Showing posts with label Barrymore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barrymore. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Drew Barrymore: Headed to Rehab For Alcoholism?!

Before she embarked on one of Hollywood’s most monumental comebacks, Drew Barrymore’s name was synonymous with the dangers of childhood stardom.

Barrymore checked into rehab for the first time when she was 13 years old after first experimenting with hard drugs when she was only nine.

It would take a second round of in-patient care for Barrymore to get sober for good, but by the time she was 14, the actress had kicked the habits that could have claimed her young life.

One might think that after struggling mightily and finally getting clean at such a young age, Barrymore would steer clear of intoxicants for life.

But many former addicts can attest to the power of the complacency that often accompanies especially long periods of sobriety.

Alcoholics, in particular, are said to be vulnerable to the false sense of security that comes with several years off the sauce.

They might look at family and friends enjoying a drink socially and believe that they’re capable of doing the same.

In many cases, they might be right.

More often, however, the situation ends in disaster … and friends of Drew’s believe she’s in the process of learning that lesson the hard way.

According to Life & Style, friends of the actress were shocked to see her exhibiting signs of intoxication during a recent appearance on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen.

Cohen often drinks with his guests, and Drew has her own brand of wine, so there was nothing terribly surprising about her decision to enjoy a glass while on the show.

But Barrymore’s alleged slurring and out-of-character behavior.

“They’re very concerned about Drew,” a source tells tabloid.

“They fear it’s only a matter of time before she crashes and burns.”

The insider says Drew’s friends have already staged an informal intervention in hopes of convincing the actress to seek help”

“The bottom line is that Drew’s an alcoholic and she’s drinking again,” the source continues. “She’s not hiding it.” 

The insider adds that Barrymore’s inner circle has implored her to “rein it in before she hits rock bottom again.”

Here’s hoping Drew is able to find whatever sort of help she needs.


Monday, July 4, 2016

Jessica Alba: Did She Really Refuse To Give Drew Barrymore Business Advice?

There’s nothing quite as riveting as a new celebrity feud, but is Jessica Alba really on the outs with Drew Barrymore?

It sure seems like these reports are coming from thin air. 

Both Jessica Alba and Drew Barrymore are successful women.

They each have a string of hit movies, so this one was always a little odd and pretty unbelievable.

According to Star, Jessica Alba was not about to let Drew Barrymore become competition, so she “flat-out refused to help.”

It’s great to see celebrities branch out, but they don’t always have to be arguing to get further. There is such a thing as going too far and it seems that’s exactly what has happened here. 

It all sounds pretty crazy. They’re probably the least likely celebrities to become embroiled in a feud, so these “reports” do come as quite the shock.

“Drew has done really well with her Flower Beauty brand and wants to expand,” and “with her recent divorce, she’s more focused than ever on her kids, Olive and Frankie, so she figured baby products were the way to go,” the source continued. 

It all sounds pretty innocent on Drew’s part. They can both be successful, so all of this is a bitter pill to swallow. 

The claims got crazier. 

“Jessica even scoffed at the idea that Drew’s company could hold a candle to hers.”

“Drew was floored — she just wanted to pick Jessica’s brain about a few ideas and thought moms stick together.”

That’s not a way to treat one of your best friends. There is such a thing as competition, but this just comes across as malicious. 

Sources confirmed to Gossip Cop that this DID NOT happen

There we have it. It never happened. 

Will they announce a joint business venture next? 

What do you think about all of this? 

Hit the comments below!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Drew Barrymore an Will Kopelman: It"s Over!

It is surprisingly all over for Drew Barrymore and Will Kopelman.

Sources have confirmed to People Magazine that the couple will divorce after nearly four years of marriage.

“They’ve had marriage issues for a while,” says an insider close to the family.

What sort of disagreements have plagued the actress and her husband?

“There was tension over where to live,” the source says, as Barrymore yearned to settle down in Los Angeles, while Kopelman preferred New York City.

The couple and their kids – Olive Barrymore Kopelman, 3; and Frankie Barrymore Kopelman, 1 – have been residing on the Upper East Side of New York City.

