

So, you know, another great example of the justice system and how it works … well, how it operates.

All of that is enough reason for you to want to hide your kids.

As it turns out, where R. Kelly is concerned, you might want to hide your wife, too.

Because we heard allegations this summer that indicate that R. Kelly is also a danger to adult women.

(Honestly, a college classmate of mine shared several years ago that a man hit on her in a bar and she assumed that he was just fishing for free drinks — and later learned that it was R. Kelly. I can’t help thinking that she really dodged a bullet)

Back in July, we heard allegations that R. Kelly keeps a number of young women, teenagers included, in a cult-like environment that revolves around them servicing him, sexually.

Beyond that, he is said to keep them isolated from their families and the outside world. He allegedly controls what they eat and when they eat it and even when they go to the bathroom.

According to these accusations, R. Kelly does all of this slowly, grooming them, and effectively brainwashes them into defending him when anyone expresses concern.

Most seriously of all, there were allegations of verbal and physical abuse.

R. Kelly denied these accusations, to no one’s surprise. He was similarly dismissive of the infamous underage pee-tape.

Even back in July, a sex partner of R. Kelly’s confirmed the allegations contained within the damning expose.

And then in August, another alleged sex abuse victim of R. Kelly’s came forward.

Well, a Rolling Stone article titled “Surviving R. Kelly” details the experiences of one survivor named Kitti Jones.

She says that she was a huge fan of R. Kelly growing up — like, a superfan who would get up close to the stage at his concerts. He was her “Brad Pitt,” she says.

On the night that she first met him, they exchanged numbers and he told her to call him “daddy,” not “Rob.” This was back in 2011, and the happy beginning to Kitti’s nightmare.

They texted back and forth and she would send him risque photos. When they saw each other again, Kitti describes R. Kelly as walking into the hotel room, sitting down, and whipping out his penis.

“I was attracted to him and was just like, ‘Well, OK. Fine.’ Maybe he just has weird ways of getting off.”

Well … we guess she’s not wrong.

The two had oral sex that weekend, Kitti says, with R. Kelly saying things like “I gotta teach you how to be with me” and “I gotta train you.” So … yikes.

“He was like a drill sergeant even when he was pleasuring me,” Kitti describes. “He was telling me how to bend my back or move my leg here. I’m like, ‘Why is he directing it like this?’ It was very uncomfortable.”

But his celebrity status, her attraction to him, his months of having groomed her over the phone, and the way that he made her feel special added up to her not worrying about it too much.

At first, she says, she believed their relationship to be monogamous, despite some … warning signs.

“He said, ‘I have friends and I have girls I’ve raised.’ I didn’t know what he meant by ‘raised’ at the time. He said, ‘I eventually want you to meet them, but I want to make sure you’re mentally ready for that."”

FYI, folks, everything that Kitti just described R. Kelly as having said is a huge, huge red flag. And then it gets worse.

R. Kelly would insist that she not interact with men, even male drivers. Also, he convinced her to quit her job, promising ot pay her double her salary as a DJ.

Even before he got her to quit, though, Kitti says that he already had her feeling emotionally tethered to him, and very defensive against any criticism.

“Rob kinda makes you feel like you have to defend him. It’s like you and him against the world. If someone brought him up [in conversation], immediately a wall went up.”

Once she quit her job and moved to be with him, Kitti says that she surrendered even more control to R. Kelly. He dictated how she could dress when she went out in public and required constant check-ins, even texts like “Daddy, I need to go to the restroom.”

The first instance of alleged abuse took place less than a month after Kitti moved in with him, as a result of Kitti challenging him about the pee tape.

His response was fury, and she describes him spending a car ride berating her while striking her in the face and kicking her while she apologized.

The next day, she says, he took her shopping and neither of them addressed what had happened. She says that she considered leaving him, but that she’d have felt silly after having quit her job to be with him.

Unfortunately, as any abuse survivor could tell you, the first incident was not the last. Kitti says that there were 10 instances of R. Kelly inflicting physical abuse upon her during their first year together, and that the abuse happened more frequently the following year.

When R. Kelly went on his “Single Ladies” tour, however, he treated her “like a princess,” which dashed many of Kitti’s misgivings.

(Remember, it’s classic abuser behavior for them to play games with their victims, rewarding them and even making them second-guess how bad things had really gotten)

After the tour, R. Kelly housed Kitti alongside two of his other girlfriends, monitoring their movements with cameras and punishing them by taking away their phones — at one point, taking Kitti’s for two months.

Losing your phone sucks, but in their case, this meant that they couldn’t request food.

In fact, Kitti says that R. Kelly would also use starvation to punish his “girlfriends.” At one point, she went without food for two and a half days.

And though they were living in neighboring rooms, the three women didn’t even know each other’s real names at first, Kitti says. They were also supposed to report on each other if one of them was breaking the rules.

“If you disclose your relationship with him [to another woman] — how long you’ve known him or whatever — you can get beat. He doesn’t want in any way for one girl to feel more like, ‘Oh, we’re closer than you guys.’ Even though we knew deep down we’re all living there, we didn’t address it.”

