Showing posts with label Frozen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frozen. Show all posts

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Mom Arrested After Toddler Found Alone in Yard Sucking on Frozen Chicken Breast

Hallie Elizabeth Amick of Des Moines, Iowa, was arrested on Monday, August 8, after her young son was found alone in a back yard.

The two-year-old was sucking on a frozen chicken breast.

Amick, 30, was charged with child endangerment causing physical injury and drug possession after police were made aware of the situation.

An officer stopped Amick’s boyfriend for speeding, and the man told police he was rushing home because a child had been left alone.

Another officer was sent to check the house and found the child alone in the yard, with a full diaper, sucking on a frozen chicken breast.

A small dog, a terrier, was jumping at the boy, trying to get the chicken, police said, and sadly, this incident may not have been the first. 

Their neighbor told the Des Moines Register that she has previously seen the dog bite the little boy, and the boy hit the dog with sticks. 

IA Neighbor

“His diaper was almost down to his knees,” said Deborah Snyder, 57, who sees the yard from her apartment window (above and below).

Police who searched the home in question found a marijuana pipe, “blunts” and marijuana stems there, according to the Iowa newspaper.

Amick returned home almost two hours after the cops were called, claiming it was the first and only time she had left her child unattended. 

Not according to her neighbor, however.

Snyder said Amick often leaves the child alone at home, which seems even more difficult to believe than leaving children in a hot car.

“This is the first time he got out of the house, but ever since they moved in they (left) him alone,” Snyder said of the troubling situation.

Again, not necessarily the case.

IA Home

Another neighbor told police she once found the child alone in the middle of the street at one point, which would be a hard sight to invent.

Once confronted with the statements regarding her negligence made by her neighbors, Amick admitted she left the child alone on “occasion.” 

The Iowa Department of Human Services was dispatched to the scene, but would not discuss the custody of the 2-year-old at this time. 

Amick was released from jail after her first court hearing this week, and has declined public comment on the matter for obvious reasons.

The boyfriend may face charges as well, officials say.

IA Neighbor Too

La Baccam, who lives next to the house, says she heard the baby crying for a long time outside, but she thought the mother was home.

“I don’t know how in the world this mother can leave a baby like that,” Baccam said, echoing the sentiments of anyone reading this.

“If I knew that had happened, I’d ask police if I could keep the baby for myself, because I feel so sad for that baby.”

Monday, June 27, 2016

Duggar Family Endorses Frozen Yogurt Shop, Gets SLAMMED on Social Media

How hated is the Duggar family these days?

So hated that they can’t even get ice cream without becoming the subjects of unwanted attention on social media.

Okay, so it’s actually frozen yogurt that lured the Jim Bob, Michelle and Jinger out of the Duggar compound over the weekend, but the reaction to the above photo was still downright frigid.

As you can see, the Duggars were joined by Jinger’s new boyfriend, Jeremy Vuolo, when they stopped by Sweet Loring Frozen Yogurt in Laredo, Texas.

No word on what brought the Dugz to the streets of Laredo, but they seem to be more or less constantly on tour these days.

Anyway, the owner of the shop posted the pic on Facebook and Twitter, along with a “huge shoutout” to the Duggar clan.

That’s when all hell broke loose.

Jeremy got his first taste of life as a member of the Duggar clan when social media commenters asked for extra nuts on their two scoops of Duggar hate.

Some choice comments:

“@SweetLoring because everyone is proud to have bigoted cult members who enabled their son to molest 4 of their daughters for 2 years there.”

“@SweetLoring not sure I would brag about this family visiting you. They are not a family to admire.”

“@SweetLoring Obviously your business is anti gay, woman and transgender. No thank you.”

“@SweetLoring Having TLC’s Duggar family promote your place is not a good thing. Over 1,000 advertisers have dropped this family.”

Yes, these days the Duggars can’t step out for slightly healthier ice cream without getting raked over the coals.

And considering a damaged reputation is their only punishment for helping their teenage son molest five young girls, we’re gonna go ahead and say it’s a good thing that the public won’t let them forget about it.

Keep up the good work, Internet.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Frozen Fans Urge Disney to #GiveElsaAGirlfriend in Sequel

A Frozen sequel is in the works.

This much we know for certain.

But while few details have been revealed regarding the follow-up to Disney’s smash hit blockbuster, a movement has gathered on Twitter to center Frozen 2 on at least one storyline:

Elsa’s sexuality.

Simply put, many folks out there want Disney to #GiveElsaAGirlfriend.

Love is an open door, right?

This viral trend began with a teenage girl named Alexis Isabel Moncada.

She tweeted the following April 30… and then it simply caught on:

“I hope Disney makes Elsa a lesbian princess imagine how iconic that would be. Dear @Disney, #GiveElsaAGirlfriend.”

After sparking the Internet movement, Moncada spoke to on Tuesday, May 3, via a piece titled “Why I Created the Trending #GiveElsaAGirlfriend Hashtag.”

The founder of website Feminist Culture, she explained her reasoning thusly:

“Growing up, I never saw a princess fall in love with another princess – and neither have girls growing up right now.

“The entertainment industry has given us girls who have fallen in love with beasts, ogres who fall for humans, and even grown women who love bees.

“But we’ve never been able to see the purity in a queer relationship.”

Moncada says the support she has received online has been “surreal.”

Disney announced in March 2015 that it was developing the sequel after Frozen destroyed box office records in 2013.

The animated adventure has grossed over a billion dollars across the globe, making it the most profitable cartoon of all-time.

Here’s a look at some of the Tweets that also would like Disney to #GiveElsaAGirlfriend:

Elsa Tweet

Go Elsa!

Love is an open door