Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Crystal Hefner Removes Breast Implants: Find Out Why!

Crystal Harris Hefner has gone to extreme lengths to get better. 

The wife of Hugh Hefner has had her breast implants removed because of how unwell they were making her feel. 

The glamor model has went through years of pain due to the implants and decided she’s had enough,so got rid of them. 

Hefner took to Facebook in a post titled, “My Implants Slowly Poisoned Me.”

She started her post off by letting her fans know about about the symptoms she has come up against.

“Intolerance to foods and beverages, unexplained back pain, constant neck and shoulder pain, cognitive dysfunction (brain fog, memory loss), stunted hair growth, incapacitating fatigue, burning bladder pain, low immunity, recurring infections and problems with my thyroid and adrenals.”

It all sounds pretty horrible and it will no doubt have her thinking twice about cosmetic procedures in the future. 

There are risks to any procedure, but it sure sounds like Hefner’s life was changed forever when she opted for implants. 

“I ignored it, labeling myself a hypochondriac, despite truly worrying that there was something wrong with me,” the 30-year-old explains.

“I joked about losing my memory to age, and about getting ‘lazy’. I began to cancel appointments and shoots because everything exhausted me. Before everything went downhill I was at the gym five days a week, and always shooting and working.”

It’s perfectly natural for people to ignore health issues. Sometimes you’re worried at what could be causing you to not feel that great. 

Hefner was obviously worried about the underlying issues making her feel so ill. 

The star even spoke about how difficult it has been to get out of bed some days and noted that she was depressed at being left out of everything. 

Hefner had her implants removed on July 15 and felt the benefits instantly. 

“I know I won’t feel 100% overnight,” she adds. “My implants took 8 years to make me this sick, so I know it will take time to feel better. I also have other illnesses to address, but with the toxic bags removed, my immune system can focus on what it needs to.”

“Many of my friends have implants,” she adds in closing. “I worry for their health and hope that they, and everyone, can benefit from what I have experienced.”

Hefner’s experience will no doubt make people look into the downfalls of cosmetic surgery. 

What do you think of all of this?

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