Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Richard "Old Man" Harrison Cut Son Out of Will Before Death

If you’re a fan of the popular History Channel series Pawn Stars, then you probably know that the men of the Harrison family don’t always get along.

But while the on-camera conflicts are mostly good-natured, it seems there’s some serious bad blood behind the scenes.

Family patriarch and beloved Pawn Stars co-star Richard “Old Man” Harrison passed away last month at the age of 77.

Now, new information about Harrison’s will has prompted questions about his relationship with his children.

Harrison worked alongside his middle son, Rick Harrison, with whom he co-owned Gold & Silver Pawn Shop from 1989 until his death.

But it’s his relationship with youngest son Chris that’s making headlines this week.

For reasons that remain mysterious, Richard Sr. cut Chris out of his will entirely.

“I would like to express my love and affection for Christopher Keith Harrison,” reads the document obtained by Fox News. 

“However, for purposes of this Will, I have intentionally and with full knowledge failed to provide for him and his issue.”

The Harrison family has declined to elaborate. 

“The family had previously discussed this information and it is a private matter,” Rick Jr. said in a statement released today.

The younger Harrison previously paid tribute to his father in a moving eulogy:

“Richard Benjamin ‘The Old Man’ Harrison passed away this morning surrounded by those he loved. He will be tremendously missed by our family, the team at Gold & Silver Pawn and his many fans the world over,” reads a press release issued by Rick Jr. at the time.

“He was my hero and I was fortunate to get a very cool ‘Old Man’ as my dad. 

“That I got to share him with so many others and they got to see what a great family man he was is something I am grateful to have experienced with him.”

Harrison added:

“He lived a very full life and through the History television show Pawn Stars touched the lives of people all over teaching them the value of loving your family, hard work and humor.

“We appreciate everyone’s thoughts and prayers and ask that we are provided some privacy at this time.” 
