Showing posts with label Pistorius. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pistorius. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Oscar Pistorius Bruised In Prison Fight Over Phone

Here’s a story about a no-legged man in an ass-kicking contest …  Ex-Olympic sprinter (turned convicted killer) Oscar Pistorius was involved in a prison fight in the South African penitentiary where he’s locked up … officials confirm. …


Friday, November 24, 2017

Oscar Pistorius Slammed by Appeals Court that More than Doubled His Murder Sentence

Oscar Pistorius just got the book thrown at him because South Africa’s Supreme Court of Appeal more than doubled his sentence. Pistorius had originally been sentenced to 6 years in prison for killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.  The Appeals…


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Oscar Pistorius Hospitalized for Chest Pain

Oscar Pistorius was transported from his prison cell to a hospital in South Africa early Thursday morning after reportedly complaining of chest pain — but officials now say he’s okay.  The disgraced Olympian is serving time at Atteridgeville…


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Oscar Pistorius Sentenced to Six Years in Prison For Murder

Former Olympic and Paralympic track star Oscar Pistorius has been sentenced to six years in prison for murdering girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

The 29-year-old double-amputee became known across the entire world as the “Blade Runner” for his tremendous, inspirational achievements.

His career peaked at the 2012 Olympics in London, where he held his own with the best of the best in several elite track and field events.

Then the star fatally shot his model girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp through a bathroom door of his home in his native South Africa in 2013.

On Wednesday, Judge Thokozile Masipa said Pistorius had become a “fallen hero” and that his remorse factored into a lenient sentence.

“Recovery is possible, but it will depend mostly on the accused,” Masipa said during her ruling in Johannesburg, according to reports.

“The worst is that having taken life of a fellow human being in the manner that he did he cannot be at peace,” the judge added.

“He’s a fallen hero, he’s lost his career and he’s ruined financially.”

Masipa had previously convicted Pistorius of manslaughter and sentenced him to five years, but he was released on bail during appeal.

In December, an appeals court ruled that the athlete was in fact guilty of murder and sent the case back to Masipa for a new sentence. 

Steenkamp’s parents, Barry and June, wiped away tears as the sentence was read; Pistorius could’ve faced 15 years or even longer.

Pistorius sat stoically as the judge explained her ruling.

Steenkamp was shot multiple times through a locked bathroom door at  home, and he always maintained that he acted in self-defense.

Believing that an intruder had barricaded himself in the room, dubious as that sounds, Pistorius says he never meant to shoot Steenkamp.

Defense attorneys even had him remove his prosthetic legs last month and walk across the court room on his stumps as a demonstration.

This, they believed, would show how vulnerable he was and offer some insight into his mental state at the time of the late-night shooting. 

Pistorius can still appeal the the latest sentence.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Oscar Pistorius Found Guilty of Murder; Olympian Could Face 15 Years in Prison

Back in September of 2014 millions were outraged when Olympic sprinter Oscar Pistorius was found guilty of culpable homicide in the death of his girlfriend, model Reeva Steenkamp.

The charge is the South African equivalent of manslaughter, and the verdict essentially absolved Pistorius of the crime of knowingly murdering Steenkamp while she hid in the bathroom of his home, fearing for her life.

Culpable homicide carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison, and Pistorius was released in October after serving less than 12 months.

Today, however, a South African appeals court overturned a lower court’s ruling and found Pistorius guilty of homicide.

The 29-year-old Olympian will now be headed back to prison for a minimum sentence of 15 years.

“This case involves a human tragedy of Shakespearean proportions,” Judge Eric Leach said while announcing the court’s verdict.

“A young man overcomes huge physical disabilities to reach Olympic heights as an athlete; in doing so he becomes an international celebrity; he meets a young woman of great natural beauty and a successful model; romance blossoms; and then, ironically on Valentine’s Day, all is destroyed when he takes her life.”

Lawyers for Pistorius will appeal the decision, but it seems almost certain that Pistorius will be headed back to prison.

No date has been set for Pistorius’ sentencing hearing, and he will reportedly remain under house arrest until then.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Oscar Pistorius Released From Prison; Olympian Served Less Than One Year For Murder of Reeva Steenkamp

In October of 2014, Oscar Pistorius was sentenced to five years in prison after being found guilty of shooting and killing his 29-year-old model girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp.

Today, less than one year later, Pistorius is a free man, having been secretively released from prison late last night in order to avoid media attention.

Pistorius will now serve a four-year house arrest sentence at his uncle’s palatial mansion in Johannesburg.

Pistorius was originally slated to be released in August, but angry letters from hundreds of outraged South Africans – including Steenkamp’s grieving parents – persuaded the nation’s justice minister to hold him for another two months.

“We have forgiven Mr. Pistorius, read the letter from Steenkamp’s parents. “However, a person found guilty of a crime must be accountable for their actions. Incarceration of 10 months for taking a life is simply not enough.”

A lawyer for the family says the Steenkamps are still angry, and still believe that justice was not served.

Pistorius was found guilty of culpable homicide, which is comparable to manslaughter in the US justice system.

The sprinter – nicknamed “Blade Runner” by fans – earned international fame after becoming the first double-amputee to participate in the Olympics.

Many believe Pistorius received preferential treatment from the South African justice system.