In March of 2013, Kitti says, R. Kelly once again escalated their relationship by bringing in another young woman, naked, and having her and Kitti have sex with each other.

“He told me, ‘I raised her. I’ve trained this bitch. This is my pet."”

Calling someone your “pet” in roleplay is fine, but this is more severe. And Kitti says that it was the beginning of R. Kelly forcing her into group sex.

“You can’t say no because you’re going to get punished. You just become numb to what’s happening. It’s so traumatic the things that he makes you do to other people and to him.”

And she says that yes, he still enjoys urinating on women in sexual situations.

“He videotapes everything that he does, and sometimes he’ll just make you watch what he’s done to other girls or girls that he had be together. He would masturbate to that and then have you give him oral sex while he’s watching what he did with somebody else on his iPad.”

After six months of “hell” in which Kitti says that she was being punished every week — either being struck in the face or being starved or having her phone taken — Kitti was able to break free.

Fabricating a desire to take her son shopping, she went to Dallas with only a pair of suitcases. That was her escape.

In November of that year, R. Kelly showed up, ostensibly to return her possessions that she’d had to abandon. Instead, she says, he lured her onto his tour bus and inflicted more physical abuse upon her to punish her for leaving.

The two have never seen each other since.

Well, that’s all horrifying.


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

TMZ Live: Harvey Weinstein: The Victims Come Forward

ON TODAY’S SHOW Harvey Weinstein: Bombshell Audio Released  Nelly Rape Accuser: He’s Bullying Me! Donald Trump & Jemele Hill ESPN Drama Tom Petty: Death Mystery


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Montia Sabbag Comes Forward as Alleged Kevin Hart Mistress

Montia Sabbag has identified herself as the woman at the center of the ongoing Kevin Hart scandal.

How can we be so certain?

Because high-powered attorney Lisa Bloom has come forward and Tweeted that she representing Montia Sabbag, “the woman at the center of the Kevin Hart scandal.”

This scandal centers of a video that purports to feature Sabbag and Hart in a sexually explicit situation.

The former is a stripper who met and partied with Hart for an entire weekend last month in Las Vegas.

The video in question is NOT a sex tape, per se, but it does make it pretty clear that Hart had sex with Sabbag.

And Hart himself also made this clear by recording himself apologizing to his wife and kids last week.

“It’s a sh-tty moment. It’s a sh-tty moment when you know you’re wrong and there’s no excuses for your wrong behavior,” Hart said in his own video, emphasizing that he isn’t a “perfect” person and adding:

“At the end of the day, man, I just simply gotta do better.”

So, yeah… Hart totally cheated on his wife – he pregnant wife! – with Sabbag.

But did Sabbag really try to extort the star? Did she demand millions of dollars from him in exchange for keeping their video private?

According to Bloom, Sabbag “was briefly involved with Kevin Hart a month ago. Since that time, she has been the subject of false, vicious attacks on her character.”

The attorney, who has made a living out of repping celebrities, says she will hold a press conference with her new client on Wednesday.

During this gathering, Sabbag “will speak out … about the true facts of this situation, and will announce their next legal move.”

How can Sabbag, who seemingly got this whole scandal rolling by threatening to release her video with Hart to the public, take legal action against anyone in this instance?

We’ll find out soon, we guess.

As for the state of Hart’s marriage to Eniko, it’s doing just fine, insiders say.

“She has accepted his apology and is focused on her pregnancy and what’s to come,” a source tells E! News.

“She has no plans for divorce. She believes Kevin is a good husband and always comes home to her.”

Just two months why of giving birth, Eniko is more concerned with the ongoing media coverage than anything else.

“She is bothered that these stories find their way into the press and that people are asking her about it,” the source adds.

“But she does her best to ignore it all and move forward. She listens to her husband and is not going to get stressed out. She is supporting him and standing by him.”

Hart, who apparently cheated on his first wife as well, also said the following in his mea culpa a few days ago:

“I made a bad error in judgment and I put myself in a bad environment where only bad things can happen and they did.

“And in doing that, I know that I’m going to hurt the people closest to me, who’ve I talked to and apologized to, that would be my wife and my kids.”

He shares two kids with the aforementioned first wife.

Should Eniko really forgive Hart?

She can perhaps take comfort, for some reason, is knowing Hart is far from the first celebrity to ever cheat…


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

R. Kelly: Alleged Sexual Abuse Victim Comes Forward With Shocking Accusations

Last month, BuzzFeed published a scathing report accusing famed R&B singer R. Kelly of running a “sex cult” that preyed on underage girls.

Attorneys for Kelly denied the accusations, but now the author of the original piece, Jim DeRogatis, has published a follow-up interview with a woman who says she was personally victimized by the singer.

Jerhonda Pace claims she became involved in a sexual relationship with Kelly when she was just 16 years old.

Several years ago, Pace accepted a payout from Kelly’s team in order to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

After reading DeRogatis’ exposé, however, Pace decided that she could no longer remain silent in good conscience.

