Showing posts with label Urge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Urge. Show all posts

Monday, November 13, 2017

Hannity Fans Destroy Coffee Makers, Urge Nation to #BoycottKeurig

As previously reported, Roy Moore has been accused of child molestation.

The Alabama Senate candidate reportedly made sexual advances toward a 14-year old back when he was 32 years old.

The Washington Post spoke to 30 sources for this bombshell story and has stood by every detail, despite threats of a lawsuit from Moore and a few harsh words from his supporters.

One of those supporters, of course, is Sean Hannity.

The Fox News host has gone to extreme lengths to attempt and explain why Moore"s alleged actions really aren"t a big deal, much to the shock and outrage of those who do think pedophilia ought to disqualify one from public office.

In response to Hannity"s support for Moore, Keurig is among the companies that has stopped advertising on the conservative host"s talk show.

And, as you"re about to find out, loyal Hannity viewers have certain feelings about this decision…

1. Excuse Us, Keurig?

Excuse us keurig

The official Twitter account for this coffee maching responded to a concerned user by saying it has pulled its support for Hannity.

2. And From There?

And from there

Well, the #MAGA floodgates opened wide, with various Fox News viewers finding unique ways to destroy their Keurig machines over the Internet.

3. Pulling an Office Space

Pulling an office space

If you haven’t seen Office Space… what is wrong with you?!? Go rent Office Space! Also, this means the guy is about to use a hammer and other tools to break his Keurig into many pieces.

4. A Couple Quick Points to Make:

A couple quick points to make

1. LOL. No liberal is “offended” by the destruction of a Keurig. 2. You can’t boycott a product you already purchased.

5. Deplorables Unite!

Deplorables unite

It will be ironic when these people are too tired to go vote in the 2018 mid-term elections.

6. Liberals are SO Offended

Liberals are so offended

Or… you know, not.

View Slideshow

Friday, August 5, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: In Denial As Friends Urge Her to Leave Abusive Fiance?

Earlier today, video of a physical altercation between Lindsay Lohan and her fiance, Egor Tarabasov, was leaked online, drawing astonished reactions from fans.

The footage, which many have described as highly disturbing, is being taken by some as definitive evidence that Lindsay was desperately crying out for help when she described herself as a “victim of domestic violence” early on in her relationship with Tarabasov.

The accusatory post was quickly deleted, but it was only the beginning of Lindsay’s very public relationship troubles.

Red flags have been appearing for months, and last week, family and friends became deeply concerned when Lindsay accused Egor of cheating during a bizarre, late-night social media rant.

“Lindsay is trying to make this seem okay and it is just not okay,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

“Her family and friends think that she is in danger now and she cannot hide it anymore.”

The insider adds that Lohan’s inner circle is concerned, as despite the fact that she’s made a number of shocking accusations against Tarabasov, she always ends up going back to him.

“It seems like there is nothing that anyone can do,” says the source.

“Lindsay cut herself off from all of her network of people and she has become Egor’s puppet,” the pal said, adding, “Lindsay said that she does not want to live without him!”

“No one knows what to do because she seems out of her mind right now.”

Sadly, it’s a cycle that’s familiar to many who have loved ones who have been victims of abuse.

“Many of Lindsay’s close friends hate him and have been begging her to leave him for good,” said the source.

“Lindsay flipped out on everyone and said that no one wants to see her happy.”

Lohan’s father, Michael Lohan, is particularly angry and has stated that he would relish the opportunity to give Tarabasov a taste of his own medicine:

“I welcome the opportunity for him to sit down with me face to face,” Michael said.

“I’d give him the opportunity to slap me, so I would have a reason to man-handle him like he did Lindsay.”

He added, “He isn’t worth going to jail for.”

Michael previously praised Egor and stated that he believed Tarabasov and his family had the power to “save Lindsay’s career.”

Even after several indications that Lindsay’s relationship was with Egor was unhealthy, Michael expressed his excitement over the possibility that his daughter was carrying Tarabasov’s child:

As for Lindsay throwing Egor’s phone, Michael says the 22-year-old Russian real estate 

Lohan has yet to respond to the controversy over the footage that was released today.

Tellingly, the 30-year-old actress made her Instagram page private shortly after the video appeared online.

