Showing posts with label Refuse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Refuse. Show all posts

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Jersey Shore Stars Refuse to Call Out Ronnie: Watch!

The cast of Jersey Shore is a family, we get that.

So it should really come as little surprise that these MTV stars are basically on Team Ronnie Ortiz-Magro when it comes to their friend"s ongoing beef with baby mama Jen Harley.

But it was still unfortunate to see Pauly D, Snooki and company essentially stand up for Ronnie in the wake of his explosive and very public fight with Harley this week.

We make such a statement following the appearance of these Jersey Shore stalwarts on The View this week.

"I have to bring up the elephant in the room that Ronnie is not here," Meghan McCain said during her interview with the show"s leading men and ladies on Wedneday.

"I"m a big fan of his, he"s been very provocative this season," he host continued, adding:

"He"s at home with his newborn baby girl, but he made headlines this past few days because he"s been publicly fighting with his girlfriend. Obviously you guys are close, how do you feel about this?"

(Editor"s Note: Can we stop for a moment and acknowledge how crazy and hilarious it is that Meghan McCain is asking questions about Ronnie Ortiz-Magro, while stating how she"s a "big fan of his?")

For those not in the know, Ronnie and Harley, who welcomed a daughter into the world just a month ago, went at it over Instagram last weekend.

They exchanged vicious insults over allegations of sex tape filming and infidelity, with words being tossed back and forth such as "hoe," "cokehead" and "cum dumpster."

It was pretty embarrassing and ridiculous for all involved.

Get caught up here:

"So Ronnie, um…out of respect for him and his family, he"s not here, so we don"t wanna speak on his behalf," Pauly D replied on behalf of the cast, adding:

"We are one big family, so we love and support each other and everything it is that we do."

This is the answer we"d expect him to give.

But considering there"s even footage of Ronnie threatening to beat up Harley, perhaps his friends need to show some tough love and suggest the muscular reality star seek professional help of some kind.

This is the footage to which we"re referring:

Pretty nuts, right?

"I want to apologize to my family, friends, and fans," Ronnie has said of his action.

"This is a private matter that should have never been made public. I remain focused on my daughter and she is my number one priority."

Watch the Jersey Shore cast talk about a lot of stuff, Ortiz-Magro included, below:

Jersey shore stars shower ronnie with support for some reason

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Jenelle Evans is NOT Fired ... But She Might Refuse to Film

Jenelle Evans has been in career limbo ever since her husband, David Eason, was fired from Teen Mom 2.

Not only has the Carolina Hurricane not been filming, but she hasn’t even been scheduled to film. Which has led fans to wonder if she’s fired.

A new report says that she’s not fired, and that MTV is going to try putting her on camera again. If she’ll even agree to do it.

RadarOnline reports that Jenelle is scheduled to film … but that she might not be in a cooperative with producers.

“Jenelle really didn’t want to film again, because she wanted David to be on camera with her.”

In fact, Jenelle wanted two things — for David Eason to be un-fired, and for MTV to pay her more money.

“So she hired a lawyer but the network refused to give in to her demands”

But she must have gotten something … or decided that she had too much to lose … because she has reportedly relented.

“She finally came to an agreement with MTV.”

And she’s now scheduled to film.

There’s just one problem, RadarOnline‘s source reports.

“But no one is certain that she will actually film.”

You might be thinking that, gee, Jenelle Evans would have to be a fool to turn down that sweet Teen Mom money.

But you have to remember that the Carolina Hurricane’s personal history is littered with terrible decisions with life-altering ramifications.

Her drug use, her criminal history, and it seems like every romantic relationship that she’s ever had — up to and including David Eason — has been disastrous.

So many Teen Mom 2 fans have a number of questions and concerns about Jenelle’s judgment. She might just balk at filming because she’s too proud to film without her husband.

“Jenelle is being so stubborn, and no one is sure she will show up.”

Imagine the awkwardness of being a television crew, standing around in one of the most sparsely populated areas of Eastern North Carolina, hoping that a capricious reality star decides to cooperate.

“There is so much money on the line, but Jenelle makes really dumb decisions since getting together with David.”

Hey, that’s unfair. Jenelle worked very hard on building a history of dumb decisions. David doesn’t deserve credit for all of them.

“MTV is worried she won’t let them film after all.”

It might come down to how she’s feeling that day.

There’s also a chance that Jenelle Evans might try to do her own show.

Recently, she’s been plugging her Off The Grid Adventures on social media.

This is just a YouTube channel.

Some people make a living — some even make millions — on YouTube, but whatever level of money Jenelle hopes to rake in through streaming her own content, it’s not likely to match up to what MTV can pay her.

In general, it’s said that people need at least a million subscribers before they start making real money on YouTube.

At present, Jenelle has under 50,000 subscribers. That’s not even 5% of what she’d need to start making headway.

David Eason was fired for, totally of his own volition, going on a homophobic and transphobic rant in which he bashed gay parents and trans parents, calling them immoral.

Perhaps the strangest thing was that it was totally unprompted. No one had asked about LGBT+ folks at all.

In fact, what had been brought up is the allegations that he’s aggressively violent with his family. Remember, this is a man who’s served time behind bars for domestic violence. He’s since been accused of being abusive towards Jenelle’s children.

