Showing posts with label Hiddleston's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hiddleston's. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Taylor Swift: Did She REFUSE Tom Hiddleston"s Marriage Proposal?!

In case you somehow haven’t heard, Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston are dating.

And unlike all the other times Taylor was totes serious about a relationship, this time she’s totes serious about her relationship, you guys.

Or at least she was.

In fact, just last week, it was widely reported that Swift was basically demanding that Hiddleston put a ring on it

Now, in a reversal of opinion worthy of Lucy pulling the football away from Charlie Brown, it seems the singer had a change of heart – after Tom got down on one knee.

At least that’s unlikely (though somewhat hilarious) story being told by Life & Style today:

“She feels bad because she’s the one who originally told Tom she wanted to get married, but now she isn’t sure what she wants,” a source tells the tabloid.

The insider says Hiddleston prepared a huge, elaborate proposal befitting, well, Taylor Swift and had assumed, given her ultimatum, that her acceptance was a sure thing.

Needless, to say, he was a bit shocked when Taylor (reportedly) responded with a tepid, “Umm…lemme think about it.”

“She ruined the whole surprise, which left Tom upset for obvious reasons. But he was also crushed that she was telling him she wanted to wait,” says the source.

Now it seems Hiddles has turned the tables by informing Taylor that he’s the one won’t be waiting around forever:

“He gave her an ultimatum about getting engaged,” the source says.

“She’s now telling everyone she’s made a ‘decision to make a decision’ by the end of August. She knows she either has to get engaged or leave Tom.”

Expect Taylor’s angsty new album Decision to Make a Decision sometime this week.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Taylor Swift Meets Tom Hiddleston"s Mom in More PR Pics

Earlier this week, Taylor Swift seemingly moved her romance with Tom Hiddleston forward 100 steps when she introduced her new bae to her parents in Nashville.

“Insiders” claim Taylor thinks Tom’s “the one” and “wouldn’t waste her mom’s time” if she wasn’t serious about him.

Now, Tom is returning the gesture by taking Taylor to Suffolk, England to meet his mother for a whole new round of staged pics.

Tom and Tay hold hands on the beach as his mum Diane likely asks, “Am I walking at the proper angle for the cameras, love?”

This relationship seems to be accelerating at breakneck speed, and we might not be so skeptical of its veracity if the two weren’t so stinking obvious about it.

It’s been barely a month since Taylor confirmed her breakup with Calvin Harris and went public with Hiddleston.

The love triad has been an obsession with the gossip world, and all three appear to be baiting the tabloids by flaunting the intimate details while pretending to be coy.

I mean, paparazzi just happens to be hanging out on the beach in Suffolk? And on Rhode Island, where the first pics of the two were shot? Please.

Taylor and the British actor were also recently spotted dancing and cuddling at a Selena Gomez concert, where they knew camera phones would capture any signs of PDA.

Last week, Calvin apparently tried to shed some light on the case by claiming his ex “controlled the media and this situation,” stating that he “had no idea what was going on.”

But the DJ’s little mini-rant on Twitter only brought more attention to the publicity stunt.

Taylor has bashed the media on numerous occasions for focusing so heavily on her love life.

Perhaps we’re all just part of a little experiment she’s conducting, after which she’ll pop out from behind the shadows and shout “A-ha!” or “Gotcha!” or some such.

Pairing a superstar with a rising star is a classic PR move, and Hiddleston’s management scored big time.

While he’s enjoyed supporting roles in the Avenger films and a few period pieces, Hiddleston is a relative unknown and rumored to be the next James Bond, so it sounds like someone needs his good name pumped up in anticipation.

Maybe I’m just cynical. It’s possible Taylor and Tom have fallen head over heels in love within a few short weeks and Calvin has been left scorned.

But frankly, everything about this new romance kinda makes me wanna upchuck, and I find it offensive that Taylor and Co. think we’re dumb enough to believe it.