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Frozen Fans Urge Disney to #GiveElsaAGirlfriend in Sequel

A Frozen sequel is in the works.

This much we know for certain.

But while few details have been revealed regarding the follow-up to Disney’s smash hit blockbuster, a movement has gathered on Twitter to center Frozen 2 on at least one storyline:

Elsa’s sexuality.

Simply put, many folks out there want Disney to #GiveElsaAGirlfriend.

Love is an open door, right?

This viral trend began with a teenage girl named Alexis Isabel Moncada.

She tweeted the following April 30… and then it simply caught on:

“I hope Disney makes Elsa a lesbian princess imagine how iconic that would be. Dear @Disney, #GiveElsaAGirlfriend.”

After sparking the Internet movement, Moncada spoke to on Tuesday, May 3, via a piece titled “Why I Created the Trending #GiveElsaAGirlfriend Hashtag.”

The founder of website Feminist Culture, she explained her reasoning thusly:

“Growing up, I never saw a princess fall in love with another princess – and neither have girls growing up right now.

“The entertainment industry has given us girls who have fallen in love with beasts, ogres who fall for humans, and even grown women who love bees.

“But we’ve never been able to see the purity in a queer relationship.”

Moncada says the support she has received online has been “surreal.”

Disney announced in March 2015 that it was developing the sequel after Frozen destroyed box office records in 2013.

The animated adventure has grossed over a billion dollars across the globe, making it the most profitable cartoon of all-time.

Here’s a look at some of the Tweets that also would like Disney to #GiveElsaAGirlfriend:

Elsa Tweet

Go Elsa!

Love is an open door


Thursday, March 24, 2016

Justin Bieber Fans Urge Hero to #CancelPurposeTour

Justin Bieber has a couple pretty big problems these days.

And, for once, we’re not referring to the singer’s mop top of a hairstyle.

The artist surprised and disappointed supporters this week when he canceled all meet-and-greets, telling Instagram followers that he often ends up “drained and unhappy” after filling up with “other people’s spiritual energy” at these events.

Really, Justin said this.

In response, some fans lashed out at Bieber because they shelled out $ 2,000 to meet him backstage… and they would have to forfeit their concert tickets in order to get a refund.

Other fans, however, are simply concerned after the beloved singer.

He also wrote on Instagram on Monday that he becomes “mentally and emotionally exhausted to the point of depression” after meeting up with attendees before or after a show.

As a result, these Beliebers want Justin to take a break. They have started to push the “CancelPurposeTour” hashtag as a message to the superstar.

“Justin for your sake if it is getting too much, #CancelPurposeTour!!!! I promise we won’t get mad, we want what’s best for you. We love you,” Tweeted @biebersmrss.


“I’d give my life not to see him suffer again, if this is what he needs then I understand.”

Yes, her life. Let no one ever say that Justin Bieber’s fans aren’t… passionate.

Bieber has 114 dates remaining on his tour and will next take to the stage tomorrow evening in Las Vegas.

We’ll keep readers apprised of his physical and emotional well-being, while continuing to speculate about his romantic status with Selena Gomez.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Justin Bieber, Ellen DeGeneres, & More Urge Followers To "Forgive For Peace" — See Their Inspiring Messages HERE!

Some of Hollywood’s most influential celebs united on Monday in support of the UN’s International Day of Peace. The stars took to Twitter and Instagram as part of the #ForgiveForPeace campaign, sharing messages of forgiveness and acceptance.

Related: 11 Eco-Friendly Celebrities!

What a beautiful world it would be without all that negativity!

From Justin Bieber, Ellen DeGeneres, Goldie Hawn, and LL Cool J, ch-ch-check out all the celebs who got in on the action (below)!

#ForgiveForPeaceA video posted by llcoolj (@llcoolj) on Sep 21, 2015 at 1:31pm PDT

In celebration of the movement, Deepak Chopra led an inspirational meditation in New York City’s Central Park. He shared:

“Every decision I make is a choice between a grievance and a miracle. We are gathered here this morning to let go of all grievances, all resentment, all anger, all hostility, so that we may heal and be healed. Forgiveness heals because it it is the opposite of inflammation.”

We love that these celebs are using their power for good! As Ellen would say, “be kind to one another!”

[Image via WENN.]