Barrymore is very close to Kopelman’s family, People adds, but has grown more distance from Will himself.

According to The New York Post, which broke news of the split, the divorce is Barrymore’s idea and Kopelman is “devastated” by the development.

In October, Barrymore admitted in an interview with InStyle that it “was never really love at first sight” with Kopelman.

She didn’t exactly sound head over heels when talking about her man, either.

“Will struck a lot of my pragmatic sides,” she said at the time.

“He was someone who was always reachable on the phone, someone who was a classy human being, someone who has this incredible blueprint of a family that I don’t have.”

We wish both halves of this now-former couple nothing but the best.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Drew Barrymore on Adam Sandler: We Looked Like the Worst Blind Date!

Yesterday, we reported that Drew Barrymore and Will Kopelman are heading for divorce. As Drew deals with some potentially difficult times ahead of her, she has one person in her life she is grateful for: Adam Sandler.

Barrymore and Sandler have starred in three hit films together, branding themselves as one of Hollywood’s most beloved onscreen couples.

Barrymore opened up about her friendship and working relationship with Sandler.

The 40-year-old actress said that developing fan’s affection for Barrymore-Sandler collaborations was her plan all along.

“[I thought] I want to be a modern weird Hepburn, Tracey old Hollywood couple,” she told Howard Stern, retelling her intentions of when she decided to work with Sandler.

During the interview, she admitted that she met Sandler during a low point in her career.  Barrymore explained that she called Sandler and asked if they could meet.

She was hoping she would be able to convince him to star in a film with her.

However, things didn’t go quite as planned.  Barrymore said that when she walked into the meeting, she quickly realized it would take some serious persuasion to get him to commit to a film.

“We looked like the worst blind date you’ve ever seen,” she laughed. “I showed up with purple hair and a leopard coat and he was in his classic cargo pants.” 

“As soon as I saw him I was like ‘Yeah you’re going to have to see past all this,’ ” she joked. 

It took some convincing and persuasion. But Barrymore knew that if she spoke from the heart, she could win him over: “I said, I really believe that you and I could get together and do something meaningful.” 

And it worked!  Shortly after they met, Sandler and Barrymore collaborated in The Wedding Singer in 1998 and 50 First Dates in 2004.  They reunited ten years later for the film Blended.

Barrymore credits Sandler for her success.  In fact, she dedicated a chapter of her book Wildflower to him.  The chapter is simply titled “Adam.”

“He was hot s— and he believed in me,” she stated. “It’s a little bit of a love letter to him because I have grown with this person.” 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Drew Barrymore: Longest Relationship Ending After Three Years?!

Why wait for the seven year itch when you can divorce at three?

Maybe that is what Drew Barrymore and Will Kopelman thought when they decided it is time to call it quits.

According to Ok! Magazine, the couple has decided to divorce.

“They’ve been having trouble for a while now,” the insider told the magazine. “They tried living apart, but it didn’t help — and now they’ve decided to split.”

This was Drew’s third marriage. She married Welsh bar owner Jeremy Thomas in 1994.  They split after 19 days.  In 2001, Drew and Tom Green wed, but divorced only five months later.  

And though her third try at marital bliss lasted longer than her first two, sources say the relationship was doomed for divorce.

Drew and Will got married in Montecito, California, in June 2012.  The couple had been dating for just over a year when they found out Drew was pregnant with their first child.

“It was a whirlwind,” claimed the insider. “They wanted to see it through because they were expecting.”

On top of their whirlwind relationship, Drew couldn’t decide if she wanted to settle down or living the celebrity life. One source stated, “Will didn’t see that side of her until they were married.”

Now that they are headed for splitsville, they have to deal with custody of their 3-year-old daughter, Olive, and one-year-old son, Frankie.

Like most celebrity break-ups, money will be an issue.  Kopelman’s is reportedly worth $ 10 million, while Barrymore is estimated to be worth $ 140 million.

Will Kopelman try to take Drew to the cleaners???