Showing posts with label Kristi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kristi. Show all posts

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Kristi Yamaguchi Tells Nancy Kerrigan to Break A Leg; Twitter LIVES

Once upon a time, many years ago, there was a very talented professional figure skater named Nancy Kerrigan.

Nancy did her best, she put a lot of work into skating, but in January of 1994, while Nancy was practicing for the U.S. Figure Skating Championship, she was attacked.

The husband of Tonya Harding, a fellow figure skater, hired someone to break Nancy"s leg so that she couldn"t compete.

Nancy"s leg wasn"t broken, but it was bruised enough to prevent her from competing.

And now, when you think of Nancy Kerrigan, the first thing you think of is that attack.

Which makes it so amazing and horrifying and hilarious that Kristi Yamaguchi, another figure skater, tweeted at Nancy to "break a leg" during her time as a contestant on Dancing with the Stars.

Yeah, she really did that.

And Twitter absolutely cannot handle it.

1. How It All Began …

How it all began

Kristi, girl, you did NOT.

2. Jay Z Knows

Jay z knows

When you see Jay Z make that face, you know you messed up.

3. Not Beyonce, Too!

Not beyonce too

Oh dang, Kristi. This is getting too real.

4. Unbelievable


Kristi, how COULD you?!

5. Unfathomable


This guy gets it.

6. For Real

For real

… Well?

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Kristi Yamaguchi to Nancy Kerrigan -- No Bad Blood Over "Break a Leg" Tweet (PHOTO)

Kristi Yamaguchi says she was NOT throwing shade at Nancy Kerrigan when she told her to “break a leg” on “Dancing with the Stars” … explaining it was just an innocent tweet between friends.  Social media went crazy over the tweet in which she…


Friday, October 7, 2016

Model Kristi Rose -- Makes The Right Adjustments (PHOTO GALLERY)

Kristi Rose hit the beach in L.A. for some fun in the sun, but not everything stayed in place for her as she frolicked around. It’s all good, though … the model made the necessary moves to stay in her bikini — and avoided getting crushed by a…


Model Kristi Rose -- Makes The Right Adjustments (PHOTO GALLERY)

Kristi Rose hit the beach in L.A. for some fun in the sun, but not everything stayed in place for her as she frolicked around. It’s all good, though … the model made the necessary moves to stay in her bikini — and avoided getting crushed by a…
