Monday, June 27, 2016

Duggar Family Endorses Frozen Yogurt Shop, Gets SLAMMED on Social Media

How hated is the Duggar family these days?

So hated that they can’t even get ice cream without becoming the subjects of unwanted attention on social media.

Okay, so it’s actually frozen yogurt that lured the Jim Bob, Michelle and Jinger out of the Duggar compound over the weekend, but the reaction to the above photo was still downright frigid.

As you can see, the Duggars were joined by Jinger’s new boyfriend, Jeremy Vuolo, when they stopped by Sweet Loring Frozen Yogurt in Laredo, Texas.

No word on what brought the Dugz to the streets of Laredo, but they seem to be more or less constantly on tour these days.

Anyway, the owner of the shop posted the pic on Facebook and Twitter, along with a “huge shoutout” to the Duggar clan.

That’s when all hell broke loose.

Jeremy got his first taste of life as a member of the Duggar clan when social media commenters asked for extra nuts on their two scoops of Duggar hate.

Some choice comments:

“@SweetLoring because everyone is proud to have bigoted cult members who enabled their son to molest 4 of their daughters for 2 years there.”

“@SweetLoring not sure I would brag about this family visiting you. They are not a family to admire.”

“@SweetLoring Obviously your business is anti gay, woman and transgender. No thank you.”

“@SweetLoring Having TLC’s Duggar family promote your place is not a good thing. Over 1,000 advertisers have dropped this family.”

Yes, these days the Duggars can’t step out for slightly healthier ice cream without getting raked over the coals.

And considering a damaged reputation is their only punishment for helping their teenage son molest five young girls, we’re gonna go ahead and say it’s a good thing that the public won’t let them forget about it.

Keep up the good work, Internet.