Some fans may be happy that David is no longer on their screens or being paid by MTV, but others continue to be concerned about the children. And even about Jenelle herself.

It may be that the presence of cameras and producers is what’s best for everyone.

But there’s no guarantee that Jenelle will see it that way.


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Taylor Swift: Did She REFUSE Tom Hiddleston"s Marriage Proposal?!

In case you somehow haven’t heard, Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston are dating.

And unlike all the other times Taylor was totes serious about a relationship, this time she’s totes serious about her relationship, you guys.

Or at least she was.

In fact, just last week, it was widely reported that Swift was basically demanding that Hiddleston put a ring on it

Now, in a reversal of opinion worthy of Lucy pulling the football away from Charlie Brown, it seems the singer had a change of heart – after Tom got down on one knee.

At least that’s unlikely (though somewhat hilarious) story being told by Life & Style today:

“She feels bad because she’s the one who originally told Tom she wanted to get married, but now she isn’t sure what she wants,” a source tells the tabloid.

The insider says Hiddleston prepared a huge, elaborate proposal befitting, well, Taylor Swift and had assumed, given her ultimatum, that her acceptance was a sure thing.

Needless, to say, he was a bit shocked when Taylor (reportedly) responded with a tepid, “Umm…lemme think about it.”

“She ruined the whole surprise, which left Tom upset for obvious reasons. But he was also crushed that she was telling him she wanted to wait,” says the source.

Now it seems Hiddles has turned the tables by informing Taylor that he’s the one won’t be waiting around forever:

“He gave her an ultimatum about getting engaged,” the source says.

“She’s now telling everyone she’s made a ‘decision to make a decision’ by the end of August. She knows she either has to get engaged or leave Tom.”

Expect Taylor’s angsty new album Decision to Make a Decision sometime this week.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

19 Stars We Just Refuse to Believe Are the Same Age

Father Time is undefeated, as the old sports adage says. Accurately, too.

Sooner or later, every one of us gets older, right? Some of us just do it better than others. That"s putting it mildly, especially in Hollywood.

Case in point? These 19 famous people – or pairs of famous people, to be more accurate – who you won"t believe are the same age!

Then check in the mirror to see how gracefully you"re aging. Or don"t.

1. Lindsay Lohan and Dianna Agron

Lindsay lohan and dianna agron

Dianna Agron of Glee is 30. Lindsay Lohan is too. Only one of them is a first round draft pick in your office Celebrity Death Pool. Every year.

2. Bella Thorne and Kylie Jenner

Bella thorne and kylie jenner

Bella Thorne and Kylie Jenner are both 18. Although they are remarkably covered up here, they both frequently show plenty of skin, and date significantly older guys, yet only one appears to be criticized for this. Life.

3. John Cho and The Rock

John cho and the rock

John Cho and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson are both 44. In other words, John Cho and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson are ageless.

4. June Shannon and Jennifer Love Hewitt

June shannon and jennifer love hewitt

Jennifer Love Hewitt is 37 years old. Mama June from Honey Boo Boo is somehow going to join her at that age in a few weeks. While we can’t believe our longtime crush JLH is 37 already, she looks not a day over 30. June, on the other hand, is about to be 37 going on 57.

5. Kourtney Kardashian and Kim Zolciak

Kourtney kardashian and kim zolciak

We’re stretching just a little with this one – Kim is 38, while Kourtney won’t be 38 until next April – but still … Kim is 38?! Kourtney will be 38 in April?! With nine kids between them, we’re not sure which is the bigger shocker.

6. Kate Upton and Selena Gomez

Kate upton and selena gomez

Starting life as a Disney star might have done Selena Gomez good. She and Kate Upton are both 23 (as of this week in Selena’s case) but one looks far older than the other.

View Slideshow

Monday, July 4, 2016

Jessica Alba: Did She Really Refuse To Give Drew Barrymore Business Advice?

There’s nothing quite as riveting as a new celebrity feud, but is Jessica Alba really on the outs with Drew Barrymore?

It sure seems like these reports are coming from thin air. 

Both Jessica Alba and Drew Barrymore are successful women.

They each have a string of hit movies, so this one was always a little odd and pretty unbelievable.

According to Star, Jessica Alba was not about to let Drew Barrymore become competition, so she “flat-out refused to help.”

It’s great to see celebrities branch out, but they don’t always have to be arguing to get further. There is such a thing as going too far and it seems that’s exactly what has happened here. 

It all sounds pretty crazy. They’re probably the least likely celebrities to become embroiled in a feud, so these “reports” do come as quite the shock.

“Drew has done really well with her Flower Beauty brand and wants to expand,” and “with her recent divorce, she’s more focused than ever on her kids, Olive and Frankie, so she figured baby products were the way to go,” the source continued. 

It all sounds pretty innocent on Drew’s part. They can both be successful, so all of this is a bitter pill to swallow. 

The claims got crazier. 

“Jessica even scoffed at the idea that Drew’s company could hold a candle to hers.”

“Drew was floored — she just wanted to pick Jessica’s brain about a few ideas and thought moms stick together.”

That’s not a way to treat one of your best friends. There is such a thing as competition, but this just comes across as malicious. 

Sources confirmed to Gossip Cop that this DID NOT happen

There we have it. It never happened. 

Will they announce a joint business venture next? 

What do you think about all of this? 

Hit the comments below!