Pace says she met Kelly at a house party in 2009, and a sexual relationship developed shortly thereafter.

A fan of Kelly’s from childhood, Pace frequently cut class to attend his statutory rape trial the year prior.

She says Kelly was quick to exploit her worshipful fandom and quickly brainwashed her into a veritable sex slave.

In an account consistent with the appalling details in the original Buzzfeed piece, Pace says she was forced to follow a strict set of rules that included wearing baggy clothes so as not to attract other men, and asking permission to shower, eat, and leave the property where she lived with Kelly.

“I had to call him ‘daddy,’ and he would call me ‘baby,’” Pace says.

“He wanted me to have two pigtails, and I had to go out and find little schoolgirl outfits.”

Pace says she’s aware she’ll likely face a lawsuit from Kelly as a result of coming forward with her allegations but considers that a small price to pay if she can prevent others from suffering the way she did.

“If I can speak out and I can help them get out of that situation, that’s what I will do,” she tells Buzzfeed.

“I didn’t have anybody to speak up on my behalf when I was going through what I was going through with him. He’s brainwashed them really bad, and it kind of reminds me of Charles Manson.”

Pace is the fifth member of Kelly’s alleged sex cult to come forward with similar accounts of abuse and predatory behavior from the Grammy winner.

Attorneys for Kelly have already issued a statement denying her allegations:

“The allegations against Mr. Kelly are false, and are being made by individuals known to be dishonest,” reads a press release issued today.

“It is clear these continuing stories are the result of the effort of those with personal agendas who are working in concert to interfere with and damage his career. Mr. Kelly again denies any and all wrong doing and is taking appropriate legal action to protect himself from ongoing defamation.”

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Monday, August 7, 2017

Usher Accuser Comes Forward, Says She Feels "Violated"

Quantasia Sharpton says she feels violated by Usher.

And attorney Lisa Bloom says Quantasia Sharpton isn’t alone.

As previously reported, Usher settled a lawsuit back in 2012 for $ 1.1 million after he allegedly admitted in court that he misled a sexual partner about his earlier diagnosis of Herpes.

In short, he told this woman that he did not have the disease…

… only to later confess he was lying after she contracted it three weeks after she started boning the singer.

The artist then settled her legal complaint for the aforementioned amount.

This case was closed years ago, but the documents only just surfaced online last month.

As a result, other women who have slept with Usher in the time since have come forward because they learned from reading these reports that they were also exposed to Herpes.

(NOTE: Herpes never really goes away. You are always a carrier, even if you take medication and cure your own symptoms.)

At least one man has also apparently alleged sexual contact with Usher, and is none too pleased over the information he’s now discovered.

On Monday morning, meanwhile, Bloom stood along Sharpton as she held a press conference during which she detailed her sexual encounter with Usher.

” love Usher’s artistry and music,” she said at the outset, elaborating as follows:

“I went to a concert of his with some friends a few years ago to celebrate a birthday. I was wearing a birthday crown, and because of that, I was selected to go backstage before the show.

“Later, a security guard picked me out and asked me for my number.

“He told me Usher had seen me backstage and was interested in me.”

Sharpton was 19 years old at the time.

“I got a call from Usher on a blocked number, asking me what hotel I was staying in and the room number,” Sharpton continued.

“About an hour later, he arrived. We spoke for a while, and then we engaged in sexual contact. He never warned me about any STDs… I never heard from him again.

“When I first heard reports that he had herpes, I couldn’t believe it.

“I had a child a year ago, and I knew I was negative. But I contacted Lisa Bloom to find out what my rights are as a woman.”

Shaprton concluded that she may not have the disease, but she’s upset because she never would have consented to sex if she had known. She feels duped.

“I am doing this so he does not do this to anyone else,” she says.

“Usher, if you are negative, please say so. If you are positive, you need to warn your sex partners so they can make their own informed decisions.”

Indeed, Bloom also closed her remarks by walking the legal line of not outright accusing Usher of having Herpes.

That has never been proven true. 

Instead, the famous attorney simply made a plea to the famous artist:

“We hope the reports are not true. We hope that Mr. Raymond is negative and that this can all be cleared up quickly.

“No one in America, even a popular celebrity, is above the law, and everyone, even ordinary people who find themselves swept away by a superstar, has the legal right to be respected, which includes being warned about STDs so each woman can make a decision about her own health and her own body.”


Sunday, June 4, 2017

Ariana Grande Manchester Benefit Concert Moving Forward Despite London Terror Attack

Ariana Grande is moving forward with her benefit concert in Manchester Sunday … despite another terror attack in neighboring London the night before.  Ariana’s manager, Scotter Braun, said early Sunday morning that Ariana and co. feel an…


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Odin Lloyd"s Mom Moving Forward With Aaron Hernandez Lawsuit

Odin Lloyd’s mom is going forward with her wrongful death lawsuit against Aaron Hernandez … even though her case may have just gotten much more difficult.  As we previously reported, Aaron’s death complicates things because his conviction in…
