Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Big Brother Spoilers: Final Nominations & Eviction Plans

Did Corey stick to his word?

Over the weekend, he pledged to take Natalie off the block if he won the veto so that the Road Kill winner wouldn’t have a say in the nominations. 

As much as he would have loved to, it was way too risky and he ultimately decided to use the veto on himself. 

That meant that Tiffany had to choose a replacement nominee and Frank had her put up Da’vonne. 

This came as a blow to Da’vonne, who thought that she and Tiffany had turned a corner. 

Da’vonne apparently got a little annoyed at the veto meeting and hit Tiffany with her hair. 

Yes, Da’vonne swung her dreads at Tiffany. 

It was obviously blocked on the feeds, but expect it to be shown on tonight’s episode. 

Tiffany was furious after this and went to the diary room multiple times to get Da’vonne in trouble. 

Paulie’s plan is to send Tiffany packing on Thursday, but will it stick?

Frank and Bridgette managed to sway Nicole and Corey to vote with them, but there’s been a lot of flipping. 

Nicole made a huge mistake by going to Zakiyah, who is in a showmance with Paulie and tried to get her to vote Da’vonne out. 

Zakiyah’s response made Nicole shut down the plan to save Tiffany, but considering how Da’vonne is gunning for the showmances, might she flip?

As of right now, the plan is still to evict Tiffany, but there’s a solid chance that could change when the eviction finally arrives. 

Remember, this is the final eviction before someone comes back in the house to shake up the game. 

Who do you want to return?

Hit the comments below with your take on the latest spoilers!