Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Little People, Big World Stars Look Forward to 2018

It’s early, but this may already be the understatement of the year:

The Roloffs enjoyed quite a 2017.

We say this for two very cute reasons.

One is named Jackson Kyle Roloff.

The other is named Ember Jean Roloff.

Jackson was born to Tori and Zach in May, while Ember followed a few months later, entering the world of parents Audrey and Jeremy in September.

These bundles of joy made 2017 a year to remember for all Little People, Big World stars, as they reflected on the past 12 months and looked ahead to what’s to come in a series of Instagram posts over the weekend.

Wrote Tori, for example:

“2017 has had our lowest lows and our highest highs. I can honestly say it’s been the best year of my life. Thanks for sharing it with me!”

She then addressed her husband again, sharing the photo below along with this affiliated message:

“2018 is going to be pretty rad, as long as I have you by my side.”

Amy, meanwhile, spent the holiday weekend with controversial boyfriend Chris Marek.

She sat comfortably in her lap while surrounded by other friends and wrote to her followers:

“From all of us to you Happy New Year! What a Year. Ups and downs but always full of hope! As we see 2017 end I hope you are bringing in 2018 with a lot of possibilities still.

“Much love to you.”

Happy New Year from Amy

Jeremy, for his part, pointed fans to his wife’s Instagram story and said that Ember was definitely the “highlight of our year.”

We’d have to imagine so.

Audrey, though, had A LOT more to say on the topic.

Along with the montage of family photo shared at the outset of this article, the relatively new mother of one opened up like always to her many supporters.

“My word for 2017 was FRUITFUL,” opened Audrey, prying to explaining thusly:

“The Lord pressed this word on my heart sometime in December of last year. We had just launched our marriage journal, the @beating50 community was multiplying, and we we’re part of a community that was growing and edifying us in ways that beared so much fruit

“The word seemed to be a fitting proclaimation of hopeful expectation over 2017.

“When I found out we were pregnant on January 7th, I realized the hidden significance as to why this word would mark our year. It was almost as if I was seeing God smirk at me when I looked down at those two pink lines. ‘Oh, that kind of fruitful…"”

She wasn’t done, however.

Referencing her faith and her family in more detail, Roloff concluded:

And it was a fruitful year. The Lord expanded our boundaries in ministry, business, community, and family.

We continued to pour into our Beating50percent and ALWAYS MORE ministries, filmed two more seasons of LPBW, moved back to Portland and bought our first home, whethered two remodels (one unintended), made it though another successful pumpkin season, and had our first baby.

The year flew by in a furry and many moments were blurred but the pressure of time and the looming tyrany of the urgent.

Which leads me to our word for 2018, nominated by Jeremy this year – RHYTHM.

We are looking forward to establishing new healthy rhythms and learning the “unforced rhythms of grace” in 2018.

TLC is yet to announce a return date for Little People, Big World.

Look for new episodes this spring, however.
