Monday, August 7, 2017

Usher Accuser Comes Forward, Says She Feels "Violated"

Quantasia Sharpton says she feels violated by Usher.

And attorney Lisa Bloom says Quantasia Sharpton isn’t alone.

As previously reported, Usher settled a lawsuit back in 2012 for $ 1.1 million after he allegedly admitted in court that he misled a sexual partner about his earlier diagnosis of Herpes.

In short, he told this woman that he did not have the disease…

… only to later confess he was lying after she contracted it three weeks after she started boning the singer.

The artist then settled her legal complaint for the aforementioned amount.

This case was closed years ago, but the documents only just surfaced online last month.

As a result, other women who have slept with Usher in the time since have come forward because they learned from reading these reports that they were also exposed to Herpes.

(NOTE: Herpes never really goes away. You are always a carrier, even if you take medication and cure your own symptoms.)

At least one man has also apparently alleged sexual contact with Usher, and is none too pleased over the information he’s now discovered.

On Monday morning, meanwhile, Bloom stood along Sharpton as she held a press conference during which she detailed her sexual encounter with Usher.

” love Usher’s artistry and music,” she said at the outset, elaborating as follows:

“I went to a concert of his with some friends a few years ago to celebrate a birthday. I was wearing a birthday crown, and because of that, I was selected to go backstage before the show.

“Later, a security guard picked me out and asked me for my number.

“He told me Usher had seen me backstage and was interested in me.”

Sharpton was 19 years old at the time.

“I got a call from Usher on a blocked number, asking me what hotel I was staying in and the room number,” Sharpton continued.

“About an hour later, he arrived. We spoke for a while, and then we engaged in sexual contact. He never warned me about any STDs… I never heard from him again.

“When I first heard reports that he had herpes, I couldn’t believe it.

“I had a child a year ago, and I knew I was negative. But I contacted Lisa Bloom to find out what my rights are as a woman.”

Shaprton concluded that she may not have the disease, but she’s upset because she never would have consented to sex if she had known. She feels duped.

“I am doing this so he does not do this to anyone else,” she says.

“Usher, if you are negative, please say so. If you are positive, you need to warn your sex partners so they can make their own informed decisions.”

Indeed, Bloom also closed her remarks by walking the legal line of not outright accusing Usher of having Herpes.

That has never been proven true. 

Instead, the famous attorney simply made a plea to the famous artist:

“We hope the reports are not true. We hope that Mr. Raymond is negative and that this can all be cleared up quickly.

“No one in America, even a popular celebrity, is above the law, and everyone, even ordinary people who find themselves swept away by a superstar, has the legal right to be respected, which includes being warned about STDs so each woman can make a decision about her own health and her own body.”
