Thursday, May 3, 2018

Jersey Shore Stars Refuse to Call Out Ronnie: Watch!

The cast of Jersey Shore is a family, we get that.

So it should really come as little surprise that these MTV stars are basically on Team Ronnie Ortiz-Magro when it comes to their friend"s ongoing beef with baby mama Jen Harley.

But it was still unfortunate to see Pauly D, Snooki and company essentially stand up for Ronnie in the wake of his explosive and very public fight with Harley this week.

We make such a statement following the appearance of these Jersey Shore stalwarts on The View this week.

"I have to bring up the elephant in the room that Ronnie is not here," Meghan McCain said during her interview with the show"s leading men and ladies on Wedneday.

"I"m a big fan of his, he"s been very provocative this season," he host continued, adding:

"He"s at home with his newborn baby girl, but he made headlines this past few days because he"s been publicly fighting with his girlfriend. Obviously you guys are close, how do you feel about this?"

(Editor"s Note: Can we stop for a moment and acknowledge how crazy and hilarious it is that Meghan McCain is asking questions about Ronnie Ortiz-Magro, while stating how she"s a "big fan of his?")

For those not in the know, Ronnie and Harley, who welcomed a daughter into the world just a month ago, went at it over Instagram last weekend.

They exchanged vicious insults over allegations of sex tape filming and infidelity, with words being tossed back and forth such as "hoe," "cokehead" and "cum dumpster."

It was pretty embarrassing and ridiculous for all involved.

Get caught up here:

"So Ronnie, um…out of respect for him and his family, he"s not here, so we don"t wanna speak on his behalf," Pauly D replied on behalf of the cast, adding:

"We are one big family, so we love and support each other and everything it is that we do."

This is the answer we"d expect him to give.

But considering there"s even footage of Ronnie threatening to beat up Harley, perhaps his friends need to show some tough love and suggest the muscular reality star seek professional help of some kind.

This is the footage to which we"re referring:

Pretty nuts, right?

"I want to apologize to my family, friends, and fans," Ronnie has said of his action.

"This is a private matter that should have never been made public. I remain focused on my daughter and she is my number one priority."

Watch the Jersey Shore cast talk about a lot of stuff, Ortiz-Magro included, below:

Jersey shore stars shower ronnie with support for some reason